The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 618: All bow down

At this time, the Cheng family next to him finally couldn't help it, and pointed at Su Yang and shouted: "The surname is Su, don't deceive people too much. This is Pingbei Province, not Pingnan Province, and it is not something you can sprinkle at will. Place. I don’t believe it, you dare to kill my Cheng family, I..."

Before this person finished speaking, Su Yang shook his right hand, and a piece of soft sword flew directly from the ground. Su Yang flicked on the fragment, and the fragment quickly rushed towards the person.

"Be careful!" Hou Lao exclaimed, but it was too late at this time, and the fragments passed directly through the man's throat. The man opened his mouth and slowly fell to the ground.

At this moment, everyone in the Cheng family was suddenly shocked. They really didn't expect that Su Yang said that he would do it, and he really dared to kill the Cheng family!

This is Pingbei Province. Isn't Su Yang not afraid of the people of Pingbei Province at all?

In Pingbuk Province, Su Yang is not afraid to kill members of the top ten families in Pingbuk Province?

Su Yang looked at Cheng Bingyan coldly: "Kneel, or die?"

Cheng Bingyan's face was pale. As the proud girl of heaven, she had never encountered such a situation. Her peers are used to her, and her elders are pampering her. And now, Su Yang just appeared, and didn't put her in the eye, which made her feel very stunned.

However, she did not dare to resist. The death of that person just now has let everyone in the Cheng family know that Su Yang could really kill them if he didn't agree.

In this case, do they have other options besides kneeling?

After a long silence, Cheng Bingyan slowly bent down and knelt down.

When the other members of the Cheng family saw this, they all knelt down in front of Di Lin Zhenshan and others.

Lin Zhenshan's eye sockets are red. For him over the years, he can cure Niuniu's disease, which is all his hope. As for his daughter's hatred, he has no energy to think about it, and he doesn't dare to think about it. After all, that is the Cheng family, can he still get revenge?

And now, following Su Yang's side, he suddenly discovered that revenge is not without hope!

Now, the Cheng family are kneeling in front of them, and the descendants of the murderers who killed his daughter and son-in-law are kneeling in front of him!

"Shan'er, Jun Wu, have you seen it?" Lin Zhenshan shouted in his heart with tears in his eyes: "The Cheng family are kneeling, and the Cheng family are finally kneeling!"

Su Yang turned to Lin Shangwu, and said coldly, "What about you? Do you choose to kneel or die?"

Lin Shangwu's expression was extremely ugly. After Mr. Hou was defeated, he knew that this time the matter would not end well.

And now, the Cheng family is kneeling, do they have any choice?

Seeing the tragic death of the Cheng family, Lin Shangwu didn't dare to have any resistance. He sighed softly, and said in a low voice, "It is true that our Lin family did something wrong back then, and our Lin family should also say sorry to Zhenshan!"

Lin Shangwu said, bowing down now.

When the other Lin family members saw this, they couldn't stand anymore, and knelt down one after another.

For a time, people kneeling all around.

If someone comes to see this scene, they will definitely be frightened.

Among the ten largest families in Pingbei Province, two of them are kneeling here. The Cheng family, the Lin family, these people who are calling for the wind and rain in Pingbei Province, are now kneeling at the feet of Su Yang, how is it not surprising?

Su Yang's face was calm, his eyes swept across the crowd, and he said coldly: "I know that you are not convinced. It just so happens that I am going to the provincial city. If you are not convinced, you can go to the provincial city to find me, and we will solve it together. If you dare not find me, then let me hear clearly. Let the elders of your family, those who were involved in this incident, come to me and kneel down and apologize to the Niuniu family. Otherwise, wait for me to kill Come home, it’s not that simple to solve!"

Everyone bowed their heads and didn't speak, but they were secretly cruel in their hearts. Go to the provincial capital, do you have any hope of survival?

Su Yang naturally knew what these people were thinking, and he ignored these people, turned around and took Lin Zhenshan and others straight away.

Back in the car, Lin Zhenshan wiped away the tears from his face, choked up and said, "Master Su, thank you!"

Su Yang gently stroked Niuniu's hair next to him: "You don't have to thank me, I did it for Niuniu. Besides, they should apologize for what they did wrong!"

Lin Zhenshan looked at Niuniu, with a smile on her face: "Anyway, Lin remembers the kindness of Master Su. Although Lin is not strong enough, as long as Master Su has a word, Lin will absolutely I won't frown!"

Su Yang smiled quietly. He helped Lin Zhenshan and his family not only because of Niuniu. Another reason is that after Su Yang was attacked by Feng Wenchuan on Heshenshan, only Lin Zhenshan ventured into the water several times to find him. It can be seen that Lin Zhenshan really regarded him as a friend.

Since they are friends, Su Yang will certainly not just ignore them.

"Master Su, we are going to the provincial capital. Wouldn't it be inappropriate for you to tell them this way?" Lin Zhenshan was worried: "The Lin family and the Cheng family must be suffocated now. Go back for sure. They must find a way to get revenge. If we go over like this, they will definitely be ready to deal with us. We are fine if we die, but, Master Su, there is no need to cause too much trouble for this..."

"Trouble?" Su Yang smiled, "Do you really think the Lin family and Cheng family dare to come to me for revenge?"

"Huh?" Lin Zhenshan was stunned.

"If they really dare to come to me, then there is no need for these two families to exist! After the May Leading Conference, the top ten families in Pingbei Province are not so law-abiding. If the family is willing to be a chicken, I don't mind fulfilling them!" Su Yang's voice was flat, but every word contained murder.

Lin Zhenshan suddenly realized that, looking at Su Yang, he was shocked.

Su Yang actually wants to use these two big families to kill chickens and monkeys, what kind of self-confidence does this have? Is Su Yang really trying to stir up the entire Pingbei Province by himself? However, no matter how strong a person is, there are limits. Is it suitable for Su Yang to do this?

Lin Zhenshan took a deep breath. He didn't know why Su Yang had such confidence. However, he has already made a decision. No matter what Su Yang wants to do, he will desperately help Su Yang. Even if he knew he was going to die, he would follow closely!

Su Yang leaned on the seat, squinted his eyes slightly, and began to silently digest the three tricks that Hou Lao used just now.

The sword in the sleeve is nothing, the real magic is the second trick to scatter flowers. Shatter the soft sword and eject all the fragments. Each fragment is like a short sword. This trick is quite subtle.

If Su Yang hadn't had a secret technique like swallowing the world, he would have to dodge in embarrassment if he encounters this trick!

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