The emperor said with emotion: "There is water here. With such ample spiritual energy, ordinary life can be bred!"

Everyone nodded one after another, and when they had cultivated to their level, they knew very well what the birth of ordinary life was like.

First of all, there must be aura, which is the key to survival. Secondly, there must be liquid water, which is the basis for the birth of microorganisms.

After that, the evolution and reproduction of organisms are very complicated.

From a few tiny microorganisms, step by step, to a wise life, finally to become a cultivator, and then to develop to the strongest, this process is really too difficult.

However, to become the strongest is to transcend everything in the world and is truly close to the existence of heaven and earth.

When everyone was shocked, the voice of the Supreme Dragon Emperor came from a distance: "Lao Su, Lao Su, come here, come here and see!"

Su Yang and the others hurried over. Before they got to the place, Su Yang cursed, "Old Loach, how do you talk?"

"Who is called Lao Su?"

"You are a million years older than me. Do you still have a face when you call it this way?"

While they were talking, everyone came to a mountain stream, and the Supreme Dragon Emperor was standing beside a stream in the mountain stream, watching the stream intently, as if there was something particularly amazing to discover.

The Supreme Dragon Sovereign concealed the aura of strength on their bodies, as if they were afraid of alarming something.

Upon sensing Su Yang's arrival, the Supreme Dragon Emperor immediately raised his head and said: "Hey, hide your breath!"

"Don't scare them."

Su Yang and the others looked at each other, what's down here, the Supreme Dragon Emperor and the others are so careful?

However, everyone still concealed their strength aura very cooperatively.

Falling to the side of the stream, Su Yangqi said, "What did you find?"

"Why is the jade pendant suddenly crushed?"

"I thought you were in any danger!"

Supreme Dragon Dynasty, he made a silent gesture and said in a low voice: "Be quiet, don't disturb them."

"Who are they?" The Emperor couldn't help asking, and at the same time flew over, carefully looking into the stream.

It doesn't matter if you look at it, Human Sovereign was also stunned, staring at the creek in astonishment, as if he had seen the most surprising thing.

Su Yang and the others also rushed over, and when they looked inside, everyone was stunned.

The stream is not big, and the water inside is crystal clear.

A lot of purple aquatic plants grew around this stream.

"This... is there actually aquatic plants growing here?" Dao Zun exclaimed, "This place really gave birth to life!"

Everyone was shocked to the extreme, although it was just some plants, it was life after all.

After the integration of the ten thousand worlds before, the life of the big world was almost wiped out.

Even a powerful person at the heavenly level can't survive for long without aura supply, let alone ordinary lives.

It's like on the earth where Su Yang lived before, suddenly one day there is no sun, and without the source of this energy, all life will no longer exist.

No matter how sophisticated the technology is, even if the earth can be removed, the problem is that the entire universe has no energy. Wherever the earth is moved, the result will not always be the same?

Of course, in that situation, some lives were lucky to survive.

For example, the group that Su Yang rescued before, because they entered a star, they survived with the spiritual energy supply of those spiritual sources inside.

Others were basically annihilated.

The big world has become a place of dead silence.

I didn’t know how many lives there were before. It can be said that there are lives in every star field.

After the fusion of all worlds, the big world has become a barren land.

In addition to these Xeons, there are those who survived by chance, there is no other life in the big world.

The remaining tens of millions of lives are almost less than one part in a trillion compared to the great world before!

Even though everyone has accepted this situation, they still feel uncomfortable watching the once prosperous world turn into such a dead silence.

However, seeing new life here now, even if it is just some water plants, it is enough to make everyone extremely excited.

With this simple life, other lives will follow. This is a good sign.

"Hush!" The Supreme Dragon Emperor quickly made a silent gesture towards him.

Dao Zun curled his lips: "What are you afraid of? Are you afraid of scaring these plants?"

The Supreme Dragon Emperor looked dissatisfied: "You know what a fart!"

"Keep watching!"

Dao Zun looked upset and muttered: "You little loach, after you have been promoted to the strongest, it's more arrogant than before."

"Why, I feel Daoye can't deal with you anymore?"

"Just like you, I pinched you to death with one hand!"

Supreme Dragon Emperor helplessly: "Why are you so violent? I just asked you to keep watching, but I didn't say I would fight with you. I'm excited about you!"

"Come, come and watch, there is something good!"

Everyone also looked at it carefully, and after a long while, there was nothing special.

"What the **** is there?" Dao Zun murmured, and directly released his spiritual consciousness, ready to observe the situation in the stream.

"Stop it!" The Supreme Dragon Sovereign hurriedly whispered: "Don't!"

"You will scare them to death!"

"Wait a minute, it will be out soon!"

Su Yang and the others were stunned. What made the Supreme Dragon Emperor so excited?

However, everyone waited patiently.

Because it is impossible to detect it with divine consciousness, everyone doesn't even know what's going on here.

After an unknown period of time, the water plants shook suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, a head the size of a glass ball came out inside.

There were a pair of dark eyes growing on the head, and he went around in a circle, as if he was observing the outside situation and feeling whether it was dangerous.

Su Yang's eyes widened suddenly, there is still a living creature in it?

"This..." Dao Zun wanted to speak excitedly, but was covered by the Supreme Dragon Emperor's tail.

But Dao Zun did not resist this time, let alone anger, he was completely attracted by the little guy in this creek.

The little guy looked around with his eyes wide open, but did not find Su Yang and the others who had reduced their breath.

As if there was no danger anymore, the little guy swam out of the water weeds.

At this time everyone saw clearly that this was a creature that looked like a dragon tortoise.

The dragon head has a turtle back and a snake tail, and there are some sharp bone spurs on the turtle shell. It looks like a nasty guy.

But this little guy has little courage. After he came out, he kept looking around, as if he was observing some special circumstances around him, and was prepared for danger that might happen at any time.

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