The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 2979: Peculiar overlapping space

Su Yang walked around for a while, and suddenly realized that the situation inside was a little special.

Overlapping space is built by overlapping different spaces.

However, this overlapping space is very strange. Because no matter how Su Yang walks in it, he always seems to be walking in a space.

Although the surrounding scenes are changing rapidly, it is only a change in location.

It was like Su Yang walked into a room, and every time he took a step, he would appear in a different place in the room. The situation of different positions is of course different, but no matter how he walks, he is always within the scope of this house, so the space he is in is always in the same space.

Qi'er and Huozhe followed Su Yang, and the two gradually realized that there was something wrong with this overlapping space.

"Leader Su, what's the situation?" The puzzler asked in amazement: "Why are we always in the same place no matter how we go?"

"The surrounding environment hasn't changed. What kind of overlapping space is this?"

"Could it be that many identical spaces are overlapped?"

Qi'er shook his head: "I don't think it looks like it."

"We seem to be trapped in this space."

"You can feel the aura around you. This is what we left. In other words, we have always been in this space and have never gone out!"

The puzzler was at a loss: "Why is this?"

Qi'er spread her hands, and she couldn't figure out what was going on, so she could only look at Su Yang blankly.

Su Yang was also full of doubts, and he also noticed what Qier said.

Said to be overlapping spaces, but they always walk in one space. This feeling is as if there are countless spatial passages in this space. When they take a step at random, they will step into one spatial passage and then appear in another place in this space.

However, no matter how they go, they are always within the scope of this space, and they are always unable to go out.

Su Yang and the others had never encountered such a situation before.

Moreover, this situation is really weird.

What you obviously feel is the overlapping space, why is it like this inside?

Could it be that they felt wrong?

In doubt, Su Yang said solemnly: "Forget it, don't waste time here!"

"I'll break the space, let's go out directly."

Qi'er nodded.

Su Yang shot, preparing to break this space, rushing out with Qi'er and Huozhe.

However, when he took the shot, he realized that this space was very strange.

The power he hits, as if there is nowhere to be forced, can't break this space at all. On the contrary, this power rushes everywhere in this space, just like entering the space channel that exists everywhere, and constantly walking through this space.

Su Yang was stunned, he had never encountered such a situation.

The strength of his own blow was enough to smash these spaces, and even the space channels could not bear his strength.

But what is the situation now?

My own power is constantly walking through this space channel, but it can't crush this space.

Could it be that the strength of this space is so strong that even one's own power cannot break this space?

When he was in doubt, Su Yang suddenly felt a powerful force coming.

He reacted extremely quickly, and a phantom immediately appeared behind him, swallowing this power directly.

Qi'er and Huozhe hadn't had time to react, but fortunately Su Yang made a timely action, otherwise, the two of them are estimated to be attacked by this force.

"What happened just now?" Qi'er asked in astonishment.

Su Yang frowned: "That was my strength just now!"

"What?" Qi'er looked at Su Yang in surprise. Why would his power attack them?

Su Yang looked around and said in a deep voice, "It's the power that I hit out just now to break this space."

"After walking in this space for a while, I actually wore it back to us and almost hit us!"

Qi'er suddenly realized: "That's how it is!"

"Gosh, this space is really dangerous."

"Brother Su, it's impossible to break this space!"

Su Yang frowned, and he also found that the problem was serious.

According to this situation, they don't want to break this space, even if they try casually in it, they may be hurt by their own power!

Su Yang said solemnly: "See if you can go back!"

Qi'er nodded, and they followed Su Yang, trying to walk back to see if they could get out of this place.

But soon the three of them despaired again.

Because they returned along the same route, but the surrounding situation was different from what they saw when they came here before. In other words, they simply cannot retreat along the same path.

Qi'er said in a deep voice, "This space is also constantly moving and changing. It seems impossible to retreat to the original path!"

Su Yang nodded, and after retiring just now, he realized that something was wrong.

"Could it be that we are going to be trapped in this space?" The puzzler said with a sullen expression. He couldn't think of it. It was just a small overlapping space that would be like this.

Logically speaking, with the strength of their strongest, they dare not be able to trap them in any complicated space.

As long as they are willing, they can break this space to pieces at any time, and then they can escape, how could it fall into the current situation.

And now, Su Yang and the others couldn't break this space at all, they were completely trapped in it, and this situation made them very helpless.

Su Yang and Qi'er also frowned, and they didn't expect that this would be the case in this overlapping space.

"Why is there such an overlapping space here?" Qi'er couldn't help but said: "Even our strength can't break this overlapping space. What is the situation?"

"Brother Su, isn't this a trap set by the Seven Heavenly Venerates?"

Su Yang frowned. In his heart, he didn't think this was a trap set by the Seven Great Heavens.

Because, if the seven heavenly veterans can really set up such an overlapping space, it would be very easy to deal with the human race, why bother to cultivate the guardian god?

Su Yang said solemnly: "Don't be too anxious, let's continue walking and see if we can find another way out!"

Qi'er nodded, only the confused person looked desperate: "Leader Su, if this overlapping space is really so complicated. It is impossible for us to find another way out!"

"I suspect that this is the trap set by the Seven Heavenly Lords!"

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