The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 741: Wanhu Manor

Hearing Zhang Aiyun's words, Hu Yong was also stunned: "Lily's boyfriend, invite the eldest sister to dinner? Didn't Lily just go to high school!"

"Yes, I talked about a boyfriend, but the eldest sister also agreed. It is said that the family is rich." Zhang Aiyun sighed: "Elder sister, I have to teach the child sooner or later."

"Isn't this foolish? I just entered high school and I was fifteen or sixteen years old. Talking about boyfriends is a premature love. It doesn't matter if you teach, and it has developed to the point of meeting your parents?" Hu Yong said angrily: "The most important thing is She still feels very proud? What's so proud of? Is your elder sister's brain sick?"

"Don't talk nonsense!" Zhang Aiyun scolded: "Eldest sister just thinks realistically, nothing else. Don't say my eldest sister, can we change place tonight and not go to Wanhu Manor!"

"Why change places?" Hu Yong said: "Your eldest sister can go to Wanhu Manor, but we can't go to Wanhu Manor? What logic is this?"

"But, it's not suitable..." Zhang Aiyun whispered: "If she meets the eldest sister there, she will definitely have to ridicule again, saying that we don't have money to go to such occasions, which is embarrassing. When that happens, so many people. Look, that...that's shameful..."

"Don't worry, tonight, it will not be us who are ashamed!" Hu Yong said with a confident expression.

Zhang Aiyun was confused, and couldn't figure out where Hu Yong was confident. But in the end, she failed to convince Hu Yong, so she could only go to Wanhu Manor with Hu Yong.

The so-called Wanhu Manor is a hotel above Wanhu.

Wanhu is the most important tourist attraction in Wanhu City, and development here is strictly prohibited. A hotel that can be opened above Wanhu is naturally by no means ordinary.

This 10,000-household manor can be regarded as the most expensive hotel in Wanhu City. An ordinary deck can't get it without spending 20,000 or 30,000.

Although Zhang Aiyun had never been to Wanhu Manor, after living in Wanhu City for so many years, he still heard a lot about Wanhu Manor and knew that the consumption here was simply against the sky. Su Yang actually came here to invite them to dinner, which really surprised her. Su Yang didn't look like he was particularly rich!

Xiaojie didn't know these things. He saw the small attic on Wanhu Lake for the first time, and he was so excited that he forgot about the other things. He kept running around the small attic, cheering for joy.

Seeing Xiaojie happy, Hu Yong also smiled. They lived in Wanhu for a long time. They didn't even bring their son to Wanhu. It is sad to think about it now.

However, thinking about Su Yang's tactics against the sky on Huxin Island, Hu Yong felt a lot more comfortable.

Hu Yong didn't intend to ask Su Yang for help. In his opinion, the friendship of comrades in arms should not be mixed with these things. However, for the sake of his wife and children, he finally decided to come to Su Yang.

Face is important for a man to live his entire life, but face can actually be discarded for the sake of his wife and children.

Even if it makes people think that he is just a snobbery, and can let his wife and children live some good lives, he doesn't care about others' opinions.

When the two walked to the entrance of the loft, a waiter in a cheongsam came out immediately and smiled: "Hello, sir, do you have an appointment?"

Hu Yong had never been to such an occasion before, and he was obviously a little timid in the face of such a scene.

Not to mention Zhang Aiyun, clutching Hu Yong's arm nervously, she didn't even dare to say anything, her body still trembling from time to time.

The quality of this waiter is pretty good, and he smiled and said: "Two, if you have an appointment, you can quote the phone number or name of the appointment, and I will check it for you."

Hu Yong opened his mouth and summoned his courage: "You...check Su Yang..."

"Okay." The waiter smiled and nodded, took out the walkie-talkie and asked people to inquire. Not long after, a stunned voice from Hu Yong came over there: "No appointment."

The waiter nodded, put down the intercom, and smiled and said: "Sorry, sir, we can't find this Mr. Su Yang's appointment. Did you remember the time wrong? Our evening appointment will only be displayed at night. Did he make an appointment? Tomorrow, or some other time?"

Hu Yong looked confused and turned to his wife: "Is he talking about this?"

"I...I heard it here. Could it be that I heard it wrong?" Zhang Aiyun said embarrassingly, "Or...or let's go back first, maybe I heard it wrong, no... impossible It's here, it's too expensive..."

Hu Yong scratched his head, his head confused. Was Su Yang wrong, or Zhang Aiyun heard it wrong?

At this moment, Xiaojie behind suddenly shouted in surprise: "Auntie!"

The two turned their heads to look, and saw Zhang Aiqin, who was dressed up and dressed, walking over.

Xiaojie was ignorant and ran over immediately, but was pushed away by Zhang Aiqin.

"Don't touch me, my clothes are very expensive!" Zhang Aiqin pushed Xiaojie away disgustingly, glanced at Hu Yong and his wife, frowned and said, "What are you two doing here? Lily boyfriend is just Invite me to dinner. So many people will come together before it's time to take you, scaring people away."

After saying that, Zhang Aiqin glanced at Hu Yong: "Furthermore, even if you ask your family to come, you are not qualified to come. Are you rushing over in a hurry, are you going to shame my Zhang family?"

Hu Yong looked embarrassed and said solemnly: "We didn't come to eat your food, but my comrade-in-arms invited us to dinner!"

"Your comrade-in-arms?" Zhang Aiqin was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed: "Which comrade-in-arms? Just the one at noon? Invite you to dinner? Oh, this is a bit of a human touch. Why are you here for dinner? What are you spending here? , Don’t you have any compelling numbers in your heart? Is this a place you can afford to eat?"

Zhang Aiyun also looked embarrassed, and quickly said: "Eldest sister, Su Yang called. I picked it up. Maybe I heard it wrong and got the wrong location..."

"Even if you hear it wrong, you must at least have some logical thinking ability!" Zhang Aiqin curled his lips and said: "The third son, think about it for yourself, just how much mud he can't support the wall, his comrades, how many Money? Can I come to Wanhu Manor to invite you to dinner? Isn't this a joke?"

Zhang Aiyun lowered her head and didn't speak, but quietly took her husband's hand and looked at Hu Yong apologetically.

Hu Yong shook his head at her and took a deep breath: "Sister, don't bother you. Maybe we heard it wrong. I'll call him back and ask about the location again. You can do it first!"

"You shouldn't be here at all, it's embarrassing!" Zhang Aiqin said coldly: "Are you all pig heads? Don't even think about it, just the poor boy, who would run here to invite you to eat? I tell you this. Well, if he can set a deck here, I will call him uncle!"

As soon as Zhang Aiqin's voice fell, Su Yang's voice suddenly came next to him: "Brother Yong, sister-in-law, you are here!"

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