The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 2887: Cruel guardian god

According to Su Yang's arrangement, next, everyone expanded the scope of the guardian circle.

In this way, the guardian **** really kills, and when there is still half a day away from them, he will step into the range of the guardian magic circle.

And this magic circle did not hinder the power of the guardian god. The only function is to be able to warn the arrival of the guardian god.

The human race now only needs to guard against the sudden appearance of the guardian god, as long as the guardian **** is killed, they also have enough time to prepare and escape.

After all, Human Race's current strength is far inferior to that of the Guardian God.

Next, most of the human race's combat power remained in the human race area, and only a few people left the human race area to continue the search and investigation outside.

They went out this time mainly to inquire about the news from the outside, trying to find the Skykiller and Buddha.

As for Su Yang, he continued to stay in the broken star field, continuing to release a large amount of the aura of the earth. He wants to try to see if there will be a new light cocoon born in this broken star field.

But the final result disappointed Su Yang. In this broken star field, no new light cocoon was born, because something absorbed the aura of the earth.

It seemed that only these five light cocoons could be born in this broken star field.

On the Human Race side, only these two cocoons were left.

Sighing, Su Yang arranged for the Supreme Dragon Emperor and the Eternal God Emperor to go inside the second light cocoon and stare at the situation inside.

Who knows, not long after they entered the light cocoon, they flew out of the light cocoon in panic.

"Leader Su, something has happened!" The two guys hurriedly exclaimed as soon as they came out.

"What's the matter?" Su Yang's expression also changed. The two guys were nervous. Is there something unexpected inside?

"In...the inside was attacked..." The Emperor Eternally gasped, "Most of the lives inside were killed!"

"What?" Su Yang exclaimed, before he had time to think, he quickly rushed into this light cocoon.

Entering this light cocoon world, Su Yang felt a breath left over after the war.

Su Yang quickly fell from the sky, and at a glance, the first thing that caught his eye was the broken ground.

This place, as if torn to pieces by a giant, was a mess everywhere.

There was bright red everywhere on the land. At a glance, Su Yang could hardly see the living life.

Even if there were a few people alive, they were all seriously injured and struggled in a sea of ​​blood, which was extremely miserable.

And in the midair, there was a Xeon standing desperately, and he was the first Xeon born in this world.

His injuries were also very serious, but he didn't treat himself, but stared blankly at the messy ruins below, as if he had lost consciousness.

Su Yang quickly flew to his side and said anxiously: "Liuyun, what happened?"

The strongest person was named Liuyun, and he was the most powerful person in this world and the first to be resurrected.

He finally raised his head and glanced at Su Yang, his eyes dim.

"What's the matter? What are you talking about?" Su Yang said anxiously: "Did...Did someone kill this place?"

Liuyun's eyes were red, and he clenched his fists suddenly, gritted his teeth and said: "Yes, those guardian gods you mentioned, they...they came in and broke the world!"

"What?" Su Yang's complexion changed suddenly. He didn't expect that those guardian gods would actually do such a thing.

"Why are they doing this?" The Supreme Dragon Emperor asked anxiously.

"I want to know too! I also want to know, why did they do this?" Liu Yun roared: "We don't know them at all, and we have no grudges against them. How can we come in and do such things? These have not yet entered. In the realm of the strongest, there is no resistance at all. There are so many strongest of them, it is like crushing ants to death, crushing them all to death, without mercy. I am alone, and I can't stop so many people. I... …I’m really useless at all!"

As he said, Liuyun's eyes were bleeding and tears, and he was extremely sad.

"Did they tell you anything?" Su Yang asked in a deep voice.

Liu Yun gritted his teeth: "They want me to surrender to them, they want people in our world to do things for them, and follow their orders!"

"You didn't agree?" Su Yang asked.

"I... how could I agree?" Liu Yun said anxiously.

Su Yang sighed, he finally understood what was going on.

The eternal **** emperor said solemnly: "For the guardian god, those who obey and those who rebel perish have always been their standards of doing things. If you disagree with their requirements, they will definitely not let you go!"

"But I also said that we won't be mixed with the human race and the guardian god!" Liu Yun said anxiously: "We are not their enemies, I said very clearly!"

The Supreme Dragon Emperor curled his lips: "I told you that there is no neutrality in the eyes of the guardian god. Either it is his own person or the enemy, and there is no possibility of being alone."

Liuyun gritted his teeth with anger: "These guardian gods are too hateful. It's just that I don't agree with what I said, why are they killing everyone?"

"That's how the guardian **** does things, it doesn't make sense!" Eternal God Emperor said.

Suddenly a light flashed in the eyes of the Supreme Dragon Emperor, and he quickly flew into the air.

"Why are you going?" Su Yang asked.

"I'll go out and do something, don't worry about me!" The Supreme Dragon Emperor threw a word and flew out of this light cocoon.

Su Yang was speechless, this supreme dragon emperor really couldn't stay idle.

Su Yang and the others circled around here again, and suddenly a few people flew down in the air.

Su Yang looked up and saw the Supreme Dragon Emperor rushing over with Wan Du and the others.

"This guy, bring Wandu and the others, deliberately let them see the situation here!" The Emperor Wangu said in a low voice.

"It can really toss!" Su Yang said helplessly.

The Eternal God Emperor was slightly dissatisfied, and said: "We should also let the Wandu guys take a look, otherwise, they really think they can be alone!"

Su Yang didn't say anything. The things in the world of Liuyun were a living example, and they should indeed be seen by Wandu. In this way, Wandu and the others will feel the crisis!

Facts have proved that it is useful for the Supreme Dragon Emperor to do so.

Wan Du and the others fell into this light cocoon and looked at the miserable situation below, all of them looked ugly.

When asked what happened, they looked more solemn.

The situation in Liuyun's world is so similar to theirs.

Everyone doesn't want to be involved in the battle between the human race and the guardian god, but wants to be alone. But the question is, if the human race gives them a chance, will the guardian **** give them a chance?

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