Manager Zhou didn't know Su Yang's strength. When Su Yang came in, he was just surprised, but not afraid.

"The surname is Su, we still want to find you, you come and die by yourself!" Manager Zhou pointed at Su Yang and cursed: "It just so happens that today I will let you die here with your **** uncle!"

Su Yang did not speak, and walked directly to Manager Zhou.

Manager Zhou grabbed a wine bottle and smashed it over: "I killed you!"

Su Yang stretched out his hand and smashed the bottle with a punch. At the same time, his hand directly grabbed Manager Zhou's neck and directly picked him up.

Manager Zhou struggled and yelled, "Let me down, let me down quickly! I am the manager of the island country Tanaka Group, if you dare to move me, our group absolutely..."

Before Manager Zhou finished speaking, Su Yang directly punched him in the mouth, and Manager Zhou's teeth were all knocked out, leaving no one left.

Su Yang easily threw Manager Zhou aside, helped Lin Zeping on the ground, and whispered: "Uncle Lin, are you okay?"

"No...nothing..." Lin Zeping wiped the blood off his forehead and looked at Su Yang with a guilty expression on his face: "Su Yang, you... why are you here?"

"I was ambushed on the way, and those people confessed to them. So, I wanted to come here and have a look..." Su Yang said, "Fortunately, I came, otherwise this time, Uncle Lin, are you in danger?"

Lin Zeping couldn't help feeling, if Su Yang didn't come, they probably wouldn't even want to leave here alive.

"Uncle Lin, why are you here?" Su Yang asked in astonishment: "Why are you making enemies with these people?"

These words made Fang Cui and Fang Hui's complexion extremely ugly. Lin Zeping came here not because of them.

"Hey!" Lin Zeping sighed, "I don't know, it was my friend who saw your aunt..."

Speaking of this, Lin Zeping felt wrong, and quickly changed his words: "My friend saw Fang Cui and Lin Qingru enter this room. I didn’t make Qingru an appointment to go back early in the evening. I was afraid that something would happen to her, so I came over and prepared to take it. She went back. Unexpectedly, this... these people should be so bold. To do such a thing in our Huaxia country is simply bold!"

Su Yang frowned, he glanced at Fang Cui and Fang Hui, and he basically knew what had happened.

"Fang Hui, you just want to die, why do you involve my Uncle Lin!" Su Yang said coldly: "Fortunately, my Uncle Lin is fine today. If my Uncle Lin has something short and long, I will kill you first. !"

"This...what does this have to do with me..." Fang Hui said anxiously: "He came to find Fang Cui and Lin Qingru, can you blame me on things?"

Su Yang didn't even look at Fang Cui and Lin Qingru, and said coldly: "I don't care about so many things. If you cause trouble in the future and involve Uncle Lin, I will never let you go!"

Fang Hui was extremely angry: " are simply unreasonable..."

Su Yang slapped her directly and said coldly: "I don't make sense, so what!"

Fang Hui was so dizzy after being beaten that she dared not say a word with her head down.

Fang Cui and Lin Qingru beside them looked even more ugly. Although Su Yang didn't blame them, it was because Su Yang was too lazy to even look at them.

Especially Lin Qingru, when he was at the meeting, watched Su Yang smash the wind in front of so many people, covering the sky with only one hand. Now, watching Su Yang sway freely in front of these islanders, his momentum is compelling, and she feels unspeakable upset in her heart.

How could she imagine that Su Yang could reach such a height? Now Su Yang's identity, let alone Liao Yuxuan, even the young masters of the top ten families in the provincial capital is far behind.

And this person used to be the one she made a marriage contract since she was a child!

Lin Qingru always pays attention to the right person, and the conditions of those who want to marry must not be worse than that of their own family. And Fang Cui has always dreamed that his daughter could marry a rich family. Therefore, they will do everything possible to push Su Yang's marriage, wanting to find a better condition.

However, now they realized that it was not that Su Yang was not good enough for Lin Qingru, but that Lin Qingru was not good enough for Su Yang!

In the entire Pyongnam Province, who else can be considered a rich man than Su Yang?

No wonder Lin Zeping once said that he asked Lin Qingru to make a marriage contract with Su Yang, which was the most selfish thing he had done in his life, and his best effort for his daughter.

Now it seems that what Lin Zeping said is correct!

However, it is too late to understand this now. Su Yang now sees them as air, but they have to rely on Su Yang to save their lives. This is the most shameful place!

President Tanaka looked at Su Yang, who was extremely powerful, and his complexion became extremely ugly. He gritted his teeth and said, "Master Su, you said the people of the Jiuju faction have found you? How could you come from their surroundings?"

Su Yang glanced at President Tanaka and said coldly: "Do you really think they can kill me?"

"You are just a doctor, killing you is not easy!" President Tanaka said solemnly: "Unless you bring a lot of bodyguards! It's not right, if you bring a lot of bodyguards, they won't take it rashly. You ...How did you escape from their encirclement?"

"I didn't even know my situation, so I dared to send someone to assassinate me. You are really damned!" Su Yang grabbed it with one hand, and President Tanaka directly rose into the air and flew towards Su Yang.

"What's the situation..." President Tanaka exclaimed. He seemed to be pulled over by an invisible force, and he couldn't control it at all.

Su Yang stretched out his hand to clasp President Tanaka's neck, carried him in the air, and said coldly: "I can have today's fame, medical skills and technology are only auxiliary. What I am really good at is martial arts and techniques. Nine The jumping clowns of Ju Yi faction couldn't even hold on to me. Why should I run away?"

If Su Yang had said this before, these island nations would definitely not believe it. However, after Su Yang showed such a hand, these islanders had to believe Su Yang's words!

" turned out to be a cultivator..." President Tanaka trembled: "I...I really underestimate you, but don't dare to kill us. We and the people of Jiuju faction don't The same, they... they entered the country secretly, and even if they died, no one would dare to say anything. But, we...we entered the country through regular channels. You killed us, you... how did you China explain this? Something..."

"Who said I was going to kill you myself?" Su Yang smiled lightly: "Mr. Zhou, come, give you a chance to kill President Tanaka, I can make your death easier!"

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