Feng Beiran's face was pale and angrily shouted: "Kneel down!"

Feng Yuantao froze for a moment, not knowing what happened. However, looking at the angry look on Feng Bei'an's face, he did not dare to ask, so he bit his head and knelt down.

"Uncle, what happened..." Feng Yuantao trembled: "If my nephew has done something wrong, please tell me and I will correct it!"

Feng Beiyan looked at Su Yang, and Su Yang drank tea slowly, obviously wanting him to handle the matter.

Feng Beiyan took a deep breath. He knew very well that this was Su Yang's opportunity. If things are handled this time, he will be fine. If it is not handled properly, I am afraid the Feng family will have another big shock.

"These two are your friends?" Feng Beiyan asked in a deep voice, pointing to Lao Zhou and the boss.

Feng Yuantao glanced at the two of them, and from their fearful eyes, he could basically understand what had happened. He gave the two men a vicious look, and whispered: "Uncle, can I just be regarded as meeting them? I'm not friends at all!"

"Not a friend?" Feng Beiyan said coldly: "Not a friend, they used your name to show off their power outside? Just now, they said, they want you to come and kill us? Do you usually help many people to kill people? Your friend, can you just call you to help?"

Feng Yuantao was almost mad, he finally understood what was going on. This can be regarded as a person sitting in the house, and the pot fell from the sky. For nothing, such a thing happened?

In fact, this kind of situation also happened quite a lot in Zifeng City. There are often people who know one or two people from the Seven Great Families, and the foxes are pretending to be prestigious. Even if such a thing happens, it is completely normal.

And this old Zhou and this boss did know Feng Yuantao. The relationship is not very deep, but the two have given Feng Yuantao a lot of respect, and Feng Yuantao has settled some small things for them before.

If things don't make much noise this time, Feng Yuantao will certainly help them.

However, who can imagine that these two men are so eyeless. It's all right for you to fight against others, but you don't see who the other party is? Insulted to the head of the Feng Family Patriarch, aren't you seeking your own death?

"Uncle, I am really unfamiliar with them, that is, I have met a few times. I really didn't know that they would stir up the wind and rain outside by my name." Feng Yuantao said quickly.

"Really?" Feng Beiyan glanced at Feng Yuantao coldly, and said in a deep voice: "It's not because I am here. You said that? If it's not me who is here today, but some other ordinary person. People, what would you do?"

"Uncle, I must still do this!" Feng Yuantao said hastily: "I have always kept your teachings in my heart!"

"Huh!" Feng Beixian snorted coldly, "Do you keep my teachings in your heart? Okay, then I'll ask you, what's the matter with Huaqing Street? I will let you manage Huaqing Street. The Huaqing Street that you managed? We came in for a meal, and these managers were going to hack us just because you mentioned your name? What kind of big person are you, you can't mention your name?"

Feng Yuantao was about to vomit blood, he didn't know that these managers also made this kind of thing.

"Uncle, this...I really don't know..." Feng Yuantao's voice was trembling. Even if he denies this matter, he can't get rid of it. After all, the administrators on Huaqing Street are all personally managed.

"I don't know?" Feng Beiran's expression turned cold: "I think you really think of me as an old fool. You don't know anything about Huaqing Street under your management, so what do I want you to do!"

Feng Yuantao was so frightened that he fell to the ground, repeatedly kowtow: "Uncle, I...I know that I was wrong, it is my poor management, I...I am willing to take all the responsibilities, uncle, you...give me another chance... …"

The people behind were trembling with fright, this is Feng Yuantao, in their eyes, that is an absolute great person.

But now, he knelt before these people and begged for mercy. The most important thing is that not long ago, they still clamored to hack these people to death!

Some people have already started to step back quietly, ready to leave here without people paying attention. They know very well that if they continue, they must be finished.

Feng Beiyan was paying attention to these people, and when he saw them about to leave, he shouted angrily: "The Feng family will listen to me and stand at the door. Those who dare to go out at this time will be hacked to death without asking me! "

Feng Yuantao brought the Feng family members and immediately ran to the door to guard, and those who had originally wanted to leave in the chaos were also stunned at this moment. Obviously, this is really impossible to run.

"You two, didn't you just let Feng Yuantao hack us to death?" Feng Beiyan pointed to Lao Zhou and the boss: "Feng Yuantao is here, let him hack us to death!"

The two of them were already scared to pee. Hearing this, they knelt on the ground with a thud, and begged with a trembling: "President Feng, we know that we are wrong, we know that we are wrong, we don't dare to..."

"I know it's wrong?" Feng Beixian said coldly: "What were you doing? When you were arrogant, did you ever think that you did something wrong? Now that you know who I am, you know that you did something wrong? , Why bother back then!"

The two kowtow to apologize again and again, and they regret it very much. Knowing such things a long time ago, they would not provoke these people if they were killed.

"There is no need to apologize, since you have done something wrong, you should be punished!" Feng Beiyan said coldly: "You two, each of you leave a hand, and then get out of Zifeng City..."

The two shivered with fright, leaving one hand, it hurts so much.

However, before Feng Beiran finished speaking, Su Yang put the teacup directly on the table and made a snap.

Feng Beiyan was shocked, he knew that Su Yang was not satisfied with the result of his treatment.

"Forget it, I changed my mind. Come here, drag both of them out for me to chop!" Feng Beiyan paused, gritted his teeth and said, "And Feng Yuantao, chop together!"

Everyone in the back is dumbfounded, so they are going to kill it directly? Feng Beiran was too ruthless, right? Don't even let your nephew go?

"Uncle?" Feng Yuantao was dumbfounded, and said anxiously: "Uncle, I...I really know that I was wrong, please forgive me, I...I will never dare anymore..."

Feng Beiran turned his head to the side, without even looking at Feng Yuantao. Feng Yuantao is not dead, I am afraid that the entire Feng family will not be at peace!

Lao Zhou was also anxious. Knowing that he didn't have any right to speak here at Feng Beiran, he turned to Wang Feng in a panic, and said in a trembled, "Brother-in-law, save...help me...I don't want to die..."

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