The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 2976: Dao Zun has an accident

After Dao Zun left with anger, everyone was also a little dissatisfied with Su Yang.

Not long after returning to the human base, there were quite a few Xeons who all made the excuse to go out to observe the situation in the big world, and left the human base.

Su Yang knew that these people, like Dao Zun, were dissatisfied with him, so they chose to leave.

However, Su Yang did not stop them either.

After all, even Su Yang himself knew that what he was doing right now was indeed unjustifiable.

He couldn't explain to everyone that suffocating things, so naturally he couldn't let everyone understand his approach.

Instead, he would be very dissatisfied if someone has been procrastinating and unwilling to deal with the Seven Heavenly Venerables, let alone others?

As far as Su Yang is concerned, as long as these people don't go to the original place and look for the Seven Heavenly Lords, then he doesn't need to worry too much.

Although the current big world is full of crises, these people who have left are also outstanding among the strongest.

Such as Dao Zun, such as Human Sovereign, they are extremely powerful among the strongest.

The others who left, even if they weren't the best among the Xeons, were still a few people leaving together. No matter what the situation, they could take care of each other.

Moreover, they carried the jade pendant that Su Yang gave them with them.

Even if they are really in danger, they can crush the jade pendant in time for help.

In today's big world, as long as you don't encounter the seven heavenly deities, there will be no danger.

As for the Seven Heavenly Venerates, Su Yang didn't worry about them at all.

Because Su Yang didn't think they would come to the big world.

First of all, Su Yang felt that these seven people were trapped in the black hole and couldn't get out at all.

Furthermore, as Su Yang said before.

If these seven people can really kill them directly, then why cultivate a guardian god?

Therefore, Su Yang didn't worry about the Seven Heavenly Venerables coming to the Great World at all.

Without the Seven Heavenly Sovereigns, there is really nothing to worry about for these strongest people who have gone out.

Even if there are many Xeons in the big world now resurrected, it will take a long time for these Xeons to recover from their resurrection to their peak strength.

Waiting for another thousand years, it is estimated that it may not be able to recover much. It is only possible that the best of them will first recover the strength of the strong.

And most of the strongest people need two to three thousand years, or even longer, to recover their peak strength.

Under such circumstances, there is really no danger in the big world.

Su Yang also set a time for himself for five hundred years. After five hundred years, regardless of whether the tempering of this energetic energy is over, he must enter the original place.

If he didn't go to the original place at that time, and nothing else, he wouldn't be able to explain to these human race members!

After arranging the things on the human side, Su Yang entered the world tree again and continued to temper himself.

During these five hundred years, Su Yang was also paying attention to the entrapped air, hoping to see when this entrapped air would be absorbed.

However, after two hundred years, Su Yang was desperate.

Because the amount of this entrapped air seems to have not changed at all.

No matter how the Immortal Golden Body and the Immortal Bone are tempered, no matter how he uses the World Tree to absorb it, and no matter how the Pangu Axe is tempered, this energetic aura remains the same.

The Pan Gu Axe, the Immortal Golden Body, the Immortal Bone, including Su Yang's soul, have all been greatly tempered.

Su Yang also clearly felt that he had absorbed a lot of such entrapment.

However, the amount of entrapped air has not changed at all, as if the amount of entrapped air is huge, and his absorption will not shake the entrapped air at all.

Su Yang was a little confused. At this rate, let alone five hundred years, even five thousand years, fifty thousand years, he would not be able to absorb this entangled air.

However, Su Yang clearly felt that his strength was growing extremely fast.

His combat effectiveness has increased several times compared to before.

You know, before that, his strength was the strongest among the strongest.

And now, his strength has been improved by such leaps and bounds. Now, how much does his strength have to reach?

Needless to say, such as the first **** of Tianzong is definitely far from his opponent.

But the crux of the problem is, how far is he from the Seven Heavenly Sovereigns?

While thinking about these issues, Su Yang continued to practice in this world tree.

Although he has become very strong, he knows that he must be far inferior to the Seven Heavenly Venerables.

The only thing he has to do is to improve his strength as much as possible during these five hundred years.

On this day, Su Yang, who was cultivating, suddenly felt a familiar breath coming from outside, which was the breath of Dao Zun!

Su Yang couldn't help being excited.

Dao Zun left the human base for more than two hundred years, and finally came back!

He immediately restored the indestructible bones of the indestructible golden body, left the world tree, and rushed outside.

At this moment, I happened to see a group of people coming over.

The one headed is the eternal **** emperor.

He looked eager, and when he saw Su Yang he hurriedly said, "Leader Su, something has happened!"

"Dao Zun has an accident!"

"What?" Su Yang exclaimed, he felt the power of Dao Zun, nothing changed, what happened?

"What's the situation?" Su Yang asked as he flew over quickly.

When he arrived nearby, Su Yang saw that there was a small aperture between the eternal **** emperor and them.

And within this aperture, there was one person circled, and it was Dao Zun.

It's just that the current Dao Zun has lost his previous look, as if he has lost his mind.

Inside the aperture, Dao Zun continued to struggle and roar, as if to rush out of the aperture. The powerful force shook the aperture constantly trembling, as if it might break at any time.

Su Yang knew that this aperture was a restriction set by the eternal **** emperor and the others.

If there is no such restriction, Dao Zun will rush out, maybe something will happen.

"What's going on?" Su Yang frowned. Dao Zun's current situation made him very surprised.

How could this kind of loss of mind suddenly happen when you cultivate to the realm of the strongest? Even if you die in battle, it is impossible to lose your mind!

The eternal **** emperor shook his head: "I don't know what's going on."

"A few days ago, a strong man rushed to us, and there was news from the Emperor. Let us go and find him.

"When we got there, we found that the emperor was fighting with Dao Zun."

"At that time, Dao Zun was in this situation, or we joined forces to trap Dao Zun first!"

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