The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 2924: The confidence of the guardian god

Hearing this, Tianzong couldn't help but sneered: "Feihe, you really consider enough for my guardian god."

"However, I don't need to worry about my guardian god."

"How much we pay, we are willing."

"Even if it is not an opponent of Human Race in the future, that is our business."

The other guardian gods also laughed, their faces full of mockery.

Feihe's complexion changed suddenly, and he really couldn't understand where these guardian gods were confident.

There must be some price to fight with them here. The guardian **** is here to lose some manpower, and then he will deal with the human race. Is that strength enough?

These guardian gods should understand this truth, but why do they want to go so far?

At this time, the guardian god's army has entered the battlefield below.

Among the strongest people who stay here, there are also some extremely powerful existences. However, most of them are just ordinary Xeons.

One person is besieged by two people, or even besieged by three people and four people, that is definitely not their opponent.

Not long after the fight, almost all of the people on Feihe's side were injured. This was a complete battle on one side, without any suspense at all.

Feihe was also besieged by three people. His strength was probably able to reach the realm of a human emperor, and he was also an absolute leader among the strongest.

However, facing the siege of the three strongest men, his strength is still not enough.

Three strong players defeated him steadily and suffered heavy losses one after another.

From this perspective, his defeat is only a matter of time.

At this time, there were already the strongest being shattered.

With the strength of the strongest, even if the body is broken, it is not a big deal. Even if a drop of blood is left behind, it can reshape the physical body. Before the recovery, only the strength is slightly damaged.

However, after the strong body was shattered, several guardian gods nearby rushed over, working together to gather all his body fragments together. Then, these guardian gods used powerful power to forcibly refine all the body fragments of this strongest person.

In this way, the strongest person is equivalent to completely dead, and there is no possibility of resurrection.

Feihe looked terribly panicked, he had no doubt that next, he would have to face such a result. After all, the strength of the Guardian God is too strong.

After the guardian gods refined the flesh of the strongest man, Tianzong flew over, reaching out and grabbing a beam of light from it.

Tianzong received the beam of light in a bottle he carried, and waved his hand with satisfaction: "Go on!"

Seeing this situation, Feihe couldn't help exclaiming: "You...what are you doing?"

Tianzong glanced at him and sneered: "You are not very curious, why do we dare to put effort on you?"

"Aren't we afraid that we have consumed too much strength with you, and won't be human opponents in the future?"

Feihe frowned, and Tianzong's tone sounded as if he was confident. Could it be that the strength of the Guardian God is not limited to this?

Tianzong had already arrived in front of Feihe at this time, with a face full of arrogance and said: "Now, let me tell you why!"

While talking, Tianzong stretched out his hand to grab someone from his portable space, who was indeed a guardian god.

This guardian **** was caught by Tianzong, and his face was full of excitement: "Master Tianzong, is it my turn?"

"I can finally inherit the power of the strongest and become a strongest one?"

Tianzong smiled lightly: "I said that as long as you are loyal to Heaven and do things safely for my guardian god, you will be rewarded!"

"Now, this is your reward!"

Having said that, Tianzong took out the light left by the previous strongman after being beheaded, and directly penetrated into the body of the guardian god.

The light entered the body of the guardian god, and the guardian **** immediately let out a painful cry, obviously suffering from severe pain.

However, this guardian **** has always clenched his teeth, as if there was some faith supporting him.

After a long time, this group of light completely merged with this guardian god.

Fei He watched all this, his expression also changed directly.

Because he found that this guardian **** had already begun to have the breath of the strongest. As long as time is allowed for him to recover for a period of time, he will definitely be able to reach the realm of the strongest!

" this the one who created the strongest?" Feihe exclaimed.

Tianzong was full of pride: "This is the secret method handed down by the seven heavenly veterans, and the method that allows the power of the strongest to be passed on again!"

"Do you really think that we have gotten the strongest in the world of light cocoons, and are all willing to join our guardian god?"

"In fact, most of you, like you, want to choose neutrality."

"But, in the battle between the human race and the guardian god, how can there be a neutral statement?"

"They don't want to join the guardian god, then we will kill them and let other guardian gods inherit their power."

"In this way, not only has the number of our Xeons increased. The most important thing is that our own guardian **** is absolutely loyal to us. Only when they become Xeons can we truly rest assured!"

Feihe was immediately stunned. He didn't expect that the Guardian God would have such a way.

No wonder Tianzong would come to annihilate them without fear, without worrying about consumption.

Where does this cost?

As long as there is a Xeon who died in battle, the power of the Xeon could be collected, merged into the body of a guardian god, and a new Xeon could be reborn.

Calculating this way, the number of the strongest on the Guardian God's side will only increase, not at all. No matter how you fight, the Guardian God will not consume it.

Thinking of this, Feihe was almost desperate.

He now understands that there is really no neutrality in the guardian god.

From the moment they choose to be neutral and choose to stay, their ending is doomed.

The guardian **** will not accept their neutrality, but will only kill them!

Seeing that all the strongest people around him were besieged and unable to fight back, Feihe took a deep breath and suddenly said, "Master Tianzong, I...I am willing to join the Guardian God and do things for the Guardian God, you... You let us go..."

The other Xeons also looked at Tianzong with pleading, they really couldn't fight, they weren't opponents of the Guardian God at all.

"Hahaha..." Tianzong raised his head and smiled: "Why, finally figured it out?"

"At this time, are you willing to join the guardian **** and do things for us?"

"What were you doing?"

"Opportunity, I gave it to you, you don't cherish it!"

"In that case, then you have no chance!"

"Kill! Don't keep one!"

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