The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 777: The price is your life

Fu Dewei's complexion changed sharply, and he said angrily: "Brother Hu, this is a matter between me and the Hu family. What does it have to do with the Dewei Martial Arts Hall? Brother Hu, as an expert in the Hu family, would not do this kind of anger towards others. Things?"

"I was too lazy to pay attention to the Dewei Martial Arts Hall, but unfortunately, you, the people of the Dewei Martial Arts Hall, don't seem to respect my Hu family!" The man said coldly, "I heard that there is one called Zhao Pingan. Yes, still insulting my Hu family behind? Is there such a thing?"

Everyone immediately looked at Zhao Ping'an, Zhao Ping'an suddenly became anxious: "When did I insult the Hu family!"

"You were insulted when you were in front of us before, do you still want to deny it!" The big brother said immediately.

"Chen Yuan!" Fu Dewei exclaimed.

The man lowered his head in fright, and the man from the Hu family directly said coldly: "The master Fu is so powerful! Why, still want to use his own identity to reverse black and white?"

Fu Dewei gritted his teeth and said: "Brother Hu, this is nothing. How could Ping An, a child with a docile personality, insult the Hu family? These people are simply lying to you!"

"I don't bother to care about these nonsense!" The man said directly: "Fu Dewei, you want to protect your apprentice, well, I will give you a chance. Tonight, at Beiwan Villa, we will invite all members of the martial arts gym in the city to the scene. At that time, everyone will meet with martial arts. Those who can beat my Hu family in three consecutive games can leave on their own. If they lose, either cooperate with my Hu family, or they will give up their martial arts and stop mixing anything. Tonight , You can come to the competition, and if you win, I won’t hold you accountable anymore, how about it!"

Fu Dewei's complexion changed. The Hu family wanted to force everyone to take refuge in the Hu family. They set up such an arena, so is it necessary to say, who of these martial arts gyms in Lu'an City can beat the Hu family in three consecutive games?

"Master Fu, remember to arrive early!" The man smiled: "If you don't come, then you little apprentice, you won't survive tomorrow."

After the man finished speaking, he laughed and led people away.

Everyone in Dewei Wuguan looked at Fu Dewei and then at Zhao Pingan next to him. Everyone fell silent.

Zhao Pingan's face was pale, and he whispered: "Master, don't go tonight..."

Fu Dewei waved his hand and sighed softly: "If you don't go, it's impossible."

Fu Qinglan cursed: "Zhao Ping An, you are satisfied now. You caused the trouble yourself, but you kidnapped my dad. Do you have to kill my dad?"

"Qinglan!" Fu Dewei drank Fu Qinglan and sighed: "This matter has nothing to do with Ping An. The Hu family has made up their mind to swallow all these martial arts gyms in the city. Even if there is no Ping's one. They will use other things as an excuse to force me to go. This time, I can't run away!"

"That's why Zhao Ping'an made people grasp the handle, so there is such a thing!" Fu Qinglan said angrily: "Zhao Ping'an, can you be more mindful in doing things? The Hu family is waiting to catch our handle. Do you still dare to insult the Hu family? You have the ability to insult the Hu family, so you can solve the matter by yourself? If you are quick to speak, let my dad solve it for you in the end?"

Zhao Ping'an lowered his head, his expression was extremely gloomy, and he blamed himself very much in his heart. Knowing this a long time ago, he wouldn't involve the Hu family anymore.

"Qinglan, don't say anything." Fu Dewei waved his hand weakly: "You go down first, safe, you come in with me."

"Dad..." Fu Qinglan still wanted to speak, and Fu Dewei interrupted her directly: "You go to find your mother behind, and you don't care about these things."

Fu Qinglan looked at Zhao Pingan, then at Fu Dewei, and stomped away angrily.

Zhao Pingan followed Fu Dewei into the inner room, and after a while, he walked out again with red eyes.

Su Yang stood in the courtyard with his hands on his back, as if looking at the scenery. Seeing Zhao Ping'an come out, Su Yang smiled slightly: "Is the matter resolved?"

Zhao Ping'an only remembered now that he also brought a guest. He quickly wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, and said embarrassingly: "Mr. Su, I'm sorry, it's a waste of your time."

"It's okay." Su Yang smiled.

"Or, let me find someone else to give you a tour guide." Zhao Ping'an said: "What happened today, I really...really can't go away..."

Su Yang stared at Zhao Pingan for a while, and said softly, "Your master asked you to leave Lu'an City?"

Zhao Pingan couldn't help but stunned, and said: " do you know?"

"Guess." Su Yang smiled: "You master, you are really good to you."

Hearing this, Zhao Ping’an with tears in his eyes again, and said in a low voice: “Master gave me a card and asked me to leave Lu’an with my family immediately. He...he wouldn’t let me stay. I know, Master. It’s for my own good, but can I just leave?"

"So?" Su Yang whispered: "Are you going to send your family away, and then stay here with Master by yourself?"

Zhao Ping'an was dumbfounded, this was indeed what he thought in his heart. But the question is, how did Su Yang know?

Su Yang smiled softly: "You are a filial son. No matter to your mother, your family, or your master, you can have a clear conscience!"

Zhao Pingan's face was reddish, and he sighed: "If I don't have the ability, it's the greatest guilt. If I can really have strong strength, Master doesn't need to be like this, I'm still too incompetent."

"What if you can have some skills?" Su Yang suddenly laughed.

"Yes...what's the ability?" Zhao Ping'an was stunned, not understanding what Su Yang was talking about.

Su Yang smiled lightly and said something softly.

Zhao Ping'an was stunned. The words Su Yang said were exactly the words that were transmitted to him just now.

He had always thought it was the guidance of the gods, but now he knew that it was not the gods, but Su Yang told him.

He stared at Su Yang with wide eyes. After a while, he suddenly bent down and knelt down to kowtow to Su Yang.

However, as soon as he squatted down a bit, he was supported by a force, and he couldn't kneel down.

"God..." Zhao Pingan's voice was trembling.

Su Yang smiled and waved his hand: "I'm not a god, I just know some small secrets. However, I have a secret, or I can help you defeat the three of the Hu family!"

Zhao Pingan's eyes lit up, and he said anxiously: "Please help me!"

"This method can defeat the three of the Hu family, but the cost is not low!" Su Yang said softly: "The cost is your life, are you still willing to do it?"

Zhao Pingan was stunned, the price was really high.

"It must... must be like this?" Zhao Ping'an whispered.

"Pour power into your body, and use power at the cost of consuming your body. In three games, your body will be completely destroyed and you will lose your life!"

Su Yang looked at Zhao Pingan: "Now, do you still want to use this method?"

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