The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 600: In charge of Tianlei

After that, Feng Beiran sneered at the people in Xigu Village again, and said, "Master Su, what is your relationship with the people in Xigu Village? Is it really just to help the road to see the uneven road? Hahaha, young man, don't It's so arrogant. You know, the gun shot out!"

"This is my captain!" Su Yang said: "Back then, he saved my life with one leg!"

"It turned out to be this relationship, I thought it was a relative!" Feng Beiyan even sneered: "These things are so simple. I will give them a sum of money, which will be enough for them to use for several lifetimes. Exhausted. This way, it’s better than if we fight hard and lose both sides, right? Master Su, you don’t know, there is a River God Sect behind us, that’s where there are gods!"

"Really?" Su Yang smiled lightly. He waved his hand and four pieces of jade flew out of his hand and landed in the hands of Master Fang Jiang Zier, Lin Zhenshan and Lin Qing.

"Hold them!" Su Yang yelled softly, and then, looking at the crowd afterwards, he slowly walked forward.

With each step, Su Yang climbed higher, as if walking up the stairs, step by step.

Everyone at the scene was still clamoring, and seeing Su Yang's move, everyone was stunned. Have they ever seen such a situation?

Soon, Su Yang walked to the top of everyone's head.

At the same time, dark clouds covered his head, and the surrounding wind was raging and raging, and the tables and chairs that were blowing were rolling.

On the contrary, Su Yang in the air seemed to be unrestricted by the wind. The gust of wind came to him, as if it had stopped directly, his clothes and hair were not even blown at all. By his side, there seemed to be an invisible shield that blocked all the wind.

Everyone at the scene was shocked, what is the situation?

The dark clouds above Su Yang's head became thicker and darker, as if they were almost pressing on Su Yang's head. In the dark clouds, there are electric snakes flying constantly, flashing out bursts of electric light from time to time, as if the world is apocalyptic, which is frightening.

At this time, Feng Beiyan also felt that something was wrong, and said anxiously: "Quickly stop him, don't let him charge up!"

Hearing this, six or seven people rushed out immediately around them. These were masters of the integration realm, and the elders gathered by the seven families. The strength of each one is similar to Elder Qi.

Su Yang can easily kill one elder Qi, but how about six or seven elders Qi together? Can he kill easily?

These six or seven people quickly rushed under Su Yang, jumped up together, and attacked Su Yang together.

Su Yang also opened his eyes at this time, stretched out his fingers to the dark clouds in the air, and shouted: "Tian Lei!"

Amidst the dark clouds, an electric snake rushed to Su Yang's finger, followed Su Yang's finger and slashed straight down, rushing towards the six or seven people.

When the electric snake was in Su Yang's hands, it looked only a small piece. However, when the electric snake flew out of Su Yang's hand, it quickly turned into a huge thunder pillar and fell from the sky with a crash.

The six or seven people all rushed towards Su Yang, and the result was that the thunder pillar was smashed in between them.

Although no one was hit by the thunder column head-on, the immense power of the thunder column still flew all the six or seven people out, and none was spared.

Immediately afterwards, the thunder pillar slammed directly into the ground, making a loud noise, like a bomb exploding.

The ground shook for a while, and many people just sat on the ground, some even screamed in fright.

The scene was dusty, and the power of this explosion was really terrifying.

Everyone was frightened, even the well-prepared Master Fang Jiang Zier, Lin Zhenshan and others were dumbfounded.

What is the difference between such a trick and a god?

Hand picking the sky thunder, for my use, what a formidable strength is this?

The dust gradually dispersed, and everyone finally saw the situation in the middle of this area.

The six or seven masters of the fusion realm all fell to the ground, and only one was barely alive, but also covered with blood, not far from death. But several people all died tragically on the spot, under Su Yang's hands, they couldn't even stop a move.

Moreover, the most important thing is that all those people in this area have also been affected. There was a corpse at the scene, terrible.

Seeing the situation at the scene, everyone was dumbfounded. Especially the people of the seven major families, they were almost paralyzed with fright.

What's happening here?

With one move, all six or seven fusion realm masters were abolished, and also, so many people were killed?

Now everyone has to believe that Su Yang's words to kill them all are not a lie, it is true. Su Yang, really has this ability!

Su Yang stood proudly in the sky, the gust of wind remained, and the lightning continued.

At this moment, he was like a god, making people want to kneel down and worship!

Jiang Zi'er stared at Su Yang in the sky blankly. At this moment, her heart also stirred.

At the same age, Su Yang absolutely crushed his peers regardless of his medical skills or strength.

The most important thing is that she understands Lao Lin's affairs, and she admires Su Yang even more in her heart.

There is love and righteousness, and it is the most impressive place!

Deathly silence, Feng Beiyan finally came back to his senses and roared: " killed so many of us, my seven families will never die with you!"

"I didn't stop dying!" Su Yang said coldly: "Since I am here, I must take the lives of all of your seven families, otherwise what am I doing?"

"You are too arrogant!" Feng Beiyan roared: "I tell you the truth, our people have already gone to the River God Mountain to invite people from the River God Sect. When the God of River God Sect arrives, you will know what cruelty is. Up!"

Someone immediately roared below: "My seven big families work for the River God Sect. You dare to kill so many people in my seven big families, that is against the River God Sect. Do you think the River God Sect will let you go?"

"You have the ability to wait here, and wait for the people from the River God Sect to come over!"

"Hmph, you are dead. The River God Sect is not as easy to talk as our seven families. Those gods are not to be profaned!"

The crowd roared constantly, after all, those who died at the scene were their relatives. Before, he was still alive with them to make a happy drink, but now they are all dead by his side.

"What about the River God Sect?" Master Fang sneered: "If you can invite people from the River God Sect, I will change the last name of your seven families in the future. I will change the last name seven times a week!"

"Damn, you dare to be disrespectful to the River God Sect, I see how you die in a while!" a young man next to him cursed.

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