The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 2808: Public anger

"Hahaha..." The Lord God laughed: "First God, you really are saving the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain!"

"I say this, not to provoke the infighting of the guardian god, nor to get any benefits from it. On the contrary, I am for the benefit of all the guardian gods!"

"Hehe, you really dare to say it. For the benefit of all the guardian gods? What did you do?" The first **** sneered.

"I said this, just want you to give you an explanation!" The Lord God said coldly: "You have exhausted your resources and want to restore the strength of Tianzong. This has seriously affected the resources that the rest of us can allocate."

"The first god, you have to know that our resources are not owned by your family, but by all our guardian gods. Since it is the resources of all our guardian gods, they should be allocated equally, instead of you plundering others. Resources, go to supply your son alone!"

As soon as this remark came out, countless people nodded.

At this point, the First God is indeed quite unconvincing. He poured all the resources on Tianzong, which indeed caused the other guardian gods to get very few resources. Many guardian gods are quite dissatisfied in private, but the first **** is so powerful that no one dares to say anything.

Now, the Lord God himself took out this matter, and naturally many people were supporting him.

The first **** said loudly: "Why should I use the resources on Tianzong? Everyone knows the reason. Tianzong was once the strongest, but he was hit hard by the Heavenslayer for the sake of the guardian god. This realm. However, he already has the foundation of the strongest, as long as he needs enough spiritual energy, he can restore the strength of the strongest!"

"The human race is eagerly watching. The strength of their Xeon is slightly stronger than ours. Moreover, I was designed by them and my strength has not been restored to the peak. If we really fight hard with the human race, our strength is still not enough. Under such circumstances, only by improving the strength of our strongest can we fight against the human race."

"The strength of the Tianzong is not weaker than the strongest of the human race. If the Tianzong can restore strength and deal with the human race, we will have an absolute overwhelming advantage. I use all the resources on the Tianzong, also for our protection. God, I have to do this."

"The Lord God, you say that I use resources on Tianzong, but you never mention why I do this. You are really sinister and cunning. You want everyone to start opposing me? Humph, you really think that everyone Fool, will you be fooled by a few words? Everyone sees it, and everyone understands what I am doing this for. You can't instigate discord with a few words!"

The words of the first God are righteous, as if they are really on the side of the truth.

However, the Lord God did not panic at all, but smiled faintly: "The First God, since you have said so, let's talk about the future. You have concentrated all your resources on Tianzong before to deal with the human race. Now, since the threat of the human race has been removed, should you diversify this resource and give it to everyone?"

The words of the original first **** made many people around him lean towards the first god. With a word from the Lord God, these people immediately supported them.

For them, access to resources is the most important thing. As for the others, it is not important.

After all, the fight for the control of the entire Guardian God is not something they can mix. It must be something that the strongest of the Guardian Gods can mix.

And these guardian gods, the most hopeful thing is to get more resources in the dispute of these strongest people, this is the most critical thing for them.

The first **** frowned. He didn't expect that the eternal **** would actually set a trap here. Now things are in trouble. He just kept saying that he did it to deal with the human race. Now that Human Race’s issues have been resolved, if he doesn’t allocate resources, it’s really not suitable!

However, if he distributes the resources, it will be difficult for Tianzong to recover his strength. Without the support of Tianzong, if he wanted to control the guardian god, he basically didn't have to think about it.

Therefore, in this matter, the First God is completely caught in a dilemma. He didn't want to give up these resources, but the problem was that everyone would not allow him to continue to control these resources.

After being silent for a while, the first **** said solemnly: "The human race's problem is solved, and the resources will naturally be distributed to everyone. I very much agree with this."

"However, the cultivation of Tianzong has reached the most critical moment. At this time, if we suddenly withdraw resources, wouldn't it ruin all the efforts before Tianzong? Everyone, Tianzong is also for the guardian god. He has fallen to the present stage. We should all try our best to help him regain strength!"

"The first god, you don't need to say that it is so great!" The Lord God said directly: "I don't deny that Tianzong is for the guardian god, which became the way it is now. However, the rest of us are not the guardian **** Has Daye done anything? All of you present have died more or less several times. Even the strongest are all seriously injured and have finally recovered. First God, are you going to deny us and deny everyone? Contribution to the guardian god?"

"Speaking of contributions to the Guardian God, Tianzong has done it, and we have done it. Tianzong should restore our strength, shouldn't we restore our strength? Everyone has done so many things for the Guardian God, It’s not just enough to just pour resources into Tianzong alone, right?"

The words of the Lord God immediately attracted the support of countless people. These remarks are indeed in the hearts of everyone.

These people, for the guardian god, which one didn't pay a lot.

The First God took all the credit to Tianzong. This made everyone feel very dissatisfied. Naturally, few people would support the First God.

Seeing this situation, the First God couldn't help but panic, and said anxiously: "I don't mean to deny the contributions you have made. I mean, Tianzong is about to recover. In that case, we should seize this opportunity. Let him recover as soon as possible. Withdraw these resources at this time, wouldn't his previous efforts be wasted!"

"For the great cause of the Guardian God, who has not paid much?" The Lord God said coldly: "Tianzong just hasn't recovered his strength, everyone present has died countless times. The first god, why Tianzong Can’t your efforts be wasted, and other people’s efforts can be wasted?"

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