The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 743: Take this wooden lion apart and send it to the private room

Su Yang watched all this quietly beside him, and he could naturally feel the anger in Hu Yong's heart. However, he did not speak.

Changing to Su Yang's past character, he must have slapped him a long time ago.

But what should I do after playing? This Aegean is too much, it is always Zhang Aiyun's sister, Su Yang has to save some face for this sister-in-law.

Besides, for such a shrew who loves vanity and snobbery, why hit her?

At this moment, the waiter hurried over with the manager.

Seeing this situation, Zhang Aiqin suddenly sneered: "The third child, I advise you to take Xiaojie back a little bit. This kid casually took someone else's business card to pretend to be the uncle. The manager inside is not a fool, he must have a look. I can see it. In Wanhu Manor, you can't rub the sand in your eyes. I can't control if I hit you again!"

Zhang Aiyun looked embarrassed, looking at the nervous-looking manager, he was really worried. If Su Yang is really swollen face to fill a fat man, it is not just as simple as embarrassing. Wanhu Manor has a large backing. If they really make trouble, they will definitely suffer.

"Old Hu..." Zhang Aiyun quietly grabbed Hu Yong's clothes and motioned him to persuade Su Yang to leave.

Hu Yong shook his head at her. He didn't know whether Su Yang had anything to do with Wanhu City. However, after the incident on Huxin Island, Hu Yong believed that even if Su Yang had no connections in Wanhu City, no one would dare to provoke him.

What's more, Su Yang's confident expression didn't seem to be fake. Could it be that Su Yang has no way out in this Wanhu Manor?

The waiter and manager came out from the door, and the waiter pointed directly at Su Yang: "The manager, this is the gentleman!"

The manager immediately walked up to Su Yang, with a look of excitement and respect, and stretched out his hand respectfully and said: "Hello, sir, I am the general manager of Wanhu Manor, my surname is Wang."

Later, Zhang Aiqin and others were stunned, what's the situation? The general manager of Wanhu Manor has all come out, and is he so respectful to Su Yang? Damn it?

Zhang Aiqin looked at Su Yang even more. She really couldn't understand, does that business card have such power?

Su Yang didn't mean to shake hands with him at all, and calmly said: "I brought my comrade-in-arms and my nephew to dinner. I heard that you have no seats here?"

"Mister joked." Manager Wang said quickly: "It is the honor of our Wanhu Manor that you come to eat with us. Even if Wanhu Manor does not do business with anyone else, he will definitely entertain you Mr. You."

Manager Wang turned to the waiter and said in an unquestionable tone: "Immediately go in and let people free room 95!"

The waiter was embarrassed, and whispered: "The private room No. 95 was set by Mayor Zhou's son tonight. It is said that he arranged for some of his friends from other places to eat..."

"Let them go to another private room, this private room must be vacated!" Manager Wang said simply.

"Huh?" The waiter was stunned, and Zhang Aiqin and others were also stunned.

The private room set by the mayor's son, Manager Wang said to let them vacate it, or to vacate it for Su Yang? what is happening? What is going on with that business card? Manager Wang dare to offend such a prince because of a business card?

"What are you doing? Hurry up and make arrangements!" Manager Wang stared.

The waiter dared not speak much, and hurried in to make arrangements.

Su Yang had his hands on his back and his face was calm. This kind of thing happened as if everything was supposed to happen.

Zhang Aiyun Zhang Aiqin was stunned, even Hu Yong was shocked.

Hu Yong knew that Su Yang was able to fight and that Su Yang defeated the Qi family on Huxin Island. However, if you can fight back, you can fight back. Wanhu Manor is a place that relies on relationships and money. Does Su Yang have such a big face?

Manager Wang looked at Su Yang and said with a smile: "Sir, why don't we go in and sit in there. I'm sorry to ask you to wait outside for a long time."

"Yeah!" Su Yang nodded calmly, turned to Hu Yong, and smiled: "Brother Yong, sister-in-law, let's go in first."

Zhang Aiyun was stunned and didn't know what to say, Hu Yong reluctantly recovered, coughing dryly, and his voice was still trembling: "Okay, okay, Aiyun, go... go and hug Xiaojie, let's go in..."

Zhang Aiyun was confused and didn't know what Hu Yong was talking about. In the end, Hu Yong ran over and hugged Xiaojie.

Xiaojie is playing next to the guardrail. There are some woodcut little lions beside the guardrail, which are decorations. It looks very interesting.

The little guy looked reluctant and looked at Hu Yong innocently: "Dad, that little lion is so funny, can you sculpt some for me?"

"Ah..." Hu Yong looked confused and didn't know how to answer. Is this stuff so good? These wooden lions are said to have been carved by famous artists, and the wood used is difficult to buy for a thousand dollars. This is a very famous landscape in Wanhu Manor.

At this moment, Su Yang said: "My little nephew likes those wooden lions. You take them down and send them to the private room."

Everyone was dumbfounded. Zhang Aiqin looked at Su Yang as if he was a fool, and wondered if this kid was a fool? In the famous landscape of Wanhu Manor, a few wooden lions are said to be worth millions of dollars.

Moreover, it's not a question of money. The problem is that after removing these wooden lions, the scenery of the entire Wanhu Manor has changed. It feels like the signboard of Wanhu Manor has been demolished. Can this person do it?

However, just as Zhang Aiqin was mocking in his heart, Manager Wang simply picked up the walkie-talkie: "Lao Li, find a few carpenters, come and take down the pairs of wooden lions at the door, and send them to the 95th private room. Yes, you You heard it right, and I was right, it was these wooden lions, immediately, they brought someone to me to tear them down!"

Putting down the walkie-talkie, Manager Wang accompanied with a smile and said, "It's arranged, or, I will take you to the 95th private room first?"

"Okay!" Su Yang nodded.

Manager Wang walked in front, with a flattering expression: "Everyone, please here."

Su Yang turned to Hu Yong and Zhang Aiyun, and said with a smile: "Brother Yong, sister-in-law, go ahead."

Zhang Aiyun shivered with fright, did not dare to move her legs, and wondered if she was dreaming.

Hu Yong was more courageous. He took a step forward, hesitated a little, and said in a low voice: "Su Yang, kid, don't take it seriously, this wooden lion, don't...don't take it apart, it's expensive... "

"The first time I saw my little nephew, I didn't even take the meeting gift. Finally, he has something he likes. I am an uncle. If he is stingy, will he still have the face to call me uncle?"

Su Yang smiled and patted Hu Yong on the shoulder: "Okay, let's go in. Isn't it just a few wooden lions? If the little nephew likes it, you can demolish this Wanhu Manor and take it back to your home for decoration!"

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