The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 522: Strong contrast

Principal Zhou's face was pale, and he didn't answer Dong Hui's words at all.

Dong Hui was even more elated. Over the years, he has been at the bottom of these middle schools, and he has long been suffocated.

The vice principals of other schools, here, can all show off.

And now, it's finally time for his majesty!

"Principal Zhou, if you go back and talk to Principal Wang, just say that I will arrange a table in the evening and invite him to come over for dinner." Dong Hui smiled and said, "Oh, right, Principal Zhou, you must come by then. !"

Principal Zhou's expression was even more ugly, Dong Hui deliberately called their principal to insult.

"Our principal has no time, and I don't have time at night!" Principal Zhou gritted his teeth and replied. Of course he wouldn't be ashamed.

"Really? Is President Wang so busy?" Dong Hui scratched his head and smiled: "It's okay, whatever you want. Anyway, I invited the director of the city bureau and several deputy directors, and I will also invite the city The principals of all the middle schools in the city. This is a major event for us. We should celebrate. The city bureau is also very supportive. At that time, if Principal Wang and Principal Zhou are not coming, please trouble you. Please call the city bureau first. Fake it."

Principal Zhou is going crazy, shit, go call the city bureau to ask for leave, isn't this looking for excitement? Dong Hui did this on purpose. It is impossible for them not to come!

"I...I'll go back and tell Principal Wang..." Principal Zhou answered almost gritted his teeth.

"It's okay, don't worry, eat dinner at night, it's not early!" Dong Hui smiled: "By the way, when you leave for a while, remember to take away the students from your school. Whatever summary meeting, I advise you not to It's open, turn around and open one on our side, will you come to us?"

Principal Zhou walked away with a face, he was already too angry to speak.

In the classroom, when Su Yang returned here, there was still noisy.

The students in the third middle school yelled the most, naturally they questioned Su Yang's abilities and why he could be invited by the principals of those three prestigious schools to teach.

The students in the Seventh Middle School had a few rebuttals, but they didn’t know the specifics, so they didn’t have the confidence to rebut. After all, it doesn't make sense to invite a high school student to teach at the three prestigious schools.

Seeing Su Yang's return, the students from No. 3 Middle School immediately focused on him, and the acne boy who took the lead immediately said loudly, "Oh, hello, Su Yang, are you back? What's the matter? We invite these actors over this time. How much did it cost? Does your family have Jinshan or Yinshan? Can you withstand your squandering?"

Su Yang ignored him, and the acne boy immediately became energetic: "Why, I dare not even say anything? Did I really meet a liar and feel ashamed and speechless?"

"Nonsense, people from the provincial government and municipal bureaus are here, how could it be a liar!" One person from the Seventh Middle School immediately said, "It must be done, and Su Yang must have chosen one of the schools!"

"Haha, which school did you choose? Su Yang, let us listen to it." The third middle school said: "I have to go to university to teach. What are you doing back? Pack your schoolbags and take your high school textbooks back for self-study?"

There was a burst of laughter from the third middle school, and the seventh middle school retorted immediately, and the two sides began to argue again.

Zhao Qupeng walked to Su Yang and whispered: "Xiao Yang, what's the situation? Which school are you going to teach?"

"I'm not going to teach!" Su Yang said.

"Huh?" Zhao Qupeng was taken aback for a moment, wondering what this meant.

"What are you kidding?" Zhao Qiupeng said in amazement: "The three famous schools are here to invite you, have no choice?"

"Why choose!" Su Yang smiled: "I am not a person who likes to be a teacher!"

"..." Zhao Qupeng's eyes were almost staring. What an opportunity was this that Su Yang just gave up?

"Then... the people from the three famous schools are really here, right?" Zhao Qupeng said anxiously.

Su Yang nodded, and Zhao Qupeng said quickly: "Then you can talk about it here, the people of the Third Middle School are really deceiving people too much. They have always looked down on you and think you are a lie!"

Su Yang was speechless for a while: "Brother, these are just students. What's the point of arguing with them about this? Besides, let them know that I am not a lie, so what can I do?"

"At least let them stop being arrogant!" Zhao Qupeng said anxiously: "You didn't see the arrogant look of these bastards, you really take yourself seriously. Su Yang, at least we have to speak out for our Seventh Middle School! "

Su Yang looked helpless, these children's disputes, and these disputes, he really didn't want to get involved.

Just as the quarrel became more and more intense, suddenly an angry voice came from a distance: "Zhao Cheng, you guys, get me back!"

When everyone looked, they saw Principal Zhou standing in the distance with an angry expression.

The boy with acne was Zhao Cheng. He was stunned for a moment, and said in amazement, "Principal Zhou, what's the matter? These people in Seventh Middle School are liars, and they beat people before. We can't forget about this!"

"You shut up!" Principal Zhou was so angry, "Go back to class, and you won't be allowed to go to seventh high school in the future!"

"Why?" Zhao Cheng looked confused, and the other three middle schools were also full of stunned faces.

At this moment, Dong Hui came over and said with a smile, "Because, you President Zhou want a face!"

Everyone was surprised. The people at No. 7 Middle School were a little excited. A student in No. 7 Middle School said anxiously: "Just now...what happened to the principals of the three famous schools just now, is it true?"

"Of course it's true!" Dong Hui said triumphantly: "If it's not true, can President Zhou have this expression?"

Everyone in the Seventh Middle School looked at Principal Zhou's livid face and burst into laughter.

Those students in the third middle school were confused. Could it be that this turned out to be true?

"Then which school did Su Yang choose in the end?" a student asked in surprise.

"None of the choices!" Dong Hui smiled.

"Huh?" Everyone exclaimed, and they didn't choose one. What is this?

"Did he not choose, or did these three famous schools abandon him?" Zhao Cheng quickly asked loudly.

Dong Hui glanced at him and sneered: "Why, it's this time, and I still don't want to admit it? Humph, of course Master Su didn't choose him. However, he promised to go to these three prestigious schools as a guest professor! "

"Guest professor?" Everyone was confused again, Su Yang finally made this choice?

Anyway, this is enough to prove that these three prestigious schools are indeed competing for Su Yang!

The students in the third middle school suddenly wilted, and the people who clamored the most before can't even lift their heads now. What is their number of recommended places? Compared with Su Yang's situation, this comparison is too strong!

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