The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 2794: Magical aura

The Skykiller shook his head: "I don't know what it is, but I can feel that this is a particularly powerful aura, which is very beneficial to my cultivation!"

"Really?" Su Yang was stunned: "I'll try it too!"

Su Yang can't swallow the secrets of the world with demons, but he can combine the secrets of the Skykiller with the secrets of the Buddha and become a secret that belongs to him.

This newly created secret method, although not like Demon Swallowing the World, can forcibly absorb everything from the outside world for its own use. However, this secret method can slowly accept all the aura between heaven and earth and use it to nourish oneself.

Su Yang sat in the void, fell into silence, silently feeling the aura movement around him.

After a while, Su Yang finally felt the powerful aura mentioned by the Skykiller.

This kind of aura is not only powerful, but also very weird. It was different from any aura that Su Yang had absorbed before, but the effect was excellent. Su Yang can obviously feel that this kind of aura can make his strength grow by leaps and bounds!

Su Yang silently absorbed for a while, after this kind of spiritual energy entered the body, it did not repel the power in his own body. On the contrary, this kind of spiritual energy seems to be transformed into any kind of power, and the efficiency of transformation is extremely high.

Su Yang was promoted to the top of the heavenly rank, and it was already very difficult to go further. However, after this kind of spiritual energy entered the body, Su Yang could obviously feel that his strength was slowly increasing.

Although the growth rate is very slow, at least it is growing, and it is better than not moving at all before!

"What kind of aura is this? There is such an effect, my strength is growing!" Su Yang was astonished, and he suddenly remembered his promotion.

Su Yang was in this for a while, from the mid-level of the sky, he suddenly advanced to the peak of the sky.

Su Yang didn't know the reason before, but now feeling this spiritual energy, Su Yang finally knows what's going on. It seemed that he had absorbed this kind of aura without knowing it, that caused his strength to soar!

"Me too!" The Skykiller nodded.

"The same for you?" Su Yang's eyes widened, is the power of Skykiller growing? This aura, so that the strongest can also improve their strength? Then this aura is too powerful!

"I haven't felt this way for many years..." The Skykiller whispered: "I didn't expect that I could go further. I always thought that the Xeon could no longer move forward at this point. It is the end of cultivation. Only by merging with the laws of heaven or the land can we go further. It seems that my opinion is wrong!"

Su Yang said shockedly: "Then if you continue to practice under the current situation, what realm will you reach? Heavenly Lord?"

The Skykiller shook his head: "He won't reach the realm of Tianzun. Tianzun is a fusion of the rules of heaven. From a certain point of view, Tianzun is equivalent to the incarnation of heaven. Although the aura inside allows me to go further, this Spiritual energy is always under the rules of heaven and earth. No matter how I practice, I can't break through the rules of heaven and earth!"

Su Yang nodded slowly, he could understand this point. After all, the laws of heaven and earth are the most powerful forces in this world. No matter how you practice, you cannot break through these two rules!

"No matter what, your strength can grow, we want to defeat those guardian gods, it will be easier!" Su Yang said.

The Skykiller looked into the distance and whispered softly: "For us, the guardian **** is not the most important enemy, the gods are. If it is true that the seven gods are here, then they must be. We are planning a very important thing. If we can't defeat these seven heavenly beings, that human race, there will never be hope!"

Su Yang sighed, Tianzun is indeed an obstacle that Human Race cannot overcome.

"Well, you go out first and bring them in." The Skykiller said: "It should be a very good place for cultivation, where they can practice. Most of us haven't been in for a long time. If you can improve your strength, come here to practice and you can make progress."

Su Yang's eyes lit up: "This proposal is good, then I will bring them in, how about you?"

"I'm going around here." Skykiller said.

Su Yang looked at the appearance of the skykiller who was beginning to rot again, and said with worry: "The corrosive force inside is very strong. If you feel wrong, get out quickly."

"I know!" The Skykiller nodded, "I know the way out, so don't worry."

Su Yang nodded, didn't care about the Skykiller, turned and left the area.

Several other Xeons craned their necks outside and waited. Seeing Su Yang coming out, but the Skyslayer did not come out, everyone was shocked. Skyslayers would not encounter any accidents, right?

"Xiao Yang, why did you come out alone? Where's the Skykiller?" Demon Venerable asked in surprise.

"He walked around and looked at the situation inside." Su Yang said.

"Huh?" The Emperor was astonished: "The corrosive force inside didn't corrode him?"

"Of course it's corroded!" Su Yang told everyone the situation inside.

After hearing this, everyone was stunned, this situation, but they did not expect it.

"In that case, we all have hope, can we make our strength further?" The Emperor said in surprise.

"It looks like this!" Dao Zun immediately flew to Su Yang: "Come on, get me in quickly, and I will go and see what it looks like!"

"Send me in first, I like adventure best!" The Emperor also flew to the other side of Su Yang immediately.

Su Yang smiled: "Don't worry, go in one by one. After you go in, don't be careless, the situation inside is not as simple as it seems. The corrosion rate is very fast, and you must absorb the spiritual energy inside to recover yourself. So, After you go in, the most important thing is to feel the aura inside and absorb the aura inside as soon as possible to replenish yourself. Otherwise, once your body is completely corroded, it will be dangerous!"

Everyone nodded one after another, and the emperor said: "Okay, I am not a three-year-old kid. I still need you to explain it? Hurry up, send me in first!"

In the end, Su Yang did not send in the emperor or the Taoist priest first, but sent the Buddha in first. After all, he and the Skykiller are one twin.

Although the two of them now belong to different individuals, their strengths complement each other. When the two are together, the combat power they can exert can be at least 30% higher than that of fighting alone!

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