The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 2799: Battle of the Strong

The first **** stood in the void, looking at the Skykiller from a distance, with an extremely cold expression on his face.

The Skykiller didn't run away anymore. While quietly sending a signal to the Buddha, he said loudly: "The first god, long time no see!"

"It's been a long time!" The first **** said coldly: "It's just that, I didn't expect that we would meet in this situation. I thought it was going to be a while before we killed your human race and trampled you on your feet. We only met at that time, who knew you had come by yourself!"

The Skykiller said loudly: "Since you are not going to the Nine Realms, we can only take a trip to the place you guard. Otherwise, doesn't it seem that we are too peaceful?"

The first **** said coldly: "Hmph, you don't need to say these nonsense to delay time. I know you have sent a signal to the Buddha, I will not do it for the time being, I will wait for them to come over!"

The Skykiller frowned, and he stared at the First God for a while. The First God stood in the distance, his body was a little fictitious, and the Skykiller couldn't see him clearly for a while.

"Have you recovered all your strength?" Sky Killer asked in a deep voice.

"Is it just now?" The first **** laughed wildly: "Why, do you really think you can trample me down forever if you cheat me when I leave the fairy palace? Huh, I didn't expect it, I I recovered my strength so quickly. Why, are you afraid?"

"It's not enough to be afraid, even if you regain your strength. To me, you are always just a defeated man, there is nothing to be afraid of!" The Skykiller curled his lips: "I'm just a little curious, what did you do? Arrived!"

"Hehe..." The first **** sneered: "We did it? Why don't you ask, why do we suddenly have so many strong people?"

Heaven Killer's face was slightly cold, and this was indeed the question he wanted to ask.

"I asked this kind of question, and you won't answer it!" The Skykiller said coldly.

"You are quite self-aware!" The first **** laughed wildly: "However, you don't have to be too discouraged. When I completely destroy your human race, I will tell you how we did it. You are a strong Who, I will make you understand!"

The Skykiller sneered: "If you want to kill me, it depends on whether you have this ability!"

"Soon you will know if I have this ability!" The First God sneered, standing in the void without making any moves, just looking at the Skykiller indifferently.

The Skykiller knew that the First God was waiting for the other strongest humans to arrive. This situation made him even more worried. Where is the confidence of the First God, and with such a good opportunity, he didn't even attack him?

After a short while, the breath of the strongest finally came in the distance, and the Buddha and others rushed over and arrived in this area in a flash.

"Hahaha, the first god, let's meet again!" Dao Zun flew over with a laugh, and directly came to the first god: "How about, this time, can we separate life and death?"

"Dao Zun, the first **** has recovered all strength, don't be careless!" The Skykiller reminded in a deep voice.

"Oh?" Dao Zun looked surprised and looked at the First God in amazement: "You have recovered all your strength? How did you do it?"

"I will tell you when you die!" The First God said proudly.

Dao Zun: "I guess I won't die. Or, when you die, you tell me?"

"Hmph, death is approaching, so arrogant and arrogant, it's ridiculous!" First God sneered: "Dao Zun, today, I want you to pay for what you say!"

Dao Zun sneered: "Oh, can you not repeat this old tune. I have said that for millions of years, when have I paid the price? You are really interesting, don't you feel boring to brag like this?"

"Looking for death!" The first **** yelled and suddenly flew into the air, looking at the people on the scene from afar, and said coldly: "The seven strongest humans are all here now. Good! Good! Very good. !"

"Everyone, since the strongest of the human race has arrived, it should be time for our grievances!"

The first **** waved his hand and shouted: "Kill!"

"Kill!" The other guardian **** Xeon also roared one after another, rushing up together, fully besieging the human Xeon in the middle.

"Who killed who!" Dao Zun curled his lips, exhaled and rushed into the battle group.

"Why do they have so many strongest people?" Human Sovereign asked in surprise.

"Follow him, they have more Xeons, but our strength is stronger. It's hard to tell who wins and loses!" The demon screamed, and quickly rushed into the battlefield.

The strongest from both sides directly fought together, just as Demon Lord said. There are many strongest guardians, but the strongest on Human Race's side is also stronger.

Over the years, the strongest humans have been cultivating in the woods, and everyone's strength has been greatly improved.

Therefore, although there are many more Xeons on the Guardian God's side, the actual strength of the two sides is actually not very different.

The first **** himself took action and fought with the Skykiller.

He originally thought that the Guardian God could have an absolute overwhelming advantage, but when the two sides started a war like this, he felt that the situation was not right.

" did your strength suddenly increase so much?" the first **** asked in surprise.

"Do you think that only you can have special means, we don't have any special means?" Dao Zun curled his lips: "You can cultivate so many strongest people, we can improve our strength. First God, you now take it back It’s too late for what I just bragged about. I won’t be defeated for a while, it would be a shame and shame, how ugly!"

The first expression looked cold and gritted his teeth: "Huh, what can you do if your strength is improved? In this battle, I will kill you!"

"Oh, everyone has started fighting. What's the point of you still saying these things?" Dao Zun: "The first god, they are all labeled like this, how strong is everyone, don't you have any points in your heart?"

The first **** gritted his teeth and shot with all his strength, fighting with the Skykiller. The strongest of the other guardian gods also all shot with all their strength, as if they were really going to fight desperately with the strongest of the human race, fighting extremely dangerously.

The Skykiller was originally worried that the number of Xeons on the human side was too small, but after the two sides went to war, he was relieved.

The strength that the strongest of human race has improved over the years is not small, and the overall gap with the guardian **** is not much. Although there are many more guardian gods in the guardian gods, their strength has not increased much, and the two sides are still at a level!

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