Tianzong looked proud and said loudly: "Even if you choose to stand on the side of the human race from the beginning, what will be the result?"

"We will definitely wipe out the remnants of all races. You stand on the side of the human race, and you still have to die in our hands in the end, isn't the result the same?"

"Unless you can be loyal to my guardian **** from the beginning, your results are all destined!"

Feihe and others looked at Tianzong angrily, gritted their teeth and said: "Tianzong, don't be too happy too soon!"

"Although we are not your opponents, but the Su leaders are still there!"

"Human race, will eventually defeat you!"

Tianzong laughed, "Human race?"

"Don't you know what the situation is now?"

"Why are we chasing here?"

"Isn't it because the human race was beaten by us and fled like a bereaved dog?"

"You said a group of bereaved dogs can beat us?"

Feihe looked gloomy and gritted his teeth: "Tianzong, do you know where the gap between you and the leader of Su League is?"

"What's the gap between me and him?" Tianzong said angrily: "That's just a despicable villain!"

"Haha..." Feihe sneered: "The more you yell, the more angry you are, the more it means that you know the gap between yourself and the leader of Su League!"

"Let me tell you, the difference between you and the leader of the Soviet Union is that you will never have the tolerance of the leader of the Soviet Union!"

"You will never reach the height of the leader of the Soviet Union!"

"Leader Su is the one who truly possesses the qualities of a leader. You are not worthy of being compared with the leader Su!"

"The Human Race will eventually defeat you under the leadership of the Su League leader!"

Tianzong was furious and roared: "Kill me! Kill me! Kill me all!"

The guardian gods all around took action, preparing to attack and kill.

At this moment, a gap suddenly appeared in the space among these people.

Immediately afterwards, Su Yang appeared from the gap and waved: "Follow me!"

With Su Yang's wave, a ray of light suddenly dispersed, wrapping everyone standing in the middle in it.

Feihe and the others were all pleasant surprises. At this moment, there was no time to think too much, and they rushed into the gap with Su Yang in a hurry.

The guardian **** was furious, and rushed over screaming.

However, before they rushed here, they were completely blocked by the light that Su Yang shot out.

Everyone tried their best to hit this ray of light, but this ray of light was extremely tough, and it dragged everyone for a while before it was shattered.

At this time, the gap has disappeared.

Everyone rushed over, and a strongest person wanted to open the chaos.

At this moment, Tianzong flew over and shouted coldly: "Stop!"

These strongest people are all looking at Tianzong in surprise, don't you go chasing them at this time?

Tianzong said solemnly: "Su Yang came from the chaos, no one knows how many people he ambushes in the chaos, and whether there are any traps."

"If we go in this way, if we are surrounded, we will definitely suffer severe damage."

"There is no need to fight them like this!"

Everyone suddenly realized, but looking at the Terran area below, everyone was a bit unwilling.

Obviously, these people were surrounded, and they were about to be killed.

As a result, these people were saved by Su Yang. Who can accept this?

Moreover, after these people ran to Su Yang, the strength of the human race would increase sharply.

Now, the number of people on the Human Race side is estimated to be only a few dozen people away from the Guardian God side.

Once the fight started, with a strong presence like Su Yang, wouldn't the strength of both sides be equal?

In this way, how can the guardian **** defeat the human race?

Tianzong saw the people's concerns, but just smiled, and did not speak.

Everything this time is under the control of Tianzong.

He deliberately asked Su Yang to rescue these people.

After the fight just started, seeing that this group of people really wanted to remain neutral, without any conspiracy, Tianzong guessed that Su Yang would definitely come back to rescue these people.

The human race is not strong enough, and Su Yang can't let these people help the human race. Na Su Yang could only keep these people, let them save them after they suffered a loss in the hands of the guardian god.

In this way, this group of people can help the human race with all their heart.

However, Tianzong only knew about these conditions after the fight started.

After the fight, it was impossible for Tianzong to stop them from fighting.

Therefore, Tianzong thought of a strategy.

He deliberately showed the secret method of Tianzun's inheritance in front of Feihe, allowing a guardian **** to inherit the strength of the strongest.

In fact, this matter is not that simple.

The inheritance process is particularly troublesome, but Tianzong did not show it.

If the human race uses this method and does not know the specific inheritance process, it will only cause catastrophe.

He deliberately showed it in front of Feihe in order to let Feihe tell the human race this method, so that the human race would also try this method, and finally paid a painful price for this method.

"Alright!" Tianzong waved his hand: "Everyone is not in a hurry to hunt down those human race members for the time being, let's take a rest for a while. Build up enough strength, and then hunt them down!"

At this time, everyone was even more puzzled.

The Lord God said in surprise: "Master Tianzong, the world has become so big now. The human race hides in a random place, and we may not be able to find them."

"Let me say that if we chase down now, we can follow their trail to find them."

"I'm still resting here now. When they run away, we want to find them again. Is it possible?"

The other guardian gods nodded their heads, and their views on this situation were consistent with the Lord God.

Tianzong smiled: "Everyone, do you really think that if we chase down now, we can catch up with them?"

"Su Yang, they entered the chaos, and from the chaos into the big world."

"And now there are too few places where the chaos and the big world are connected. They entered the big world from chaos, maybe they are already somewhere in the big world."

"Even if we really keep chasing like this, we will find them at all."

"If this is the case, it is better to rest for a while and get enough energy!"

Everyone looked at each other, and what Tianzong said was the truth.

In this situation, from chaos into the big world, there is no trace to be found.

Under such circumstances, it is really difficult to find the other party.

"Master Tianzong, according to what you said, we... won't we never find these people?" The Lord God frowned.

"That won't be the case." Tianzong smiled lightly: "It's too easy to find them."

"Don't worry, I have arranged everything."

"The most important thing now is to raise our strength first!"

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