The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 2905: Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes

Wan Du returned to his own world, as Su Yang said, he never tried to persuade the strongest in his own world.

They don't want to deal with the guardian god, so let them go.

Anyway, Su Yang already has enough Xeon reserves, it doesn't matter whether those people help or not.

What Wan Du really worries about is the cultivators below the strongest in his world.

Once the Guardian God is killed, the strongest will have the power to protect themselves.

However, the cultivators below the strongest have no power to protect themselves.

Therefore, he must think of a way to send the cultivators below the strongest to other places and settle down so that they will not be crushed by the guardian god.

Wan Du finally thought of his own portable space. He was going to send all the cultivators in this world to his portable space before the guardian **** killed him.

In this way, even if the guardian **** is killed, unless he is killed together. Otherwise, the cultivators of his world would not be in danger.

He discussed this matter with the other Xeons in this world, including those who are unwilling to help Human Race.

Except for a few Xeons who opposed, the other Xeons all agreed.

Including the strongest people who are unwilling to help the human race, they also know that although they are not enemies of the guardian god, the guardian **** may not kill their world.

Once the guardian **** came in, and the practitioners in their world died because of it, they would be sinners through the ages.

In the end, this matter was settled.

Once the war is about to break out, Wandu will pack all these practitioners into his personal space, carry them with him, and save their lives.

At the same time, in the world of Liuyun, Liuyun did the same thing.

Once the war breaks out, Liuyun will load all the practitioners in this world into his personal space to prepare for emergencies.

Time passed quickly, and almost two thousand years later, the Xeons that Su Yang brought back all restored the strength of the Xeons.

And just as Su Yang guessed, these strongest people, who promised to help the human race, accounted for more than 90%.

However, most of them choose to travel and explore the outside world.

However, after so many years, very few returned in the end.

In the first batch of more than 200 Xeons who made it, only forty or fifty came back, and the number was exactly as Su Yang guessed.

According to this situation, there are more than two thousand Xeons, and it is estimated that four to five hundred Xeons will choose to help the human race against the Guardian God.

Coupled with the strongest players in the world of Flowing Clouds and the strongest players in Wandu World, the strength of the human race has reached an unprecedented peak.

However, as Su Yang had previously expected.

With the increase of the strongest, the order becomes more chaotic.

Let alone the contradictions that the strongest from the same world had in previous lives.

Only when these strongest people are gathered together now and disagree with each other, there will often be contradictions. And such contradictions often lead to some fights and the like.

The most troublesome thing is that Su Yang also faintly discovered that among these strongest people, there are even gang formations.

In the beginning, it was the strongest people from the same world, and they had a better relationship with each other, so they pulled together. Either deal with former enemies, or deal with the strongest of other worlds.

However, the later development became more and more outrageous.

Some powerful worlds have begun to use the means of joining together to win over the strongest of other worlds and deal with the strongest of other worlds.

When Su Yang discovered that the situation was not right, several gangs had formed among the strongest, and they were all hostile to each other, making Su Yang quite speechless.

Although there are rivers and lakes where there are people, the speed of these strongest people forming cliques is too fast.

For this reason, Su Yang specifically went to the leaders of these gangs to discuss this matter, and asked them not to fight inwardly, and mainly concentrate on dealing with the guardian god.

However, the leaders of these gangs did not take it seriously.

In their view, they all have so many strong people gathered together, and they want to deal with the guardian **** is not easy to catch.

What these people really care about is to solve the problems behind the guardian god.

With the integration of all worlds, so many of the strongest might be resurrected.

So, in the end, who of these strongest people can stand at the highest position and who can lead the world?

Every Xeon is an ambitious person, who can cultivate to the realm of Xeon, not only is talented, but also is the best in his own. They are not reconciled to being stepped on by others, and they all want to be the master of that person.

In this way, the struggle between these strongest people is inevitable.

For this situation, Su Yang was quite speechless.

He didn't expect that the war with the guardian **** hadn't started yet, and his own side was about to start infighting.

There is really no way, Su Yang can only start a war with the guardian god.

Only an external war can divert the attention of these strongest people.

Over the years, the emperor and others have been constantly searching for the position of the guardian **** in this fairy palace.

Although the place where the guardian **** hides has not been found, but the emperor and others are not without gain.

According to the area they explored, they finally locked the position of the Guardian God in several areas.

It's just that these areas are too far away, and the emperor and others can't go and explore. So, now I don’t know where the Guardian God is hiding.

Su Yang didn't care about this before, because at that time he had to cultivate the guardian gods and improve the strength of the human race, and there was no time to care about other things.

Now, since the human side has enough strength, it is time to fight the guardian god.

Su Yang took the Chaos Sparrow and went to explore the position of the Guardian God himself.

The fairy palace is also a big world, and you can quickly reach other areas in the fairy palace through chaos, so that you can save time and explore these directions as soon as possible.

Su Yang found the position of the guardian **** in less than a hundred years according to the position that the Emperor and the others locked.

Su Yang did not personally go in and kill the Guardian God, but slipped away quietly.

Quickly rushing back to the human race, he directly summoned the strongest ones and led them straight to the guardian god.

The strongest people who can finally stay here naturally all decided to help the human race.

Therefore, Su Yang said that he would start attacking the Guardian God, and these strongest people did not object at all, and followed Su Yang.

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