The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 629: Special relationship

Huo Qianfang also saw Su Yang starting to leave before recognizing Su Yang.

Seeing Su Yang, a sharp light flashed in her eyes. Ignoring everyone's surprised eyes, he walked quickly to Su Yang, grabbed Su Yang's arm, and said angrily: "What are you doing? Why did you run when you saw me?"

This situation caused an uproar at the scene, and everyone was shocked again.

Miss Huo's family, the most beloved eldest of Pingnan Province, and Huo Qianfang, who all the dudes are afraid of, actually got involved with Su Yang? What's the situation?

Even the young master's face suddenly turned pale, he gritted his teeth and frowned tightly.

He has been chasing Huo Qianfang, and has always regarded Huo Qianfang as a forbidden, but Huo Qianfang has never given him a good face. For such a long time, he and Huo Qianfang still kept a long distance, and there was no chance to get closer.

And what is the situation now, Huo Qianfang took the initiative to grab Su Yang's arm, this is a situation that Young Master Lian has never seen before? Is the relationship between these two so close?

Su Yang was even more embarrassed, and quickly smiled: "No, I...I'm going to the toilet..."

"Go to the toilet?" Huo Qianfang said coldly: "When you see me, go to the toilet immediately without saying hello? Who are you lying to?"

"How could I lie to you!" Su Yang smiled awkwardly: "I didn't see you just now..."

"Stop talking nonsense!" Huo Qianfang said coldly: "I said, you have to contact me when you come to Pingbei Province, why don't you contact me?"

"Uh, this...this..." Su Yang was dumbfounded. He was always very eloquent, but in front of Huo Qianfang, he couldn't say anything. No way, Su Yang was really afraid of Huo Qianfang last time about Pingnan Province.

"You just don't want to see me, don't you?" Huo Qianfang's face turned cold, with a hint of resentment in his tone, as if he was a deep-seated woman.

These words made everyone at the scene confused again, what is the situation?

The Huo family eldest, whom everyone sought after, Su Yang didn't even want to see her? What is going on here?

It is not easy for a character like Young Master to invite Huo Qianfang to dinner, but Su Yang still wants to escape Huo Qianfang. Why is there such a big gap between this person and this person?

Many people have already looked at Young Master Lian, and even Young Master's complexion has become paler, his eyes looking at Su Yang are already full of resentment. In this situation, his face was lost, and what made him resent the most was that Huo Qianfang's attitude towards Su Yang was much better than he was!

Fang Jun was even more stunned. He quietly approached his sister Fang Jing and whispered: "Sister, just said...that this is Miss Huo's family?"

"Yes...yes..." Fang Jing was also dumbfounded, and her answer was trembling.

"But, she... how did she know this kid..." Fang Jun looked at Su Yang, unbelievable: "Moreover, what is the relationship between them..."

Fang Jing couldn't answer. Even the young master was standing beside him. Huo Qianfang seemed to have a soft spot for Su Yang. What's the situation?

Could it be that Su Yang is better than Master Lian?

But how is this possible?

This is Master Lian, the eldest of the first family in Pingbuk Province!

It's not even better than a comrade of Lao Lin?

Fang Jing shook her head vigorously, telling herself that it was impossible. She is also unwilling to accept such a thing. If it is true, doesn't it mean that Ling Laoqi is by Lao Lin?

"It's not that I don't want to see you, this...this is mainly a small matter, I haven't finished it yet." Su Yang smiled embarrassingly: "I thought, when my business is finished, I will visit you specially."

Huo Qianfang stared at Su Yang for a while, as if trying to estimate whether Su Yang's words were true or false.

Young Master Lian walked straight over, reached out to pull Huo Qianfang's wrist, and said with a chuckle: "Qianfang, is this your friend?"

Even the young master saw Huo Qianfang grab Su Yang's arm and was jealous, so he stretched out his hand boldly.

Huo Qianfang's face was cold, and he avoided his hand directly, staring at him: "What are you doing?"

Even the young master's face was cold, this contrast made him even more embarrassed.

"Qianfang, you friend, you are very rude to our top ten families!" Young Master Lian said coldly: "You just called my grandpa by name, and you want your grandpa to visit him. Humph, I Are people from the top ten families in Pingbei province so bully?"

Huo Qianfang was taken aback and looked at Su Yang in surprise: "What are you doing to see my grandpa?"

"A little thing..." Su Yang replied.

"If you want to see my grandfather, just tell me, tell them what to do?" Huo Qianfang said: "I will tell him to come down in a while!"

Everyone at the scene was almost crazy, but that was the Patriarch of the Huo Family, the Patriarch of the Second Family in Pingbei Province. These people at the scene, even the young master wants to see him, are not necessarily qualified.

And now with Su Yang's words, Huo Qianfang is about to call down the Huo Patriarch. Is this more face to Su Yang?

You know, under normal circumstances, even if Huo Qianfang is really willing to let Su Yang see Patriarch Huo, it must be Su Yang to visit Patriarch Huo. This kind of Su Yang sitting here, like an uncle, waiting for Patriarch Huo to come down, how could this be possible?

Huo Fangcheng stood beside him and couldn't help being embarrassed. He coughed and said in a low voice: "Miss, uncle is upstairs, if he really wants to see uncle, he can go up and visit..."

"What to visit, let them all come over for a while!" Huo Qianfang stared: "He sees my grandfather, does he still need to visit?"

"Huh?" Huo Fangcheng was dumbfounded, and everyone on the scene was about to collapse. What was going on?

Why in Huo Qianfang's heart, if Su Yang wants to see Patriarch Huo, Patriarch Huo has to run down to visit him personally?

This Su Yang is young, what on earth has his abilities against the sky? It was not he who went to visit Patriarch Huo, but Patriarch Huo came to visit him? Why?

Even Young Master was extremely annoyed, and Huo Qianfang's partiality to Su Yang made him feel dull.

"Elder Huo is willing to come down, that is the matter of Elder Huo. But, my grandfather, how could this kind of person scream and drink!" Young Master Lian pointed at Su Yang and said angrily: "Boy, you dare to call me directly My grandfather’s name is disrespectful to my grandfather. As a descendant of the Lian family, I want to let you know today that I am the head of the family and I cannot offend!"

After that, Master Lian kicked the chair next to him directly, and said coldly: "You were still working here just now. You seem to have confidence in your own strength? Huh, I'll give you a chance now. You and I play singles. One game. If you can beat me, you can see my grandpa. If you lose, then you kneel in front of so many people and apologize!"

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