The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 757: The rich become the pauper

Amidst the scolding of the crowd, Director Lin knelt on the ground, begging constantly, just wanting Su Yang to spare him his life.

Su Yang ignored it, holding the wine glass slowly, tasting it carefully. And Shen Jingan has sent someone out to investigate according to the position Su Yang said.

The criminal evidence of Director Lin must have gone away.

Su Yang was not in a hurry to kill him so quickly, he wanted to ruin Director Lin first, let him fall to the bottom and suffer the retribution he deserved. Then, kill him again, this is the real reward!

Not long afterward, a group of people rushed back. These people were those who went to buy the company of the old company.

The leader was Manager Wang, who came over with a look of excitement: "Master Su, Patriarch, Lao Fang’s company has been acquired."

"Oh!" Shen Jingan nodded with satisfaction: "How much did it cost?"

"It didn't cost much!" Manager Wang smiled: "All down, less than 6,000 yuan."

"Huh?" Shen Jingan was taken aback, everyone in the audience was also taken aback, what's the situation?

The Lao Fang is also confused, he has several companies, worth one or two billion is definitely no problem. He was still fortunate, even if he really didn't have the company, at least it was bought by someone, he still had money left.

However, the six thousand dollars bought his company, what kind of situation is this?

Could it be that the Shen family relied on their power to oppress him and force him to sell this company at a low price?

However, this is not right. He is still here and has not received any news. Why is the company gone?

"What's the situation?" Shen Jingan asked in surprise.

"That's it." Manager Wang smiled: "We found that his companies had a few non-performing loans. This old party has been operating through relationships, so it has not been resolved. Therefore, we found these banks, At that time, they used company mortgages. We bought these companies from the bank."

"That wouldn't be six thousand yuan?" Shen Jingan said strangely.

Manager Wang smiled and said: "It took a lot of money to acquire the company, but after we acquired the company, we mortgaged the company and lent the money back. The front and back are costs, labor, and 6000 yuan."

Shen Jingan smiled. Although Manager Wang said it was very simple, he knew that the operation here was definitely not that simple.

It was the Shen family who came forward to do this, but it was not so easy to change to someone else. Aside from other things, just because of these procedures, I don’t know how long it will take to run down.

When the Shen family did this, there was no need to care about it. With the power of the Shen family in Jiangnan Province, these things don't need them to bother, but those people are rushing to help them!

The Lao Fang was dumbfounded. He opened his eyes wide and said: "What does this mean? company is gone, and you only gave me six thousand yuan?"

"Boss Fang, I think you have misunderstood." Manager Wang smiled and said: "I just said that these six thousand yuan are all labor costs, and they have not been charged to your company's account."

"Huh?" Lao Fang was dumbfounded: "Not even six thousand yuan?"

"Not only that!" Manager Wang smiled: "Your company is not enough to repay all debts, so your personal account has also been sealed, including your private property. In my estimation, after this matter is over, you probably There are still a few pairs of underwear left. Boss Fang, it’s almost cold this day, you have to find another way out quickly, don’t freeze it!

There was a burst of laughter at the scene, and everyone looked at Boss Fang like a fool.

Boss Fang was almost crying, his life's hard work has managed to get these companies up. In Wanhu City, he can be regarded as a figure of the rich. As a result, because of Su Yang's words, he has nothing left?

He has no doubt that the Shen family does have this strength, which can make him leave nothing.

But the question is, why is this?

Boss Fang felt like he wanted to die. He couldn't imagine that things would develop to this point tonight.

He just went to curry favor with Director Lin, just to clean up a small staff. With the support of Director Lin and the Wanhu Qi family behind him, he thought there was absolutely no problem with this matter.

But how he wanted it, the development of the matter would have reached this point.

The Wanhu Qi family was scared away, Director Lin was finished, and he was finished too.

As Su Yang said, he was not qualified to expel Hu Yong. Because, he has nothing!

With a puff, Boss Fang suddenly fell to his knees and said tremblingly at Su Yang: "Master Su, I...I know I was wrong, please forgive me, give me a chance, I...I really don't want to target You, Director Lin forced me..."

Su Yang didn't even look at him, and calmly said: "Boss Fang, I remember you said before that you want us to swim in Wanhu Lake? We have solved other things. Now, it's time to solve this problem."

Shen Jingan knew, and immediately waved his hand: "Come on, send Boss Fang to take a bath in Wanhu!"

The Shen family immediately rushed forward, ignoring the Lao Fang's cry for mercy, and threw him directly into Wanhu.

Although the weather was already hot, it was still a bit cold at night. The water in Wanhu Lake was also very cold, and Lao Fang fell into the lake and was only shivering from the cold.

The people all around were laughing and laughing. The man who had been yelling about throwing Su Yang into Wanhu finally reaped the fruit.

Zhang Aiqin saw her calf trembling, and she yelled several times just now to throw Su Yang into Wanhu.

Fortunately, Su Yang didn't even look at her at all. He walked slowly back to the private room, where Hu Yong is here, and Zhang Aiyun is also here.

Everyone is watching Su Yang. After tonight, the name of Master Su will resound throughout Wanhu City and even Jiangnan Province.

And people are still looking at the Hu Yong couple at the back. These people know very well that they can't get along with Su Yang. However, the Hu Yong couple behind are different. These are people from Wanhu City.

If you can have a better relationship with Hu Yong and his wife, doesn't it mean you have caught up with Su Yang?

Who is Su Yang? That's a heaven-defying figure who can make Wanhu Qi family bow their heads!

In full view, Su Yang picked up the wine glass on the table and said with a smile: "Everyone here is a person with a face and face in Wanhu City. I respect you!"

Without any hesitation, everyone picked up the wine glasses one after another, with excitement on their faces, as if they were very honored.

Su Yang drank a cup of Chinese wine, and everyone seemed to have practiced before, and immediately drank the cup of Chinese wine to show respect!

Putting down the wine glass, Su Yang smiled lightly: "Thank you for your cheers. I drank the wine. Su has something to do, and I want to trouble everyone here."

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