Fang Jing's complexion flushed and gritted her teeth: "I know you must believe him. There is nothing wrong with it. If you want to kill me, just do it directly. There is no need to charge me with these unnecessary charges!"

"Don't have it?" Su Yang sighed, "You really don't want to die before Yellow River. If that's the case, I'll find another witness!"

After Su Yang finished speaking, he turned his eyes to the crowd, and soon found a man curled up in the crowd.

Su Yang stretched out his hand and grabbed it in the air. The man flew up and landed in front of Su Yang.

"Tell everyone, what do you do!" Su Yang asked.

The man looked terrified and trembled: "I...I am Young Master Ling Qi's bodyguard..."

"Have you been to Xigu Village?" Su Yang asked.

The man's expression became even more flustered, and he quickly said: "I have been there, but...but I didn't participate in the murder... The killing is a later thing, when they went to kill later, I didn't go at all..."

"How did you get to Xigu Village?" Su Yang asked.

"Yes... Fang Jun took me..." the man said.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone at the scene clamored again. Does this need to be said, Fang Jun also mixed in, can Fang Jing say she doesn't know?

Fang Jing's expression changed sharply, and she shouted: "A liar, a liar, you just want to deliberately plant me. He is Ling Laoqi's subordinate. To harm me, he can say anything, but he can't believe it!"

Su Yang smiled lightly and looked at the man: "She said that you can't believe it? Are you lying to me?"

The man was trembling with fright, and quickly said: " dare I lie to you, what I said is true, I...I have evidence..."

The audience exclaimed again, if there is evidence, how can Fang Jing deny it?

"Really? Show the evidence!" Su Yang smiled lightly.

The man took out his cell phone and trembled: "The first time I went to Xigu Village, I thought the scenery was good, so I took some photos and videos. Inside...there is a video of Fang Jun leading the way. This...this is all evidence... "

There was a sudden uproar at the scene, and Fang Jing was also dumbfounded, and she could no longer refute it.

She originally thought that relying on her own sophistry, she would be able to confuse this matter, so that Su Yang could not find a reason to kill her. How she could think of it, this man even took a picture. This time is great, she can't deny it anymore.

"The first time you went to Xigu Village, what did you do?" Su Yang asked.

The man looked at Ling Laoqi and tremblingly said, "Fang Jing said that there is an elixir in Xigu Village, Qi Ye... Qi Ye asked me to go to the village to find them to buy this elixir. But I don’t know where Xigu Village is. , So... So it was Fang Jun who brought me in. After entering the village, Fang Jun... Fang Jun left, I... I went to talk to the villagers. But... But it didn't happen, the next thing, I ...I didn't mix it up..."

Su Yang looked at Fang Jing: "Now, what else do you have to say? Would you like him to show the photos?"

Before Su Yang could speak, the man immediately turned on his phone: "The photo is right here, I...what I said is true. If you don't believe me, you can look at the photo..."

Fang Jing's face was pale, her sharp teeth were all useless now. At this moment, she couldn't even say a word.

"Sophistry? Why are you not sophistry?"

"This is the first time I have seen a **** woman like you!"

"The duck has a hard mouth when it is dead, now you continue to have a hard mouth!"

Everyone scolded, Fang Jing lowered her head, this time she couldn't refute it at all.

At this time, Lao Lin supported the wheelchair and stood tremblingly.

Everyone stopped and looked at Lao Lin together.

"Fang Jing..." Lao Lin's face was as gray as death, and he said solemnly, "From the time when Xigu Village was wiped out, I have never doubted you once. Even if the army led people to chase me down, I always felt that you were compelled. For a long time, I have been hiding in the dark, and even my old captain wanted to help me, but I refused, because I was afraid of embarrassing you, afraid that you would lose this hard-earned life! Xigu Village is gone! I'm ruined too, but I don't want you to ruin it."

Su Yang stood by and sighed softly. No wonder Xie Tianlang talked about Lao Lin. It seemed that Xie Tianlang had met Lao Lin before. However, Lao Lin's stubbornness made Xie Tianlang unable to help in the end.

"When Su Yang told me that you told the secrets of Xigu Village to the Seven Great Clans, I didn't believe it at all. On the way, I was dreaming about whether you could prove your innocence and what Su Yang said. Everything is wrong. But the reality still makes me disillusioned."

Lao Lin sighed, he looked at Fang Jing and whispered: "You betray me, and I don't blame you. You want to kill me for your own happiness, and I don't blame you. If I die, you can be forever I don’t care about happiness."

Having said this, Lao Lin's breathing suddenly increased, and he said angrily: "But what is wrong with the people in Xigu Village, why did you kill them all?"

When Lao Lin said this, his voice was already trembling, and his eyes became blood red. He pointed to Fang Jing and roared: "Fang Jing, you killed hundreds of people in Xigu Village for your own selfish desires. Turn this pure land that once gave birth to you and nourish you into ruins. In your life, you can live comfortably. ?"

Fang Jing's complexion flushed red, her expressions changed several times in an instant, and finally she put on a pitiful look, tremblingly: "Lin, I... I don't want it, I... I really can't do it. You I also know the situation of my family. My family borrowed too much debt for me to go to school. We... we really can’t afford it. I can only do this to lighten the burden for the family. I don’t love this man at all. In fact, I love Yes, it has always been you..."

There was an uproar at the scene, and Fang Jing's words made people extremely disgusted with her.

When Lao Lin and the others just came in, Fang Jing's arrogant look was still deeply imprinted in everyone's minds. Is her favorite person Lao Lin? Haha, what a lie?

Su Yang said coldly: "Fang Jing, you are so shameless than I thought!"

"What do you know!" Fang Jing said loudly: "Do you really think I want to be with such a man? If it were not for my family, would I do such a thing? I just want to repay my parents and family, this Is there anything wrong? I'm just a poor woman who came out of the mountains and has no background. What else can I do besides relying on my body?"

"You want to repay your family, it's not wrong. You rely on your body, and it's not wrong." Su Yang said coldly: "However, you killed hundreds of people in Xigu Village for your own selfish desires. This is a big mistake. Up!"

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