The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 2805: Su Yang enters the black hole

Su Yang soon reached the guardian place, and at this time, the Skykillers were still in the black hole, their bodies corroded extremely seriously.

Ye Wantong belongs to the weakest, and there are almost only some bones left. As for the others, even if they are as strong as the Buddha, Dao Zun, Mo Zun and his like, they are all boneless and extremely miserable.

The appearance of Su Yang had long been discovered by the First God. However, the First God and they did not stop Su Yang, so they let him fly over.

"This is not the leader of Su League!" Seeing Su Yang coming over, the first **** laughed loudly: "Why, you have to come here to send them the last ride? Don't say, the love of your human race is really letting I admire it!"

Su Yang's face was cold, and he said solemnly: "Of course you admire it. You all know that the guardian **** is ruthless and unrighteous. What you lack, naturally you want to admire, what can you say."

The first expression changed slightly, and then he sneered again: "Now you can only irritate me with such nonsense, but it's okay, I forgive you. After all, man is about to die, he has to say a few words, Right?"

Everyone around was laughing, these guardian gods had completely regarded the human race as fish on the chopping board, and did not put the human race members in their eyes.

The body of the Skykiller was also extremely corroded. He said anxiously: "Su Yang, why are you here?"

"I'll look at you!" Su Yang said as he flew towards the black hole.

"Yang'er, go back soon!" Ye Wantong said anxiously: "This black hole can corrupt even Tianzun."

Qi'er also exclaimed: "Brother Su, don't come here, it's dangerous here!"

Several guardian gods, the strongest, wanted to stop Su Yang, but they were stopped by the first **** waved.

The first **** sneered: "Why are you stopping him? The strongest is going to die, what other waves can he make? We can just watch the excitement here, what is this called, life and death!"

The strongest people immediately understood the meaning of the first god, and they all smiled and watched. This feeling of watching, but powerless, made them feel very comfortable.

Su Yang was also relieved when he heard the words of the first god. He was also worried that the First God would stop him and prevent him from entering this black hole. If this is the case, then he really has nothing to do. Even if the small tree in his body can save the Skykiller and them, he can't reach the Skykiller and others. What can he do?

Unexpectedly, the First God was really arrogant enough, feeling that everything was under control, and allowed him to approach this black hole, which was exactly what Su Yang meant.

"This time has come, where is it not dangerous?" Su Yang's face was gloomy, as if he was desperate, and he was still flying in the direction of the black hole.

The strongest people in it stopped talking, just as Su Yang said. If all the most powerful humans died, that human race would be completely ruined.

What if Su Yang doesn't come here? The Guardian God can annihilate the human race with a strong one!

"It's okay, he can come and see you off!" The first **** laughed loudly: "After all, you have been fighting for so long together, and you are all going to die. You have to meet."

"The first god!" Dao Venerable roared: "Don't be proud, every world of the world tree will be withered and tolerated. When the world of this world tree is gone, and the world tree withers, you don't even want to live! "

"Haha..." The first **** sneered: "Dao Zun, you know a lot. However, it doesn't make sense. What do you think our seven heavenly beings are doing in this black hole? You say The thing that will never happen to us!"

Su Yang's heart moved, from the message sent to him by the Skykiller, he knew the situation of the original land and also knew these secrets.

Now, the words of the first **** made Su Yang very surprised. Could it be that the Seven Heavens of Heaven, do you want this world tree to exist for a long time?

However, they are in this black hole, how can the world tree exist for a long time?

Dao Zun sneered: "You can brag about it yourself, huh, just deceive yourself like this, I believe you!"

The first **** frowned, and immediately sneered: "Dao Zun, I have already said, you don't need to give me these exciting methods, it's useless. What the Seven Heavens Zun is doing, I told you, you won't understand. Don’t waste your thoughts, just remember that only your human race will die. Our guardian **** will last forever!"

All the guardian gods smiled triumphantly, and they could see that they were still full of hope for their future.

When everyone was talking, Su Yang was already at the edge of the black hole. Without any hesitation, he rushed directly into the black hole, and the guardian gods could not even react.

The First God didn't expect that Su Yang would directly enter the black hole, and he didn't even guard against it.

However, he didn't care.

Su Yang entered this black hole, and that would definitely die. Anyway, they also killed Su Yang in the end, so no matter how Su Yang died, it didn't matter!

"Leader Su, are you preparing to kill yourself?" The first **** laughed: "I have to say, you really made a very correct decision. If you stay outside, you will die miserably. If you go in this way, you can at least live and die with the strongest of your human race. That's good!"

"The first god, who lives and who died is not necessarily!" Su Yang shouted coldly, and suddenly attracted his soul, a huge world tree suddenly appeared in this black hole.

"What is this stuff?" The guardian gods were all surprised.

"World Tree?" The First God was also at a loss.

The black hole is isolated from the power outside, so he can't feel the soul breath of Su Yang on the world tree, naturally he doesn't know what is going on.

"Everyone, go ahead and hide in this tree." Su Yang said loudly.

The strongest humans in the human race were all surprised, and Qi'er said, "Brother Su, it's useless. My world tree has also been brought in, but it won't protect us."

"Try mine." Su Yang said: "It may be different."

Su Yang said this because he felt that the people in the furnace were not affected by the black hole corrosion.

Rongshi furnace certainly cannot stop the corrosive power of the black hole, and the only reason must be his soul, which is the world tree.

Although several Xeons were a little confused, they all flew over and hid in the world tree.

After they entered, they all exclaimed. Because they clearly felt that their bodies were no longer corroded.

"This... can this actually stop the power of corrosion?" Qi'er couldn't help exclaiming: "Why is my world tree not good?"

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