The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 760: Debt collection

A laundry shop not far from Hu Yong's house in the old house in the western suburbs.

Hu Yong's cousin was sitting in the shop, and a man with a scorpion head came in at the door with a look of indignation.

"How's it going?" my cousin asked immediately.

"I didn't see anyone, knocked on the door, and no one answered. The neighbor said that he didn't come back last night!" The man said angrily. This man is Hu Yong's cousin.

"I haven't returned all night?" The cousin's eyes widened immediately: "What do they want to do? They want to escape? This is really the case. Can a monk run away from the temple? Is he short-sighted?"

The cousin frowned and said solemnly: "They can't run, but it's probably a bit difficult for them to take out 13 thousand at a time."

"What's so difficult!" The cousin said immediately: "They take out ten thousand three at a time. Isn't it difficult for us to take out ten thousand? Is your brain kicked by a donkey? You really want to pay for it yourself. Wansan?"

"How is that possible!" The cousin immediately waved his hand: "I'm just worried that they will deny it."

Having said this, my cousin was a little guilty and whispered: "You said, what if Zhang Aiyun refuses to admit it? After all, I accidentally broke that dress..."

"Shut up for me!" The cousin said anxiously: "You are letting others hear, this is 13 thousand..."

The cousin's complexion changed sharply and immediately shut his mouth.

The cousin took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice: "She can't do it without acknowledging the account. I insist that she did it, and there is no witness. What else can she do. Besides, your cousin is also a useless, don't be afraid of them. !"

The cousin nodded slowly, and a sneer flashed in his eyes: "Let them lose 13 thousand, but also can excuse to deduct her salary this month by the way, it will kill two birds with one stone!"

"That must be!" The cousin was also smug, and said with a sneer: "What are you still doing, hurry up, go downstairs to his house and stare. When they come back, I will immediately go and ask for money, don't let them run away! "

"Good!" Cousin ran out excitedly.

When he came downstairs to Hu Yong, his cousin just saw a woman knocking on Hu Yong's door. He was surprised and walked over and said, "Hey, what are you doing?"

"I am a teacher at Hu Xiaojie's school!" The woman said directly.

"Teacher?" Cousin was surprised: "Why is the teacher here?"

The woman said angrily: "Hu Xiaojie owes tuition for two months and has not participated in various activities. He has been absent from school in the past two days. The principal scolded me for a dog-blood spray. I came to his house to collect the tuition!"

My cousin couldn't help but stunned, did all those who want the bill get together?

"Do you know this family?" the woman frowned.

"How can I, don't know!" the cousin immediately smiled.

The woman sipped: "I have never seen such a shameless person who went to kindergarten and still owed tuition fees. Do not participate in any activities, what kind of kindergarten? Just take home and teach yourself!

"Yes, yeah." The cousin echoed by the side, without the intention to speak for his cousin at all.

"I don't believe it. They can't move because of the tuition fees for these two months!" The woman sat down angrily and said angrily, "I will wait until they come back today!"

"There is a good show to watch." My cousin sneered in a low voice, sitting opposite the woman and waiting.

Not long after, footsteps came from the stairs and Hu Yong's family of three returned.

Coming out of Wanhu Manor last night, Su Yang and Hu Yong didn't have a lot of fun, so they went to the city to drink again.

Zhang Aiyun and Xiaojie stayed in the presidential suite of a five-star hotel for the first time last night. But Su Yang and Hu Yong drank until the early morning when Hu Yong was too drunk to get up.

Therefore, they did not return overnight and only came back this morning.

Seeing Hu Yong, his cousin’s eyes lit up, and he dashed up and said loudly: "Hu Yong, you still have the face to come back? I thought you were all running away, so I didn’t dare to come back. What? Didn’t bring them all, are you going to come back and bring all the things in the house before no one is paying attention?

Hearing the sound, the woman also ran over and stared: "Hu Yong? Are you Hu Xiaojie's parents? You really made me easy to find. You owe two months of tuition, totaling 1,700 yuan. , Can you still pay? When a child goes to school, does the school have to urge the tuition?"

Hu Yong was initially confused, but when the two men attacked him, he was a bit at a loss.

Zhang Aiyun did not drink, but was very sober. She is now more confident and walked over and said: "Teacher, we will give you the school money in a while. I'm really sorry, let you come here in person!"

"Needless to say it's so polite, I must come here in person." The woman said with a cold face, "I'm here this time, not only to collect tuition, but also to inform you. Starting today , Your son doesn’t need to come to our kindergarten anymore."

"Huh?" Zhang Aiyun was immediately stunned and said anxiously: "Why? I...I will pay you the tuition right away, so I won't be in arrears in the future!"

"Is it all right if the tuition is not in arrears?" The woman stared: "We are a high-end kindergarten with high standards. Every child who goes to school here has very good qualities. Don't say your son is in arrears. Not participating in any activities is completely inconsistent with our kindergarten education philosophy. How can such a person continue to be kept in our kindergarten? This is simply an insult to our kindergarten!"

Zhang Aiyun was stunned. In fact, she didn't want her son to participate in those activities, but those activities were too expensive.

In fact, she also understands that this so-called activity means that the school makes an excuse to make money. Every activity, ranging from a few thousand to tens of thousands, the school earns most of it. Their family conditions do not allow them to participate in these activities.

On the other side, cousin Hu Yong also leaned over and sneered: "Don’t worry, I’ll interrupt. Yongzi, let the tuition aside in advance. You can take care of me first. Your wife washes people’s clothes. It’s broken. That piece of clothing is 13 thousand. You have to pay for this money!"

The woman suddenly became anxious and said, "Hey, how are you like this? Can you talk about a first-come-first-served one? If you didn't see me, you have to deal with it, and it should be dealing with my business!"

"You come first? I came yesterday, are you comparing with me?" Cousin stared.

"You, how can you rob a woman?" The two immediately quarreled, and they rioted at this door in order to ask Hu Yong for money.

At this time, the doors of many rooms upstairs and downstairs were open, and many people around were watching the excitement. Everyone laughed and teased from time to time, just watching the jokes of Hu Yong's family. Some people even ridiculed them occasionally, and the scene was extremely chaotic.

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