The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 2940: Beg for mercy

The strongest man fell to his knees, trembling and begging, not to mention how pitiful he was.

If others were here, they would definitely be stunned by this scene.

A strong person, kneeling down like a poor worm begging for mercy?

Is the dignity of the strongest just so unimportant?

Su Yang looked at the strongest person coldly and sighed softly: "In order to survive, don't you even need a little dignity?"

This Xeon's complexion was flushed, although he felt very embarrassed. However, in order to survive, he really couldn't take care of other things.

"Leader Su, you spare my life. From now on, life is yours. I will do what you ask me to do. There will never be any complaints!"

The strongest trembled.

Su Yang slowly shook his head: "A person like you, how could I forgive you?"

"You don't even want the dignity of the strongest, so what else can you value?"

"Today you can surrender to me to survive, and in the future, you will surrender to the guardian **** to survive."

"Keeping you by your side is always a hidden danger, maybe one day you will betray me."

"For such a traitor, do you think I will spare you?"

This strong man was stunned, and Su Yang's words made him unable to refute.

He was also desperate, so Su Yang still wanted to kill him!

After a moment of silence, the strongest suddenly jumped up and screamed frantically: "The surname Su, you...what qualifications do you have to kill me?"

Su Yang calmly said: "I gave your life, I naturally have the right to take it back!"

The strongest shouted: "Yes, it is you who resurrected me!"

"But, why did you resurrect me?"

"Have you asked my opinion?"

"Do you know if I want to be resurrected?"

"From the beginning, you resurrected me with a purpose."

"If I don't listen to your orders, you will kill me!"

"Hehe, just a person like you, what qualifications do you have to let others surrender to you?"

Su Yang took a deep look at the strongest and whispered, "You are wrong."

"I never let anyone surrender to me!"

"Am I not clear enough?"

"I resurrected you, but whether to help me or not is your own choice."

"You are willing to help me deal with the guardian god, I am naturally very happy."

"You are not willing, and I will not force it."

"But, you promised me, but in the end you didn't keep your promise, you are playing me!"

"I killed you not because you didn't obey my orders, but because you didn't keep your promises, because you played me!"

The strongest man was completely desperate, and he sat slumped on the ground, falling into deathly silence.

When he agreed to Su Yang before, he was actually thinking about playing Su Yang. It's just a few words anyway, it's no big deal.

After leaving the fairy palace, he didn't plan to go back, and went away directly in this big world, lest he be found by Su Yang.

Moreover, he is not afraid of Su Yang.

At that time he felt that Su Yang's strength was indeed strong, but no matter how strong you are, everyone is always the strongest. How much better can you be than me?

Want to kill a strong person, it is very difficult.

At least, he has lived in his world for hundreds of millions of years, and has only seen a case where the strongest is beheaded.

At that time, the strongest man was determined to die, and he went to fight with a group of strongest men. In the end, he was surrounded and killed and fell alive.

If he hadn't tried hard, he would basically not die!

The same is true for him and Su Yang.

Even if he can't beat Su Yang, he can at least escape!

Therefore, he didn't think Su Yang could do to himself.

The big world is so big, it's not easy to find him in the big world, so he can live a leisurely life in the big world with peace of mind.

He never dreamed that he would be found by Su Yang.

What made him even more unexpected was that Su Yang's strength would be so powerful.

Not only can you kill the Xeon, but you can also kill the Xeon alone, or you can kill five Xeons by yourself. This is really unimaginable!

I knew that Su Yang had this strength, and he wouldn't do it if he killed him. He must have been honestly helping Su Yang deal with the Guardian God.

However, now it is too late for him to regret it.

Su Yang didn't give him any chance, and directly shot him, beheading him, and sealing up his strongest power.

The power of these five strongest men was eventually sealed by Su Yang, not one left.

After solving it, Su Yang walked out of the world tree and returned to the outside.

The Supreme Dragon Emperor and the others were all waiting outside, and when they saw Su Yang coming out, they gathered around to ask how the situation was.

Su Yang recounted the fact that he had killed these five people, and everyone was overjoyed.

The rapid progress of Su Yang's strength really exceeded their expectations and made them feel more confident.

Next, everyone continued to move forward, continuing to search in this big world.

After traveling for hundreds of years, Su Yang and the others have encountered six strong men.

One of them was that he had not promised to help the human race against the guardian **** before, so Su Yang didn't say anything when he saw him. They just greeted him, and everyone moved on.

As for the other five, they promised Su Yang to deal with the Guardian God, but he broke his promise.

For such a person, Su Yang seemed to deal with the five people before, beheading them too.

The power of the strongest of these five people was also sealed by Su Yang.

Seeing that the time agreed with other people was almost reached, Su Yang took everyone back to the originally agreed place.

People from several other teams also arrived one after another, but their harvest was not as rich as Su Yang.

The one who gained the most was a group of people led by Mozun, who killed three strongest men in total, but only the power of two strongest men was sealed and brought back.

The other teams either beheaded two Xeons, or beheaded one Xeon. Anyway, everyone gained very little.

Seeing Su Yang brought back the power of ten strongest people, everyone was shocked.

It's not that they found that the strongest people are few, the most critical problem is that it is not easy to kill the strongest.

After all, as soon as the strongest saw so many of them, they turned around and ran away, not confronting them at all.

Although there are quite a few of them, it is generally difficult to stop a strong person if he insists on fleeing for his life.

If it weren't for the strong leaders among them, I'm afraid everyone will leave empty-handed this time.

"Anyway, we also collected a lot of the power of the strong this time!" Wan Du smiled: "Leader Su, let's go back first, let's integrate the power of these people with the human race!"

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