The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 648: They do things for me

The top ten families didn't know what Su Yang was thinking, but Su Yang knew exactly what the top ten families were thinking.

He smiled slightly and said softly, "In addition, I have one more thing to deal with."

Everyone looked at Su Yang together, Su Yang turned around, pointed at Lin Zhenshan, Lin Qing and Niuniu, and said loudly: "Patriarch Lin, Patriarch Cheng, you two, should you remember them?"

Before, Lin Zhenshan and the three were standing at the back, so Patriarch Lin and Patriarch Cheng did not see them at all.

Now seeing these three people, the Lin family chief Cheng family chief's complexion changed at the same time. Even among those from the Lin family and Cheng family they brought, many of them changed their faces, and everyone knew what had happened before.

And now, Lin Zhenshan and the three of them stood together with Su Yang, which is a very bad thing.

"Why? Recognize it or not, say something!" Su Yang said.

The two looked at each other, and the head of the Lin family coughed: "Acknowledge...I know, what is the relationship between Master Su and them?"

"They do things for me." Su Yang said softly.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone at the scene was in an uproar. When the Lin family and the Cheng family looked at Lin Zhenshan and the others, their expressions became extremely ugly. But those other people looked at Lin Zhenshan and others with some envy.

You know, Master Fang could only be regarded as a liar in the past. After following Su Yang and doing things for Su Yang, he changed himself and belonged to Su Yang's spokesperson. Patriarchs of those big families had to be polite to see him.

The Hou family was not qualified to enter the top ten families before, and after starting to work for Su Yang, not only entered the top ten families in Pingnan Province. He even won the first prize at the May Leading Conference and became a family that made rules in Ping Nan Ping Bei province.

It can be seen that doing things for Su Yang is actually a great honor.

It is a great honor for the three of Lin Zhenshan to do things for Su Yang!

But the Lin family and the Cheng family panicked. These three people worked for Su Yang. Then Su Yang wanted to avenge them?

With Su Yang's method, even the Qianjun was destroyed by Su Yang, and even the family suffered such a big loss under Su Yang's hands. Even Su Yang dared to use his own power to shake the entire top ten families in Pingbuk Province.

Under such circumstances, if Su Yang avenged Lin Zhenshan and the others, what should the Lin family and Cheng family do?

Patriarch Lin and Patriarch Cheng both wanted to vomit blood. Why did Lin Zhenshan, who had nowhere to escape, became Su Yang's subordinates?

Family Master Lin took a deep breath and hurriedly looked at Lin Zhenshan: "Zhenshan, it will be fine if you come back. Over the years, the family has been trying to find you. After all, you are a member of the Lin family. You finally came back. I decided to Return everything from your line to you, so that your line can regain its prestige in the Lin Family!"

Patriarch Cheng was stunned, and Patriarch Lin was shameless enough. Finding that the situation is not right, he immediately ran to play the family card. Should the Cheng family take care of everything?

"Master Su, my Cheng family actually doesn't intend to pursue the matter anymore." The Cheng family leader also said quickly: "Actually, think about it carefully, our Cheng family also has something wrong with that matter. These years, we have The Cheng family has always wanted to find a chance to say sorry to them, but I haven't seen them. I finally saw it today. My Cheng family’s sorry for being late can finally say it!"

After that, Patriarch Cheng looked at Lin Zhenshan and said sincerely: "Brother Lin, what happened before is really embarrassing. The Cheng family has done things a bit too far, and I have severely punished them. Of course, this cannot make up for your pain over the years. , But my Cheng family will definitely do my best to compensate!"

Patriarch Lin and Patriarch Cheng lowered their bodies and talked to Lin Zhenshan almost flatteringly. However, no one at the scene felt wrong.

Lin Zhenshan can stand beside Su Yang, and he has this identity, this qualification, and allows Lin Family Master Cheng Family Master to speak like this!

Lin Zhenshan's complexion turned red. After so many years, he had never thought that there would be such a day.

Over the years, his biggest wish is to be able to cure Niuniu and let Niuniu live peacefully.

This time I ventured back to Pingbei Province to save Niuniu. He came back with the determination to die. As long as Niuniu can be cured, he would be happy even if he died.

But he did not expect that such a thing would happen when he came back this time.

Not only was Niuniu's illness cured, but the most important thing was that he was able to stand in front of the Lin family and the Cheng family, listening to the Lin Family Master and the Cheng Family Master talking to him flatly, and apologizing to him.

In his entire life, he didn't even think that he could let big figures like Patriarch Lin and Patriarch Cheng apologize to him!

And now, it happened!

Lin Zhenshan looked at Su Yang gratefully with tears in his eyes. He knew that all of this was due to Su Yang. Without Su Yang, no one would apologize to them. Even if they are alive now, it is still hard to say!

"Things belonging to their line must be returned to them." Su Yang smiled lightly: "As for returning to the Lin family, then it's not necessary."

Family Master Lin's expression changed, but he hurriedly said, "Of course, after Zhenshan will work with Master Su, he will naturally not be able to return to the Lin family. We will send them things that belong to their lineage immediately. However, Zhen Zhen After the mountain, they are still members of the Lin family. All of them in this line are the most important members of our Lin family!"

Everyone at the scene secretly sighed in their hearts that Patriarch Lin's ability to see the wind is really extraordinary.

"Patriarch Lin should have misunderstood what I meant..." Su Yang said, "I wouldn't let them return to the Lin family because I was afraid that after they returned, they would be betrayed by the Lin family as before. The Cheng family had not yet When they came here, the Lin family themselves injured them first, and wanted to ask the Cheng family for credit."

Speaking of this, Su Yang leaned forward and smiled: "To be honest, Patriarch Lin, is your Lin family so afraid of the Cheng family? Because they are worried that the Cheng family is unhappy, they hurt their family members to please Cheng. Home? It is also the top ten families in Pingbei Province. Does the Lin family need to live so humble?"

Everyone laughed at the scene, but everyone in the Lin family was green and red. It is also a member of the top ten families, and everyone has arrogance in their hearts. When Su Yang said in public that they please the Cheng family, they were naturally aggrieved.

However, no matter how frustrated they are, they cannot deny this matter. When Lin Zhenshan was injured, they were indeed showing good to the Cheng family. After all, it was really not worthwhile to offend the Cheng family for Lin Zhenshan.

No one dared to say this before them before, and they have forgotten it for so many years. And now, Su Yang said in front of everyone that they could not escape this shame.

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