The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 2918: Break through

These strong men surrounded Su Yang, desperately trying to kill Su Yang.

Su Yang was standing in the middle holding a Pangu axe, but he was inextricably beaten.

Su Yang was indeed not an opponent of so many people before, but the situation now is different from before.

In the World Tree just now, Su Yang beheaded five Xeons and injured seven severely. The other Xeons were also injured.

As a result, the strength of these strongest people has dropped a lot.

Even if they join forces to besiege Su Yang, what is the point?

For Su Yang, their siege is far worse than before. The strength of these people is not even half of the previous ones.

Su Yang will have enough strength and confidence to fight against them again. Fighting with so many people, Su Yang still does not fall behind, and the fight is inextricably difficult.

These guardian gods were extremely depressed, and they were all stabilizing Su Yang before entering the World Tree.

And now that the World Tree is out, everyone has joined forces, and it turned out to be equal to Su Yang. In this way, the difficulty of killing Su Yang is too high!

"Come on, help us!" A guardian **** raised his head and shouted.

When the guardian gods in the sky heard the words, several guardian gods immediately rushed down to assist them in dealing with Su Yang.

Everyone in the Terran was furious, and they roared and prepared to rush down.

However, the result is still the same as before.

The Guardian God has more Xeons than the Human Race, even if so many Guardian Gods deal with Su Yang, the number of Guardian Gods still has the upper hand.

On Terran's side, even if they wanted to separate people to help Su Yang, it was simply impossible. The strong humans were all stopped, and they could only watch Su Yang surrounded by so many people in the air.

This time, the Guardian God was more cautious and vigilant, and he didn't give Su Yang a chance to attack them.

Su Yang has entered the World Tree several times, but Tianzong and the others have learned their skills this time, and will not enter the World Tree at all.

As soon as Su Yang entered the World Tree, they began to attack other people nearby, forcing Su Yang to come out to help others out.

As a result, Su Yang couldn't use the convenience of the World Tree to deal with these guardian gods, but was chased by these guardian gods, and the situation became very passive for a while.

The situation on the other human races is a little better, after all, Su Yang has resisted so many strongest people alone, and helped the human race share a lot.

Otherwise, how can other members of the human race resist so many strongest people?

However, there is always a gap in the strength of the two sides.

Even if Su Yang resisted so many strongest people alone, but with the strength of both sides. Continuing to fight like this, the defeat of the human race is only a matter of time.

Su Yang knew very well that when the human race was not as strong as the opponent, he could never continue to fight like this.

Otherwise, it would be hard to say how many people, the strongest of Human Race, will eventually leave alive.

He looked at the people who were fighting around, pondered for a moment, and finally made up his mind to lead them to break through.

There was a long scream in his mouth, which was the retreat signal he had agreed with everyone.

Before coming over, Su Yang didn't know the strength of the Guardian God. To be on the safe side, I had already agreed on various secret codes with everyone.

Unexpectedly, these advance preparations really come in handy. At the most critical moment, these signals can really be used to lead everyone away.

In fact, everyone in the Terran has long since retired. After all, everyone is very clear that if the fight continues, the Terran will definitely suffer.

However, no one else retreats, nor can these people retreat. Otherwise, once chaos is caused, Terran will only be more troublesome.

Now that they received Su Yang's signal, everyone felt confident.

With Su Yang's signal, everyone will run away together. After someone breaks through and someone breaks, the success rate of escape will be higher.

Su Yang issued a series of long screams, and as the screams became more and more urgent, he was telling everyone that he was ready to break through.

Suddenly, Su Yang let out a loud shout.

The strongest of other human races immediately got the signal, and they all made their efforts to force the people around them back.

After that, everyone quickly fled in one direction, no longer in love at all.

When the guardian gods were forced to retreat, they were still a bit at a loss. I don't know how the human race suddenly worked hard together.

Seeing that the strongest humans began to retreat, they only knew what had happened.

"They want to run!" Tianzong roared: "Stop them, don't let them run, don't let them go!"

The guardian gods also screamed and rushed up, intending to keep all the strongest humans.

However, at this time, among the strongest humans, almost 30% of the strongest stayed.

This 30% is the most powerful leader in the human race.

After they stayed, they all displayed their most powerful secret methods, and blasted them at the guardian gods who were chasing them.

Among them, Su Yang took the lead, holding a Pangu axe, cutting through the world, sweeping through the ages, and forcing a group of guardian gods back.

These Xeons, with all their strength, finally blocked the guardian gods for a while.

And the strongest ones who fled, took advantage of this time, already quickly ran away.

Even if these guardian gods continue to chase the past, it is difficult to say whether they can catch up.

Tianzong was angry and shouted: "If you can't keep everyone, just keep them all!"

"Since they stayed behind, they have to pay the price and kill them all, leaving none!"

Those guardian gods are also extremely angry. After all, there are so many of them, and as a result, there are still so many people who run away.

Therefore, the guardian gods are also full of murderous intentions for the strongest people who stayed behind, yelling to surround them, and do not intend to let them break out.

The number of guardian gods was too much, and under such circumstances, Su Yang and the others were surrounded. Thinking about breaking through, the difficulty is really high.

Even with Su Yang's strength, it is basically impossible to rush out under the siege of so many strongest people, let alone other people!

Therefore, the guardian **** is basically full of confidence, and can kill all the strong people like Su Yang who stayed behind.

The first **** danced with excitement!

Even if a group of Human Race's strongest were run away, it was fine.

If Su Yang is left behind, and if the human race is left behind, that human race is tantamount to being defeated.

After that, they just waste some time chasing and killing other human race's strongest. As for those human race's strongest, they can no longer pose the slightest threat to the guardian god.

In this battle, the guardian **** won a big victory!

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