The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 2952: The conspiracy of the Seven Heavens

Now these guardian gods are completely passively beaten.

At this time, Tianzong was still so yelling, it was indeed ridiculous.

Tianzong gritted his teeth and said angrily: "The surname is Su, have you forgotten that my guardian **** also has seven heavenly venerations."

"Even if you can kill us all, what about it?"

"When the seven heavenly veterans have completely controlled the source of heaven and earth, they will have the ability to bring everything in the world back to life."

"At that time, even if you kill us, they will also bring us back to life!"

"Hmph, it's you, you will never be able to defeat the Seven Heavenly Sovereigns. This is the greatest sorrow of your human race!"

"Because, no matter how strong you are, no matter how hard you work, the final result is destined."

Hearing this, Su Yang frowned.

Seven Heavenly Sovereigns, want to control the source of heaven and earth?

The Skykiller told Su Yang before that the Seven Heavenly Sovereigns had bigger plans.

Su Yang has not yet known what they are doing. Now, hearing what Tianzong said, he finally knows what the Seven Heavenly Sovereigns are doing.

But the question is, what are the sources of heaven and earth?

Su Yang didn't ask Tianzong directly. He knew that when Tianzong mentioned the source of the heavenly path and the source of the earth rule just now, he also missed his mouth under the plot.

At this time, if he continued to ask, Tianzong would definitely be on guard and would not answer his questions.

After thinking for a moment, Su Yang sneered: "Tianzong, you too underestimate our human race."

"Do you think the Heaven Killer and Buddha are going for such a long time?"

"Do you really think that the Seven Heavenly Sovereigns can completely control the source of heaven and earth?"

"Hehe, you dream!"

"They will never be able to grasp the source of heaven and earth!"

"When we kill you all, then we will go to help the Lord Skykiller and Buddha."

"As long as the seven heavenly veterans do not grasp the source of the heavenly path and the source of the earth, they are not invincible, and we can kill them."

"Do you want to be resurrected? Haha, after we have mastered the source of heaven and earth, let's revive you!"

Tianzong was stunned, and only the seven heavenly lords knew about the source of the heavenly path and the source of the earth.

The Seven Heavenly Sovereigns only told him and the First God about this matter. The others, including the Lord God of Light, Lord God of Light, and Lord of Darkness, didn't know about the source of the heavens and the earth.

How did the human race know?

Moreover, did the heaven killers and the Buddhas actually try to block the seven heavenly statues? Why do they stop the seven heavenly beings?

With the current situation, it is impossible for the Heaven Killer and the Buddha to prevent the seven heavenly beings!

This makes no sense!

Now in anxious and depressed state, Tianzong did not think about the true and false elements of Su Yang's words.

" bullshit, how can the Heaven Killer and the Buddha stop the seven heavenly statues?"

"I don't believe it, can the Heaven Killer and Buddha still enter the source of heaven and earth?"

Tianzong shouted loudly.

Hearing this, Su Yang couldn't help but laugh secretly.

It turns out that if you want to stop the Seven Heavens, you must enter the source of heaven and earth!

Although he didn't know what the source of heaven and earth was, Su Yang felt that it should have something to do with the original land.

However, if you want to prevent the seven heavenly beings, why they want to enter the source of heaven and earth is unknown.

Is it because the Seven Heavenly Sovereigns are in the source of heaven and earth?

Or, is the key to stop the seven heavenly beings in the source of heaven and earth?

Su Yang kept guessing in his heart, but he didn't show any signs on his face, preventing Tianzong from seeing the slightest clue.

"How do you know they can't enter the Source of Heaven and Earth?"

"Tianzong, don't use the situation of your guardian **** to predict everyone."

"The resources our human race has are not what you can imagine."

Su Yang said loudly, in fact, he was deliberately stimulating Tianzong.

Tianzong was also in chaos at this time, flustered, where he could think so much.

Hearing what Su Yang said, he immediately shouted: "Fart!"

"Even the seven heavenly veterans can't enter the source of heaven and earth now. Why can you enter the source of heaven and earth?"

"The source of heaven and earth is the source of everything in the world. If you don't get the approval of the source of heaven and earth, if you rashly contaminate it, you will be completely assimilated by the source of heaven and earth."

"Even Tianzun dare not test the source of heaven and earth, not to mention you humble ants!"

After hearing this, Su Yang had a general understanding of the source of heaven and earth.

It seems that this source of heaven and earth is really not simple.

It's no wonder that the Seven Heavenly Lords want to control the source of heaven and earth. What they want to control is everything in this world.

And this is the real ambition and purpose of the Seven Heavenly Venerates!

What they said before, fighting for the rules of heaven, fighting for the protection of life, are all nonsense.

These people just fabricated a lie to make those people believe in them.

In fact, these seven heavenly veterans are not the incarnation of the rules of heaven, and they are not without their own thoughts.

On the contrary, they all have great ambitions.

The only strange thing about Su Yang is how did these seven heavenly venerables come from?

He is considered to be the earliest being born in this world, and was born in the same group as Buddha, Taoist and Emperor.

On the side of the guardian god, the first god, the eternal god, etc., were also born with them, and they were the earliest lives.

Before them, there was no other life.

And the birth of the Seven Heavenly Sovereigns makes people very confused.

They seem to appear suddenly, suddenly become so powerful, and suddenly possess such strength against the sky.

Moreover, carefully review the birth of the guardian god.

In fact, the first God, the Lord God, were not enemies of the human race at first, and they did not have the concept of a guardian god.

However, the Heavenly Path Stele appeared later, and the first God, the Lord God, was selected by the Heavenly Path Stele. They saw the rules of the Heavenly Path on the Heavenly Path Stele, and the Guardian God was born.

The Seven Heavenly Sovereigns were born after the Guardian God faction developed for a period of time.

It is said that they are the seven guardian gods who were selected by the heavenly way to become the spokesperson of the heavenly way, and they are called the seven heavenly gods.

They don’t have their own thoughts and everything they own. They are completely part of the rules of heaven, and they represent the rules of heaven.

No selfishness, no desire, everything is done in accordance with the rules of heaven.

Therefore, the guardian **** is very respectful to the seven heavenly deities, thinking that they are the incarnation of the rules of heaven, and they represent the heavens themselves.

Now it seems that the situation is not so simple.

Whether it's the appearance of the Heavenly Dao Stele or the birth of the Seven Heavenly Venerables, there is a faint feeling of conspiracy inside!

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