The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 2845: Su Yang's doubts

Starting to search according to the method Su Yang said, Su Yang and the others first went to the nearest area, which was where the Demon Venerable and Dao Venerable were before.

Su Yang's speculation was basically not bad. When they arrived at this place, Su Yang and the others actually discovered the marks left by Dao Zun and Demon Zun. However, Dao Zun and Mo Zun are not here, they seem to have left, looking for others.

Following the route of Mozun and Dao Zun in the direction of Su Yang, Su Yang and the others quickly pursued.

After almost three years, they encountered three huge stars.

In every star, there is blood shadow in it. However, these blood shadows saw Su Yang without the slightest hostility.

Su Yang was only puzzled before, but after listening to the two strongest men describing the blood shadow, Su Yang was even more surprised.

Logically speaking, these blood shadows are unconscious, they will attack all the lives they see, but why not attack Su Yang? Could it be that Su Yang is not a life?

Suddenly, Su Yang thought of a situation.

These blood shadows do not seem to attack other blood shadows either!

Before the Eternal God Emperor and the Supreme Dragon Emperor were besieged by two blood shadows, Su Yang stopped the two blood shadows, and the Eternal God Emperor and the Supreme Dragon Emperor took the opportunity to escape. At that time, Su Yang and two blood shadows were left on the scene. The two blood shadows did not attack Su Yang, nor did they attack each other. In other words, these blood shadows will not attack other blood shadows.

And they don't attack Su Yang, is it also related to this situation?

Su Yang carefully recalled the situation that the two guardian gods said at the beginning. These blood shadows are the spirit bodies condensed from the remnants of the life of those world trees. In other words, these blood shadows are all left by those world trees that have been born with life.

And Su Yang's situation can be regarded as the life of a world tree that was born before. To a certain extent, he and these blood shadows were all left over from the previous world tree.

Could it be that because of this, those blood shadows didn't attack him?

After thinking about it, Su Yang felt that this possibility was not small. Otherwise, there is no way to explain why the blood shadows did not attack him!

Taking a few Xeons all the way back, after almost seven years, Su Yang and the others finally arrived where Su Yang and Ye Wantong were before. However, on this road, neither of them met Mozun and Daozun, nor did they know where they went.

"Could it be that they are not looking for you?" Supreme Dragon Emperor said strangely.

"It's also possible!" Su Yang nodded: "Not all are to come to me, they may also go to find the closest person to them."

Chaos Eye thought carefully, and said: "If you are nearby, it seems that the Human Emperor and the Yuling Palace Lord were the closest to them, would they be looking for the Human Emperor and the Yuling Palace Lord!"

Su Yang said: "This is not easy to say, but we can choose the position of the Emperor Human and Palace Master Yu Ling, and try to find it in the past."

Everyone had no objections, and according to Su Yang's proposal, everyone rushed directly from the previous position of Su Yang and Ye Wantong to the last position of Renhuang and Qi'er.

The distance between them is actually quite far. Along the way, Su Yang and the others flew for almost twelve years, met a few stars, and finally reached the place where Human Emperor and Qi'er were.

There are indeed traces left by the emperor and Qi'er, but the emperor and Qi'er are not here. I searched all around, but did not find them.

"I haven't found anyone yet!" The Supreme Dragon Emperor looked at Su Yang, "Leader Su, is there a problem with your method? Why can't you find anyone?"

Su Yang ignored it, looked around, and said in a deep voice, "Go to the demon sovereign and the Taoist."

Everyone nodded, knowing.

The positions of these two groups of people are the closest. If they didn't rush to Su Yang, the only possibility is that both groups of people rushed to the nearest people. Therefore, Human Sovereign and Qi'er, it is very likely that they rushed past Mozun and Dao Zun.

Su Yang and the others determined their position and quickly flew over.

After running for almost a year, Su Yang and the others felt huge power fluctuations in the distance.

Everyone had already experienced it, Ye Wantong and others stayed here, and Su Yang rushed over.

Not long after, Su Yang saw four people in Yuankong who were besieging two blood shadows.

These four people are Mozun Taoist Emperor and Qi'er respectively. The strength of the four people is extremely strong, and the two blood shadows were beaten steadily. It seems that the blood shadows are almost unable to hold them.

Su Yang didn't expect this to be the case. After all, the blood shadows that the people on their side encountered before were all chased and beaten by those blood shadows, and there has not been a situation that can counter the blood shadows.

Now, on the contrary, these two blood shadows fell into the disadvantage, but the human race had the absolute upper hand.

At this moment, all four of them also saw Su Yang and shouted for Su Yang to pass.

"Leader Su, what are you doing in a daze, hurry up and help!" Dao Zun shouted loudly as he hit.

Su Yang rushed over, seeing the situation on the scene, a little confused for a while.

The two blood shadows were extremely injured, and one of the blood shadows was mostly shattered, and it might be cut off at any time.

"Leader Su, hurry up and stop them and don't let them run away!" Dao Zun shouted as he beat: "These two guys are not easy to deal with. They are stronger than the strongest. Fortunately, they are immortal without the strongest. You can still kill them. Taking advantage of this opportunity, kill two quickly, lest they turn around and get together, it's hard to deal with!"

Su Yang looked at the two blood shadows. Seriously, these two blood shadows did not intend to escape. They have no consciousness, they will only attack all the lives they see, they will never know that they are in danger, they will not be afraid of fear, and they will not think of running away.

Seeing that the blood shadow was about to be hit hard again, Su Yang rushed up and stopped the demon lord who had hit the heavy blow.

"I wipe it, what are you doing?" The Demon Venerable looked bewildered, and hitting him with this blow would definitely make the blood shadow's body shatter in half.

"Okay, don't fight!" Su Yang stopped the blood shadow: "You go first, let me deal with it here!"

"What a joke, they are about to be killed, what are we going to run?" Dao Zun shouted: "It's okay, we are stronger than them, and we can definitely kill them. Leader Su, keep these two things, always It's a future problem. With such a strong strength, it is still our adversary. We have to solve everything first, so that we can recover afterwards and then we can deal with us. That would be troublesome!"

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