While Lin Feng raised his foot, a scream came from behind: "Stop!"

The speaker was Lin Shangwu. His injuries had not healed yet, but he rushed over at this moment.

However, he was a step too late after all. Before Lin Feng had kicked Su Yang, Su Yang had kicked it back and was kicking Lin Feng's chest.

Lin Feng flew upside down and hit an off-road vehicle behind him severely, knocking the off-road vehicle over.

The people who were still sneering at the scene were suddenly stunned. How powerful is this kick?

Someone hurried over to help Lin Feng, who was almost embedded in the off-road vehicle, his body was covered with wounds, his mouth and nose bleeds together, and it was obvious that even his internal organs were shocked.

Everyone was shocked again, but Lin Feng was the top five expert among the young generation in the provincial capital. In front of Su Yang, he couldn't even stop him? How is this possible?

"Lin Shao? Lin Shao?" The crowd exclaimed in unison: "How are you?"

Lin Feng staggered to get up, but after struggling several times, he couldn't get up. He finally gave up.

"Uncle, take revenge for...for me..." Lin Feng looked at Lin Shangwu, and said with a trembling: "Kill him, kill him! He dares to hurt our Lin family, this is provoking and killing our Lin family. ……kill him……"

Lin Shangwu's face was extremely cold. He took a deep breath, looked at Su Yang coldly, and said in a deep voice, "This little brother, is it too cruel to start? My nephew may have done something wrong, but neither You should be cruel. As the saying goes, forgive others and forgive others!"

Su Yang glanced at Lin Shangwu and said coldly: "I have been merciful, otherwise, he is dead now!"

Lin Shangwu's expression became colder, and he said in a deep voice, "In that case, should our Lin family still thank you?"

"Whatever!" Su Yang said coldly: "If you don't agree, you can come and fight me!"

Hearing this, everyone in the Lin family was immediately annoyed.

"You are so bold, do you know who this is?"

"This is the number one master of my Lin family. You dare to talk to him like this. Are you bored of life?"

"Looking for death, let's go up and kill this bastard!"

Everyone in the Lin family was noisy, and even some people rushed up fiercely, seeing that the posture was about to directly fight Su Yang in a group.

Lin Shangwu frowned and said in a deep voice, "Stop it!"

Everyone stopped immediately, and one of them was surprised: "Master Wu, this kid is too much, we will clean him up for you..."

"Shut up!" Lin Shangwu yelled angrily. He knew very well that Su Yang was very powerful. These people went up to clean up Su Yang, and that was also insulting themselves.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Shangwu looked at Su Yang and said solemnly: "Although I was injured in the River God Sect, I still have some strength. This little brother, are you sure you want to fight me?"

"It's boring to fight with you!" Su Yang turned his gaze to Cheng Bingyan in the distance, and suddenly reached out to the old man next to Cheng Bingyan: "I want to fight him!"

"Huh?" Lin Shangwu's complexion changed suddenly, frowning and looking at Su Yang, his expression on his face was uncertain.

He didn't know what Su Yang meant, so he went to challenge the old man beside Cheng Bingyan?

This old man was a master of the Cheng family, and his strength was stronger than Lin Shangwu. It's just that this person is not from the Cheng family, nor from Pingbei Province. He was invited by the Cheng family from other provinces, so he is not among the top ten masters in Pingbei Province.

Even if it was Lin Shangwu, he didn't dare to challenge the old man rashly, but Su Yang directly challenged him. What does this mean? Did he see the strength of the old man, or did he not see the strength of the old man?

Everyone in the Cheng family was also taken aback. They originally planned to watch the excitement here, waiting for the Lin family to resolve this matter. Unexpectedly, Su Yang actually transferred the matter directly to them.

According to normal logic, Su Yang can't manage the Lin family alone, and he definitely won't provoke the Cheng family next to him. But now the situation is completely beyond everyone's expectations. Is Su Yang planning to offend the two big families together?

"What do you dare to challenge Lord Hou?"

"Boy, do you want to die!"

"Do you really think that if you can defeat Lin Feng, you can challenge our Lord Hou?"

"Young people, I don't know how high the world is, but after all, he has to pay for his arrogance!"

Everyone in the Cheng family kept roaring, if it weren't for the moment Su Yang injured Lin Feng just now, I'm afraid someone would go up and clean up Su Yang.

Lin Shangwu didn't know what Su Yang was thinking, but he didn't speak any more. He was originally dissatisfied with the Cheng family's attitude of sitting on the mountain and watching tigers fight. After all, Lin Zhenshan's real enemy is the Cheng family.

But now, Su Yang simply moved the target to the Cheng family, and they would save trouble. Next, let's see how Su Yang and Cheng's family resolved this matter!

Cheng Bingyan frowned, and when she wanted to speak, the old man next to her spoke first.

"Young people, we have no grudges and no grudges, why are you challenging me?" The old man smiled and asked, "As the saying goes, the enemy should be settled and not be settled. If you walk in the rivers and lakes, if you can lose one enemy, you will be more safe!"

"It is true that I and you have no grudges, but the Cheng family and I have some things to solve." Su Yang said: "If you can guarantee that the things between me and the Cheng family are not mixed, then I will not challenge you. !"

The old man frowned slightly and said with a smile: "Little brother, as a guest of the Cheng family, the things of the Cheng family are mine. I'm afraid I can't meet the requirements of the little brother!"

"In that case, speak with strength!" Su Yang said coldly.

"I just don't understand, what is the grievance between the little brother and the Cheng family, must they be solved with fist?" The old man said softly, "I have not been in the Cheng family anymore. Seriously, I still have to I really don’t know, the Cheng family still has an enemy like a little brother!"

"I have no grievances with the Cheng family, but Niuniu's parents were killed by the Cheng family!" Su Yang said coldly, "I promised Niuniu that I would seek justice for her. So, Niuniu's matter , That's my business!"

Everyone looked at Niuniu on Lin Zhenshan's shoulder, the little guy didn't know anything yet, and was eating snacks.

The old man frowned: "Little brother, this is the grievance between my Cheng family and Lin Zhenshan. Are you sure you want to mix this matter?"

"I said, this is my business!" Su Yang said coldly: "Since it is my business, there is no such thing as mixing or not mixing. I must solve this problem!"

At this time, Cheng Bingyan finally couldn't help it, and shouted angrily: "What a big tone, is it really a bully for my Cheng family? I want to see how you can solve this!"

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