The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 632: Did I let him go?

Lin Feng and Cheng Bingyan glanced at each other. They were just fortunate now. Fortunately, they knelt down and apologized in time!

These people at the scene were not so lucky. They yelled and cursed just now, treating Su Yang completely as a soil bun from the countryside. They were all arrogant and wanted to clean up Su Yang.

And now they discovered that Su Yang was not arrogant, not bragging, he was really qualified to see the Patriarch of the top ten families in Pingbei Province!

Among them, Zhou Jun Fang Jing Fangjun and others were the most shocked.

They were trembling with fright, and they didn't know what kind of character they had offended!

After shouting, Su Yang descended from the sky and returned to the hall to wait.

Even the young master was finally sitting in a chair with the support of others, but his expression became extremely ugly. He gritted his teeth and looked at Su Yang, and said angrily: "You...your name is Su Yang?"

"Yes!" Su Yang said calmly.

"You... Are you the Master Su of Pingnan Province?" Young Master Lian asked again.

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was in an uproar again.

Not many people know the word Su Yang. However, Master Su of Pingnan Province, there are many people who know.

"Master Su of Pingnam Province? God, he turned out to be Master Su of Pingnam Province?"

"It turned out to be him? No wonder he has such a strong strength!"

"My God, it's no wonder he dared to let the Patriarch of the Ten Great Families come to see him, he... he really has this qualification..."

Zhou Jun looked confused and asked the friend next to him in a low voice: "Who is Master Su in Pingnan Province?"

"Didn't you know each other?" The friend gave Zhou Jun a surprised look.

"I...I know his name is Su Yang..." Zhou Jun was surprised: "But, Master Su, who is it in Pingnan Province?"

"Don't you know?" The friend looked astonished: "The May Leading Club, with its own strength, defeated everyone, and the last master Su who won!"

"Huh?" Zhou Jun's eyes were almost staring out: "That Master Su? Then... Isn't that a master? Is this... How old is this Su Yang?"

"How do I know, but can you not believe what the young master said?" the friend whispered.

"I heard that Master Su from Pingnan Province is indeed not very old, as if he is still in high school!" Another person next to him whispered.

"Oh my god, that would definitely not be wrong. Apart from Master Su in Pingnan Province, who else can have such strength to defeat Master Lian with one move!"

"Damn, what the **** is going on? I just...I just said to kill him, this... isn't this looking for death..."

"It's all the same!"

Everyone was shocked and sighed constantly, all trembling with fright. Think about what I said before. Everyone has the urge to kill themselves. How did you get into such a big man?

Zhou Jun was almost crazy. He knew this was the case, so he wouldn't provoke Su Yang if he killed him.

You know, his grandfather has a good relationship with Su Yang, which in itself can be an opportunity.

He took the opportunity to have a relationship with Suyan, and apologized. The past matter may be resolved.

And if he could get Su Yang's support, then Zhou Jun would definitely be able to enter the first-rate dude circle in Pingbei Province.

The existences that he could only look up to in the past, it is estimated that he will have to come and flatter him in the future!

And now, Zhou Jun just wanted to vomit blood. What a great opportunity to be ruined by yourself?

Moreover, it is not the key to destroy it. The key is that he did not offend Su Yang this time. How would Su Yang deal with him?

Even the young master took a few breaths, and said in a deep voice, "Master Su is really good, and he has a set of pretending to be crazy, and even I was fooled. Humph, but don’t think you won the May Leading Club. You can act recklessly here. This is Pingbuk Province, and this is where my top ten families in Pingbuk Province make rules!"

"From today onwards, it is no longer the top ten families of Pingbei Province who make rules!" Su Yang replied coldly.

"You are so courageous!" Young Master Lian roared, "Do you really think you can do anything wantonly in Pingbei Province? I tell you, if you dare to be too much here, we can let you die here!"

"Is it a bit too light to hit you just now?" Su Yang frowned, "Should I just kill you?"

Even the young master's face was pale, and at this moment, a cold voice came from the door: "Who is so courageous to kill my grandson!"

Everyone turned their heads and looked around, only to see a group of people coming in from the door. Headed by the two old men, Lian Qianjun, the owner of the Lian family, and Huo Lao, the owner of the Huo family.

The person who spoke just now was Lian Qianjun, and he walked in with a ferocious expression on his face.

"Grandpa, grandpa..." Young Master Lian cried like seeing a savior, "This surnamed Su is really deceiving, and he doesn't put our top ten families in the eyes!"

"I know!" Lian Qianjun waved his hand, and a few people next to him hurriedly went to help Young Master Lian.

"Send Young Master to rest first!" Lian Qianjun said coldly.

Several people pulled Young Master Lien straight to go out. At this moment, Su Yang slowly said with a tea cup, "Did I let him go?"

Everyone was taken aback, and there was also an uproar at the scene. what is happening?

Even if Qian Jun personally wanted to take away Master Lian, Su Yang didn't even agree? Su Yang is too much, right? Is he going to fight Lian Qianjun to death?

Lian Qianjun's face was cold, he looked at Su Yang and said solemnly: "The surname is Su, I want to take him away, do you dare to say nothing?"

"Try it!" Su Yang said coldly: "Which foot he walks out of here first, I will abolish his foot first!"

"I want to see how capable you are!" Lian Qianjun roared, "Come on, **** the young master out!"

A dozen people from Lian's family immediately came up, guarding Young Master Lian and helping him out.

Everyone at the scene also shouted for a while, and many people were whispering.

"Is this Master Su's brain sick? Even if the Patriarch comes in person, he doesn't give face, isn't this looking for death?"

"He won the May Dragon Head Meeting, but it was just a battle between braggs. This is Pingbei Province, the territory of the top ten families. What does he want to do?"

"I don't believe it anymore, he can still shake the sky here?"

"Offend Patriarch Lian, I think he is tired of living and looking for death!"

"Hmph, no matter how strong you are, how can you fight more people?"

Among the people's ridicule, Master Lian was helped to the door by those people.

At this moment, a dark cloud suddenly condensed at the door, and lightning flashed in it.

Everyone didn't know what was going on, and even the first person in the family went out.

However, before the crowd escorted Young Master Lian out, a flash of lightning suddenly fell from the dark clouds, directly blasting on this person.

With a loud noise, this person was covered in pitch black, fell to the ground in black smoke, and died directly!

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