The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 548: Home-brewed wine

Su Yang stood up suddenly, making all the people on the scene surprised. Even Wang Feng was taken aback for a moment, and he pulled Su Yang in a low voice, "Mr. Su, that awning boat is not safe. With so many big boats, we are crowded in between. Too dangerous……"

"It's okay!" Su Yang waved his hand: "It's just a river, how dangerous can it be?"

Wang Feng hurriedly said: "Wanchuan River is close to the inside, the water depth can exceed ten meters, and the river surface is also very wide. Moreover, every year when the fish return, the current will be extremely fierce and it is easy to capsize. Big ships are dangerous, not to mention. This boat!"

"It's okay!" Su Yang waved his hand again, ignoring Wang Feng's stop, and got off the boat and came to the little boy's awning boat.

Wang Feng looked helpless behind, but in the end he gritted his teeth and followed. He knew the danger, but after all, this was something that Yan Luo explained, even if the swords and flames were fierce, he would go.

The little boy was overjoyed when he saw Su Yang: "Big brother, uncle, you are here too."

Su Yang stroked the little boy's head and chuckled softly: "Let's meet again!"

"Yes!" The little boy said quickly: "You take a boat today. I won't charge your money. I will definitely show you better scenery!"

"I believe in you, but we still have to give you the money!" Su Yang smiled lightly and sat down behind.

Wang Feng didn't say anything. In fact, the little boy was very pitiful, and he sympathized with this little guy very much in his heart.

The surroundings were still laughing, especially the boss of the ship Su Yang was in. At this moment, it can be said that he became angry.

After all, Su Yang and the others were originally on his boat, but now they have left suddenly. This is simply slapping him in the face.

"Hey, are you really going to die?" The boss shouted angrily from the side of the boat, "This time the fish return is much more than before. Experts have said that this time the current will be much higher than before. Go and sit. This boat, that is to die, you know?"

Su Yang glanced at him: "Thank you for your concern, we know it in our hearts."

"I know it? I think you just want to save this little cruise money!" The boss mocked: "Damn, you can go back to sleep if you don't have any money. What kind of boat can you cruise on."

"How do you speak!" Wang Feng was a little annoyed, and it was fine to change the boat. It would be inappropriate to be ridiculed like this.

"That's how I speak, what's the matter!" The boss said angrily: "Tell you, whether you sit on my boat or not, the money you previously positioned will not be refunded."

"We didn't ask you to refund the money either!" Wang Feng said solemnly: "You are too much to talk about!"

The boss glanced at Wang Feng, muttered a few words, and said nothing. He could hear that Wang Feng's accent was from Zifeng City. He could bully Su Yang from outside, but he really didn't dare to bully the locals.

The little boy stood by his side, his face flushed red: "Big brother, uncle, I'm sorry. Or...or go back and take that boat, the deposit you paid can't...can't be wasted..."

"It's okay!" Su Yang smiled lightly: "The smell of the machinery on the big boat is too heavy, I'm not used to it. It's better for this small awning boat, right, is there any wine?"

"Yes, yes!" The little boy was happy, ran in and took a gourd out.

"This is my uncle's own wine. It tastes very good. You can try it."

"Okay, I can drink some home-made wine." Su Yang smiled and took the gourd, poured a glass and drank it. An icy chill rushed straight into the head, so Su Yang couldn't help taking a deep breath.

"This wine..." Su Yang looked surprised.

"This wine is brewed with water near the Wanchuan River and Heshen Cave, so it is very cold. However, after drinking it, the body will warm up soon." The little boy explained with a smile: "Moreover, I often drink this kind of wine. Alcohol can also strengthen your body and refresh your mind. The effect is very good!"

Su Yang recalled what the captain had told him. When the captain Lin described his hometown, he mentioned this kind of wine.

At that time, Lao Lin said that after drinking this kind of wine, he felt this way.

Su Yang did not expect that he would taste this kind of wine on this small awning boat.

"This wine is brewed by your uncle himself?" Su Yang asked.

"Yes!" The little boy nodded and said, "How about? Are you used to drinking?"

"It tastes great!" Su Yang smiled.

The little boy suddenly laughed.

"By the way, where is your home?" Su Yang asked casually, pretending that the little boy's uncle would make this kind of wine, would he be a fellow with Lao Lin?

However, Su Yang could see that the little boy was very wary of people. Su Yang didn't know why he was like this, but Su Yang didn't dare to ask directly.

In fact, normal Su Yang can be seen using the soul search technique. However, he couldn't see through the situation of the little boy. This little boy should also be a godsend.

The little boy was obviously hesitant, and said, "My home is from Fang Yun Town."

Su Yang looked at Wang Feng next to him, and Wang Feng said, "That's from Yangchuan City. You are not from Zifeng City?"

"No." The little boy shook his head.

Su Yang's expression was sad, he thought he could find out about Lao Lin from the little boy. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be this situation, the little boy is not in Zifeng City, and that seems to have nothing to do with Lao Lin.

"Then why did you go to Zifeng City?" Wang Feng asked curiously: "And, what about your family? Why do you come out to work alone..."

The little boy looked a little sad, and said in a low voice: "My family is gone, I...I have only one person..."

Wang Feng suddenly sighed in his heart that such a small child would have to ask for a living by himself. The burden of the adult world has fallen on him early.

At this time, there was a sudden shout in the distance, and the cruise officially began.

The little boy suddenly became energetic, and he said to Su Yang: "Big brother, uncle, sit down, I will take you to watch the fish swimming."

Wang Feng immediately sat down and grabbed the side of the boat. Su Yang is calm, no matter how big the wave is, what can he do?

All the big ships around were dispatched, but the little boy was calm. When everyone had set off, he took out the oars, supported the awning boat and changed to travel safely.

"Where are you going?" Wang Feng asked in amazement: "The school of fish is migrating above it. Where are you going around?"

"This is a shortcut." The little boy smiled.

The little boy supported the awning boat and slowly came to the vicinity of a reed. The area of ​​this reed stilt is not small, and the sight line is not good.

Those big boats will certainly not come close here, the little boy punted through the reed sway through left and right. After ten minutes, they finally left the range of the reeds and appeared in a wide river channel.

"That's it!" The little boy smiled: "Let's come early, I will find a place that is most suitable for viewing!"

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