The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 779: In this life, no longer owe each other

After playing two customs clearance at Fatty's house, Zhao Ping'an just left.

This time, Zhao Pingan still did not return to the martial arts hall. He walked through the streets and went to a relatively hidden flower shop. He spent more than 100 yuan and wrapped a bunch of beautiful roses.

Then, Zhao Pingan went straight to a nursing college in Lu'an, where his girlfriend went to school.

Originally, Zhao Ping'an also went to school here, but family affairs forced him to drop out of school.

When he arrived at school, looking at this familiar place and the familiar scenery, Zhao Ping'an couldn't help but feel deeply moved.

He bypassed the playground and came downstairs to his girlfriend's dormitory. When he used to go to school, he often waited for his girlfriend here, but this time he came here again, his mood was completely different from before.

"Huh, Zhao Pingan?" A voice interrupted Zhao Pingan's thoughts. He turned his head to look and saw several girls standing behind him.

Zhao Ping'an smiled awkwardly. These girls were the roommates of his girlfriend, who were familiar with them before.

"Hello..." Zhao Pingan paused slightly and said in a low voice, "Is Min'er here?"

"Are you looking for Min'er?" a girl curled her lips and said, "Then you came to the wrong place. Min'er rarely comes back."

"Then where did she go?" Zhao Pingan said in amazement.

"Of course I went to accompany her boyfriend." The girl looked contemptuous: "In recent months, she hasn't come back to sleep at night. The number of times she goes back to the dormitory is simply pitiful."

Zhao Ping'an's complexion was slightly low, of course he knew what was going on. Today, at the door of Hu's house, he saw his girlfriend Min'er getting in the car of Hu's man, and he knew what was going on.

But he didn't expect that this weekday was extremely conservative. He talked for a year, but his girlfriend who had never kissed her mouth would become like this.

How long did they break up? She talked about her boyfriend again. The question is, she actually stayed with this boyfriend all night, is this still the conservative girl?

A girl saw Zhao Pingan’s expression, sighed, and said: "Ping An, don’t think about it. Anyway, you have broken up, I think, Min'er is not suitable for you, so don’t take it too seriously! "

"What have you broken up? Didn't you two break up for more than a month?" The girl next to him immediately said, "But, do you know when Min'er started staying away at night..."

"Ke Ke, stop talking..." The girl next to her hurriedly tugged at her sleeves, but the girl named Ke Ke said in an annoyed way: "Why don't you tell me? Zhao Ping An is so kind to her, but what did she do? There is no such kind of unkind person! Ping An is our classmate. When we were in school, if we took care of us, you would bear the heart that he kept in the dark?"

The girl stopped talking, Ke Ke looked at Zhao Ping'an and said, "Let me tell you this, Min'er didn't go back to the dormitory to sleep on the third day after the incident at your house happened."

Zhao Ping'an felt a pain, the third day? The day after his father's incident happened, he went to meet the Hu family, and Min'er was with him at the time.

In other words, the day after Min'er saw the Hu family, the two hooked up and never came back to sleep?

No wonder Min'er was so indifferent to him during that time and even broke up directly afterwards. He didn't think so much at the time, and felt that he had no future and would delay Min'er, so he agreed.

Now it seems that this is not the case!

The girl murmured comfortingly: "Peace, don't care too much. In fact, Min'er treats you very well, or she was deceived..."

Koko immediately said: "Cheat? Huh, it's an adult. I lied to you once. Can I lie to you ten times and twenty times, fifty times and sixty times? She hasn't returned to the dormitory for more than two months to sleep. I said she was cheated?"

The girl opened her mouth and couldn't speak, she could only sigh in a daze.

Ke Ke looked at the flower in Zhao Ping'an's hand and sighed: "Ping'an, you are an honest person and a good person. I don't want you to indulge in this way anymore. This woman is really not worthy of your love!"

Zhao Ping An did not speak because he did not know what to say.

When he saw Min'er and the Hu's family in the morning at the Hu's family, he thought it hurt enough. But now he knew that the real pain had just come.

At this moment, a car suddenly roared in the distance, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Everyone looked at it, and the Koko immediately stared and said: "Oh, today the sun has come out from the west, and she is back!"

Zhao Pingan immediately turned his head to look, and saw a Porsche quickly rushed downstairs to the dormitory. It was the dude of Hu's who drove, and Min'er was sitting in the co-pilot, smiling brightly, as if very happy.

When the vehicle stopped, Min'er saw Zhao Pingan who was standing downstairs in the dormitory. Her face suddenly became cold, as if she had seen the **** of plague.

"Forget it, I won't go back to get things, let's go!" Min'er said to the man next to him.

The man also saw Zhao Ping'an, and smeared a sneer on his mouth: "What are you doing? Afraid of him?"

"I'm afraid of him? I just don't want him to be entangled!" Min'er said immediately.

"It's okay, I'm here. If he dare to entangle, I even killed him, let him go to the funeral of his dad!" the man laughed.

A smile was wiped from the corner of Min'er's mouth: "You, you just have a bad temper!"

"Don't you just like me bad?" The man chuckled, and looked at Min'er wickedly.

Min'er smiled knowingly: "Then I'm going down, you have to help me stare!"

"Don't worry!" The man proudly said, "This is Lu'an City, the place of my Hu family. Who dares to fight against my Hu family!"

Min'er looked admired, opened the car door, glanced at Zhao Ping'an, and said coldly, "What are you doing?"

Zhao Pingan took a deep breath, handed the rose in his hand to Min'er, and whispered, "Give it to you!"

"What are you doing here?" Min'er didn't answer at all: "Did you forget that we have broken up, it doesn't matter anymore. Can you stop struggling, you just do it, it just makes me feel sick!"

Zhao Pingan pushed the rose in his hand forward again, and said softly: "I know, we have broken up. However, I promised to give you a bouquet of roses. If I said, it must be To do it. This bunch of flowers is for you. From now on, I won't owe you anything! We, no longer have any relationship!

After Zhao Ping'an finished speaking, he squeezed the flower in Min'er's hand directly, turned and ran without looking back.

The eyes of the girls next to me were moist, but Min'er had a look of disgust, threw the roses on the ground, stepped on her feet bitterly, and tweeted: "It doesn't matter, who is disgusting!"

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