The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 718: You can't go in

Su Yang followed three groups of people into the Wanhu Qi Family Outer Courtyard. This woman was here for the first time and was not familiar with the situation here.

The other two groups, the two old men, have been here before, so they are very familiar with the situation here.

After walking through the deserted streets, everyone finally came to a courtyard.

The gate of the yard is very magnificent, and there are four people facing the gate, guarding the entrance. Obviously, it is not easy to enter this gate.

When everyone came here, the two old men walked directly over, and one of the old men said loudly: "I am Nantai Zhou Jiankun, and that person is Qingyuan He Lingwu. I am here to visit Huxin Island!"

The four people at the door glanced at everyone, and it was obvious that the names of the two old men were not in their eyes.

"Wait a minute." One of the men replied and entered the courtyard. After a while, he walked out with a middle-aged man.

The appearance of the middle-aged man was somewhat similar to Qi Yongan, with a hypocritical smile on his face, as if he was a smiling tiger.

He walked over and smiled away from the distance: "It turned out that it was Lao Zhou and Lao He who had missed the distance to welcome him. Please forgive me. In Xia Qi Shun'an, I don't know if you can help me?"

Qi Shunan's words made the He family and Zhou family proud. The Qi family's being so polite to them has already explained their status.

Zhou Lao didn't say it directly, that is, he came to visit the Qi family. And the person he was talking about, now in the Qi family's status is not low, is one of the many elders of the Qi family.

Qi Shunan's status in the Qi family is not particularly high, and he dared not neglect when he heard that, and quickly led everyone into the compound.

Entering this yard, the inside suddenly opened up. Inside this yard, it was not like a detached courtyard. Going through a small garden, and then passing through a corridor, you reach the lake.

There is a small pier by the lake. Several small boats are moored on the pier. This is the means of transportation to the island in the lake.

From here to Huxin Island, less than two kilometers away. For that kind of powerful master, flying past is not a problem. However, no one has done this before. After all, this is the Wanhu Qi family, and flying directly to Huxin Island is a kind of disrespect.

The Qi family has six gods and more than a dozen sages. Who dares to provoke such a powerful family?

Qi Shun'an took everyone to the lake and said in a slightly embarrassing manner: "Old Zhou, Old He, I'm really sorry. Our boat is out of the lake today, so there are not many left. There are so many of you, I am afraid there will be a few. Waiting here for a while, it can only pass in two batches."

The two old people didn't speak, and a middle-aged person from Zhou's family suddenly said, "I can't use it, our two families, these boats are enough."

"Huh?" Qi Shun'an was stunned. He always thought that there were only two groups of people. What the middle-aged people meant, could it be that there were no members of these two families?

The middle-aged man pointed to the woman and said, "They are not with us, Mr. Qi, don't get me wrong."

Qi Shunan frowned slightly, looked at the woman's side, and immediately smiled: "So, I misunderstood. Since they are not together, then Zhou Lao He Lao you are enough. Come on, give Zhou Lao He Lao. They arranged boats to go to the island in the lake first."

The two families walked to the lake triumphantly, not forgetting to turn their heads and glance at the women here, with triumphant sneers in their eyes.

Everyone on the woman's side looked cold. The captain took a deep breath and whispered to the woman: "It's okay. Let's wait a while. The ship is coming. We can go there again."

The woman nodded, but at this moment, Qi Shunan came over.

"You haven't consulted yet?" Qi Shun'an smiled.

The captain looked at the woman. After all, this was a woman's business. They were only hired.

The woman took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "My name is Zhu Guifen, I'm here to see the Qi family father!"

"I wish Guifen?" Qi Shunan smiled: "I'm sorry, I don't manage much in the Qi family, and I don't know many people. I don't know where Mrs. Zhu is from, and who is more familiar with our Qi family?"

Zhu Guifen gritted his teeth and said: "I am from Beiyuan, and I don't have anyone familiar with the Qi family!"

Qi Shunan's smile gradually faded: "Then why are you looking for my Qi family father?"

"I'm going to come to him to sue!" Zhu Guifen said angrily: "Your Qi Linfeng insulted my daughter. I want to ask your Qi family for an explanation!"

The smile on Qi Shunan's face was completely gone, replaced by some gloomy. He looked at the woman up and down, and said softly: "Mrs. Zhu, you have to be careful when you speak. People in my Qi family have always been the most disciplined. How could it be possible to do such a thing? Qi Linfeng is my Qi. The next generation of outstanding characters in the family, although they are young, they will not be able to do such a dishonest thing. By saying that, you are insulting my Qi family!"

Zhu Guifen was furious: "I insulted your Qi family? What I said is the truth. If you don't believe me, you can investigate. My daughter who was injured by Qi Lin jumped off the building to find her short sight. Although she was rescued, she is now in a trance. It is no different from death. Is it all made up by me? Your Qi family didn't do such a thing, so I will make up casually?"

"What do you want to say, then I can't control it." Qi Shunan's face was calm: "However, I believe that people in my Qi family will not do such things. Especially the next generation of outstanding figures like Qi Linfeng, let alone Do such a thing. So, I hope you can do it for yourself and stop splashing dirty water on my Qi family. Although my Qi family is kind to people, it doesn’t mean that anyone can step on our heads and insult us at will. !"

"How do you guys talk!" Zhu Guifen was anxious: "My daughter has become like this, and you still said I was making up? I made up, then why don't I tell others, why only to your Qi family People say?"

Qi Shun'an looked at the ceiling and curled his lips: "Who knows, maybe I think my Qi family has a big business, so I want to swindle the money!"

"What are you talking about!" Zhu Guifen screamed: "My daughter is about to be killed. Do I still care about the money?"

"It's your business to care if you don't care, I only believe in my Qi family, and I will never do such a thing!" Qi Shun'an said slowly: "So, I hope you don't mess around here anymore. Otherwise, don't blame it. We are not polite to you!"

Zhu Guifen was completely irritated. He roared and rushed towards Qi Shunan and yelled at Qi Shunan, "Why are you so stubborn? Why are you being rude to me? Okay, come on, anyway, my daughter is going to die, and I don’t want to live anymore. Kill me! Come on, your Qi family is so powerful, kill me!"

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