The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 2797: Unwilling Dragon King

Su Yang glanced at the Supreme Dragon Emperor: "When did you become so strong?"

The Supreme Dragon Sovereign refused to accept: "What you said, I have always been so strong, okay? How can I say that I am also the last card of the Monster Beast clan, so far there is no strong player in the Monster Beast clan. If I am not able to be promoted to the strongest. What hope does the monster clan still have?"

Su Yang sighed, he could understand the feelings of the Supreme Dragon Emperor.

In fact, the Skykiller had told him before. Because the monster clan is restricted by nature, there is basically no hope of being promoted to the strongest. This is also the reason why the monster clan has not been placed in the eyes of the guardian god.

As the strongest among the monsters and beasts, the Supreme Dragon Emperor is already very difficult to cultivate to this point. Among the Monster Beast clan, there is only it, the peak of the heavenly rank, and it is extremely difficult to cultivate to the high rank of heavenly rank.

The Supreme Dragon Emperor also knows the innate restrictions of the Monster Beast clan, but it just doesn't give up and forcibly cultivates. It's just that stopping at the peak of the sky level makes it a little desperate.

Now that it finally sees the hope of being promoted to the strongest, how can it give up?

Su Yang was able to understand the feelings of the Supreme Dragon Emperor, and did not say much, and continued to use the power of the earth to bring it into that area.

After the Supreme Dragon Emperor came in, he immediately concentrated and began to feel the aura inside.

However, the result this time is still the same as before, it can't feel anything.

After tossing like this, I don't know how many years, the Supreme Dragon Emperor has entered this area at least hundreds of times, but every time he has not gained anything, he has returned with injuries.

At first, the Supreme Dragon Emperor was very ambitious, but later, even he himself was desperate.

Finally, on this day, after Su Yang brought it out, the Supreme Dragon Emperor sighed: "Leader Su, I...I'll forget it and don't go in anymore. It seems that my monster clan really hasn't been promoted. The possibility of the strongest. I can't even feel the aura that can increase the strength of the strongest. There is really no hope for the monsters and beasts!"

Su Yang looked at the Supreme Dragon Emperor. He didn't know how to comfort him, so he could only whisper: "No matter what, the monster clan will fight side by side with us. As long as my human clan is immortal, we will definitely protect the safety of the monster beast clan! "

The Supreme Dragon Emperor smiled: "Leader Su, I feel more at ease with your words. If one day, I die in battle and can no longer be resurrected, you must help me take care of the monsters!"

"What do you do with these unlucky words?" Su Yang slapped the Supreme Dragon King on the shoulder: "Our strongest people are all improving their strength, and our strength will soon surpass the Guardian God. At that time, we will be able to defeat Guardian God, there won't be too many sacrifices!"

"I hope so!" The Supreme Dragon Emperor sighed and whispered: "This has been more than two hundred years, and the Guardian God has not moved at all. League Master Su, I suspect that the Guardian God is also planning something. Things!"

Su Yang's heart moved. For so many years, he has been busy taking everyone into that area, and he has no time to worry about other things.

Su Yang was shocked by the words of the Supreme Dragon Emperor.

Yes, it's been so long, and there hasn't been any movement on the side of the Guardian God, which is a bit abnormal.

It stands to reason that the Guardian God will send someone to the Human Race to investigate the situation on the Human Race side.

However, this has been more than two hundred years, and the guardian **** has not come to investigate once, there must be something wrong with it.

After a moment of contemplation, Su Yang immediately found the Heavenkiller and Buddha who are now guarding outside.

I told the sky-killer and the Buddha about what I was worried about, and the expressions of the sky-killer and the Buddha were also serious.

"You're right, I've been thinking about this too!" The Skykiller said solemnly: "There is no movement on the side of the Guardian God. This is too unconventional. I think we need to protect Take a trip to the God of God. If they don’t come to investigate our side, we should go and see what's going on on their side!"

"If you want to go to the guardian **** to investigate, we will have to gather the seven strongest people to rush to support in time." The Buddha said: "But, they are still in that area. It will be more troublesome to find out and send them in. Is this suitable?"

Although Su Yang was able to grasp the power of the geography that enveloped the strongest, the problem was that it took time to accumulate so much power of the geography.

Su Yang wants to send a strongest person into that area, it takes at least half a year to accumulate the power of the earth.

Therefore, every time the Xeon changes shift, Su Yang will spend a lot of time sending the Xeon in.

Now it takes a lot of time to bring all the strongest people out, and then send them into that area. Just to investigate the situation on the side of the guardian god, if you can't detect anything valuable, then you will lose more than the gain.

The Skykiller frowned slightly, thought for a moment, and said in a deep voice: "Why don't you do this? I'll go and investigate by myself."

"You go alone, it's very dangerous!" Su Yang said immediately.

"They want to trap me, it's not that easy!" The Skykiller said: "I just investigate the situation and will not confront them head-on. If something unexpected happens, I will send it to the Buddha as soon as possible. Here comes the message. You stay here, and when you receive the message, immediately bring the other strongest people out and rush to the guardian god, there will be no problems!"

Su Yang thought for a while, this method is not bad.

"Okay, let's do it like this!" The Buddha nodded.

After discussing the specific signal with the Skykiller, the Skykiller left directly and rushed to the place protected by the guardian god.

Su Yang and the Buddha stayed in the chaos, the Buddha sat cross-legged in the void, with a high concentration of mental power, mainly waiting for the signal from the Heavenslayer.


Protected land.

Now all the guardian gods are gathered in this place of guardianship, and the first gods and the most powerful ones are all staying here.

The Skykiller hides his breath, and when he reaches the guardian place, he can feel the breath of the First God and others from a distance.

After all, the strength of the Skykillers was much stronger than them, so when the Skykillers sensed them, they hadn't even noticed that the Skykillers had arrived.

The Skykiller controls the distance, so that the strongest cannot feel his presence. Then, start flying in this guarded place and observe the situation in the guarded place.

He bypassed the area that the strongest could sense, so the strongest could not even notice what he was coming over.

However, in this way, the area that the Skykillers can reach, that is, the edge of the guardian land, can't enter the core area of ​​the guardian land at all!

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