The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 298: Return of Ye Jiansheng

The wedding banquet ended with warm blessings. There were many tables on the scene, and Su Yang just walked casually at each table. However, the big guys at the scene did not feel any negligence. On the contrary, they were all elated, excited because they were able to show their faces in front of Su Yang.

Su Yang, who can dominate even the top ten families, in Pingnam Province, who else would dare not accept?

The Xue family was destroyed by Su Yang, and the Xie family was basically destroyed by Su Yang.

Among the top ten families, two families were destroyed by Su Yang, can this make people not shocked?

The Hou family was sent to the top ten families, and the candidate Hong family Zhao family was also destroyed. Su Yang's name has long been spread throughout Pingnam Province!

In fact, most of these big guys who came to the wedding didn't know Su Yang, and they had never even met before. However, they all pushed down all important things and came all the way, just to get familiar with Su Yang.

There is no doubt that Su Yang in the future will definitely cover the sky with only one hand in Binh Nam Province. Such a character, who doesn't want to have a good relationship with him as soon as possible?

Even if you can't make a good relationship, at least you have to get closer. Can't be friends, but can't be enemies, this is everyone's common mind!

In the afternoon, everyone left one after another, and the scene finally returned to calm.

Aunt Zhao Xuefen and uncle Zhao Xuefen did not leave. They all followed Zhao Xuefen, with flattering smiles on their faces. Because they already know what is going on.

It's not Zhao Laoqi's face, but Su Yang's several phone calls, the wedding arranged, this is the most shocking place.

They can't imagine what Su Yang is now, but they know very well that a word Su Yang can make them realize their dreams is the most important thing.

It's a pity that Zhao Xuefen has given up on their previous attitude towards Zhao Xuefen. Although these people followed, Zhao Xuefen never gave them a good face.

Even so, these people still followed with a shy face.

Upstairs, Su Yang was still with a table of guests. This table of guests is not easy, the heads of the top ten families, have four seats here. In addition to Nan Wudi Qin Haishan Hou Xiangde, there is also Lin Zhengyuan of the Lin family.

The Lin family is basically at the end of the top ten families. Last time, Lin Zhengyuan happened to support the Zhao family again, and he was a little unhappy with Su Yang.

After the last incident, he knew that Su Yang was definitely not easy. Therefore, this time he came in person, just to show his face in front of Su Yang, and he had already gotten closer to Su Yang.

Su Yang had no hostility towards Lin Zhengyuan either. This person had been bewitched before. Moreover, as the head of his ten major families, being able to come to Nanluo City in person can be regarded as showing respect for Su Yang. That being the case, the previous things are not important.

"Patriarch Lin, this time, thank you for coming to Nanluo City in person!" Su Yang picked up the wine glass and smiled: "Before all kinds of things, let's take a glass of wine!"

Lin Zhengyuan was flattered, got up quickly, and smiled: "I still have to say sorry to Master Su. I was deceived by those gangsters before. Master Su forgive me for the offense. I will respect this glass of wine first!"

Lin Zhengyuan also breathed a sigh of relief when he drank the wine in the glass. The resentment with Su Yang was resolved, but it was a big wish.

"Hahaha..." Nan Wudi smiled and said: "That's right, everyone actually has no grievances, just let it go."

"Hahaha..." Lin Zhengyuan also smiled and nodded: "Yes, what happened before, I didn't expect it. If it weren't for Master Su to point it out, I really don't know what the Three Holy Gods are behind those people! Master Su, what exactly are these three holy gods? How can I hear them say, what kind of gods seem to be? Really?"

"Pretend to be a **** and trick a ghost!" Su Yang sneered: "If you really are a god, you still need to use that kind of trick to deceive you? If you want to control Pingnan Province, you can do it directly with your strength. Why waste energy like that?"

"Master Su is right!" Lin Zhengyuan nodded and said, "It seems that these three holy gods are nothing too much. With Master Su sitting in Pingnan province, these three holy gods can't beat a big wave!"

Everyone nodded, they are very confident of Su Yang now.

"By the way, Su Yang." Ying'er said suddenly: "Wantong was also going to come, but her father came back, she didn't come. She asked me to say sorry to you, and, I wish the newcomer will be here again. Old!"

"Thank you!" Su Yang smiled and nodded. In fact, he didn't socialize well with Ye Wantong. However, Ye Wantong treated him well.

"Ye Wantong's father is back?" Nan Wudi widened his eyes: "Really? Ye Jiansheng is back?"

"Yes, it didn't take long to get home!" Yinger said: "Otherwise, how could Wantong not come?"

"Oh my God, Ye Jiansheng came back last time, but it happened ten years ago. I'm still thinking, when will he come back, I didn't expect that he will come back!" Nan Wudi looked at Su Yang and said with a smile: " Master Su, Ye Jiansheng, is a real outsider. If you are okay, let's visit the provincial capital together another day?"

"Ye Jiansheng?" Su Yang said the name again, wondering: "Is this his original name?"

"That's not true!" Nan Wudi shook his head: "His real name is Ye Tianyu. He accidentally fell off the cliff at the age of three. He accidentally got a three-foot green front at the bottom of the Bailao Mountain cliff. At the age of three, he walked out of the dense snakes and beasts with a sword. The bottom of the Bailao Mountain cliff everywhere is called a world miracle!"

"Is there such a thing?" Hou Xiangde said in surprise: "It's not a rumor, right? A three-year-old kid, it doesn't matter if he falls off the cliff and doesn't die. I know that at the bottom of the Bailao Mountain cliff, even the best hunter, the team Don’t even think about coming out alive when the team went in. A three-year-old kid actually came out?"

"Heh..." Nan Wudi smiled bitterly, and said: "This is really not a rumor. Li Tianlong and I have personally experienced the incident. I was going to Bailaoshan with the Ye family to play and watched. He was transferred into the cliff with Ye Tianyu. At that time, the Ye family spent a lot of effort and invited a lot of masters to enter the bottom of the cliff to find it. Li Tianlong happened to be nearby and came to help."

"We entered the bottom of the cliff together. Inside, we really met a lot of fierce beasts. We are all warriors. Even so, there are still three people buried at the bottom of the cliff, which shows how dangerous the bottom of the cliff is."

"However, in the end we were not able to find Ye Tianyu. After we came out, we found that Ye Tianyu was already outside. His clothes were in tatters, and he was holding a long sword in his hand. Qing Feng, he walked out of the cliff of Bailao Mountain alone with a sword!"

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