The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 501: Are you a fool?

With Zhao Jian's words, the following fell into a dead silence.

Pingnan University, Associate Professor of Research Center, what kind of character is this?

Although not many people have heard of Zhao Jian's name, everyone knows it well. Those who can reach this position have solid professional knowledge.

Moreover, Zhao Jian looked at being honest, who was completely the kind of character who specializes in research and is not good at climbing up. This is a character with real strength.

He speaks now, taking responsibility for what he said in his own capacity, then who would not believe it?

After a long silence, an islander said coldly: "Associate Professor Zhao Jian? Huh, how much did Su Yang give you, and did you sell your own patent to him? You even ran out to stand for him?"

Suddenly there was a commotion, this is also possible, maybe it is really Su Yang's reputation for paying for it!

Zhao Jian gritted his teeth, staring at the islander, and said solemnly: "You don't want to treat a villain with a gentleman's heart. Mr. Su's great wisdom is not what you can imagine."

"It seems that I have received a lot of money, so I am so willing to speak for him!" The islander sneered: "People who do scientific research will have to be crushed by money after all. Hey, people, it's really sad!"

Zhao Jian was furious, opened his mouth, and finally did not refute. He took a deep breath, looked at the noisy people below, and said coldly: "I won't talk nonsense with you, let's finish the press conference first. After everyone reads Mr. Su's technique, you will understand whether I have accepted Su. Mr.'s money. All right and wrong are fair, and I don’t need to talk more!"

After Zhao Jian finished speaking, without waiting for the people below to refute, he immediately began to introduce the technologies that Su Yang had made with mirror technology.

The people below were still making noise, but when Zhao Jian finished talking about the first technique, the people below fell into a deadly silence.

Most people have only heard of the effects of these technologies, but they don't know whether this technology is feasible. However, these people are not stupid. They know that the foreign representatives are experts, and they must know whether this technology is feasible.

Therefore, everyone stared directly at the foreign representatives to see their reactions.

And these foreign representatives are all dumbfounded. They clearly understand that what Zhao Jian said is indeed feasible. Moreover, these technologies have never appeared in the world before, and they are indeed newly created technologies.

There was a moment of silence, and all the foreign representatives looked at the Pakistanis. And these Pakistani people are about to stare out now, because the technology Zhao Jian said can completely replace their technology. In other words, with this technology, Huaxia Kingdom does not need their equipment at all!

" is this possible? How is this possible?" A Pakistani trembled: " can you create such a technology?"

When the people of Huaxia Kingdom heard this, they immediately understood what was going on. The scene suddenly became noisy, and everyone shouted excitedly.

Over the years, being blocked by these foreigners' technology has made everyone very frustrated. Now that a blockade is finally broken, everyone's mood can be imagined.

But those Pakistani people were unsteady, and all slumped on the sofa. These technological monopolies are broken, and their money is gone. Their group is expected to shrink quickly.

"Professor Zhao, great, great!" Someone below shouted excitedly. Those who were upset with Zhao Jian before now support him loudly.

Those foreign representatives frowned, and an islander said coldly: "Professor Zhao, do you know how much this technology is worth? Is it worth it to sell this technology to Su Yang? How much did he give you? "

There was another whisper at the scene, and many people looked at Su Yang's eyes even more unhappy. It's really hateful that Su Yang paid for such a technology? Could it be said that Su Yang is still preparing to continue to profit for himself in these technologies?

Zhao Jian gritted his teeth. Without answering what the islanders said, he said solemnly: "Next, release the second technology!"

Hearing this, everyone at the scene couldn't help but **** their ears. The first technology is so shocking, what will the second technology be like?

Zhao Jian quickly announced the second technology, and this time, it was the Americans who suffered. The expressions of these foreign representatives became more ugly.

Two technical barriers, just disappeared? They have been blocked for so many years, so have they been studied?

The Chinese people at the scene were even more excited. People yelled and shouted, and some even started to cry. Of course, these people are mainly people engaged in scientific research, and they are well aware of the rare advantages of these two technologies.

The people of the island nation looked the most ugly, and the leader said solemnly: "Professor Zhao, how much did Su Yang pay you, and you sold him both of these two technologies?"

"Shut up, idiot!" Zhao Jian finally couldn't help cursing.

"How do you speak!" The islander was angry: "Why? I was hit by it? I am so angry? Humph, a scientific researcher, like you, is really rare!"

Many Chinese people at the scene frowned and looked at Su Yang. Is it too mean to spend money on technology?

Of course, some people are beginning to wonder, they are all thinking, can Su Yang afford these two technologies?

Zhao Jian ignored the islanders and said in a deep voice, "Now, release the third technology!"

There was a sensation in the audience, both of them were shocking enough, and the third?

But in fact, Zhao Jian not only released the third item, but also released the fourth, fifth, sixth...

A total of 37 new technologies were released by Zhao Jian without stopping.

The scene fell into deathly silence, and the foreign representatives all sat on the ground.

Because their technology has been completely overcome. The advantages they had before are completely gone!

The Huaxia people at the scene were extremely excited, and many people began to cry and cry. This is simply the glory of the Chinese people. The overcoming of these technologies completely broke the monopoly of these foreign groups!

"Professor Zhao, great!" a man shouted loudly.

There was a person in the corner screaming: "Huh, what is it good? Sell these technologies to Su Yang and let Su Yang swindle the people's money. I think it's nothing more than that!"

This person was arranged by Fang Jianhong, who took the opportunity to pour dirty water on Su Yang.

It’s just that, as soon as he finished speaking, Zhao Jian finally couldn’t help but curse: "Are you a **** idiot? Thirty-seven technologies, each of which is invaluable. You said Su Yang bought these. Technology, how much do you think he can afford to buy? One hundred billion? One trillion? Or ten trillion?"

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