The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 2790: Su Yang's Secret

Everyone looked at this scene in astonishment, and no one could figure out what was going on.

In the end, these strongest people tried one by one, but the result was the same as the sky killer Ye Wantong. They went to that place and did not disappear, as if nothing happened.

"What the **** is this?" Su Yang couldn't help but walked to that place again and continued to try. As a result, this time he still disappeared suddenly.

Su Yang walked back and saw the expressions of everyone, and he knew what was going on. He scratched his head and said, "How could this be?"

"Or, let's go over with Brother Su!" Qi'er suggested: "Let's hold hands and go over, see what happens?"

"I'll try!" Ye Wantong nodded, she walked over, held hands with Su Yang, and walked forward together.

When he arrived at that place, Su Yang clearly felt that his hands were suddenly empty. He had already started to run towards the woods, but Ye Wantong was standing there with a blank face.

"Still not working?" Su Yang withdrew, staring at everyone in amazement: "When I got there, I felt my hands were empty, and then I went in alone."

"What the **** is this?" Everyone was at a loss. This situation really made them wonder.

"Could it be due to the limitation of strength?" The Emperor suddenly said: "This place, only people below the strongest can enter, and those who have reached the strength of the strongest can't enter?"

Everyone's eyes widened suddenly, so it is indeed possible.

"Then don't find someone below the strongest, come and try!" Su Yang said immediately.

"You are waiting here!" Dao Zun said and left quickly. Not long after, he returned with five people including the Emperor Wangu.

The reason why he brought these five people back was mainly because the strength of these five people was similar to that of Su Yang, and now they are all at the pinnacle of heaven. The closer the strength, the more it can explain the situation.

"Try again." Dao Zun: "Su Yang, you take five of them to try!"

Su Yang nodded and led the five people to the area.

On the way these five people came, they had heard Dao Zun talk about the situation here, and they were all very surprised. Following Su Yang's side, they all raised the twelve points spirit, wanting to observe the difference in this place.

Soon, they walked to that position.

A group of strongest people in the back opened their eyes wide, and watched these five people walk along with Su Yang. However, Su Yang disappeared soon, but these five people did not enter, but still stood there, looking around blankly.

"What's the situation?" The Emperor exclaimed, "Is it not related to strength?"

Other people are also full of confusion, they really thought it was the reason before. It seems that this is not the reason at all.

However, if it is not a limitation of strength, what is the situation? Why can Su Yang go in, but they can't, and why the five people of the eternal **** emperor can't go in? What's so special about it?

Su Yang retreated, his face also blank. This situation made him completely unclear what was going on.

"It's not because of strength, but is it because of people?" The Emperor looked up and down Su Yang: "But, you are not much different from us. Why can you go in and we can't go in?"

Su Yang scratched his head: "Could it be because I have a relationship with this place?"

"What's the relationship?" Ren Huangqi asked.

Su Yang repeated his previous guesses, including the memories he recovered after picking up the branch that did not belong to him.

After listening, everyone was stunned and shocked.

"Leader Su, according to you, there are not only one world tree, but many trees. The previous world trees also gave birth to life, but in the end those lives withered and the world tree withered, and there was that piece of wood. ??" The Eternal God Emperor said in astonishment: "And you, the life remaining from a certain previous world tree, was sent by that world tree to another newly born world tree, and then resurrected?"

Although what the eternal **** emperor said was very awkward, what Su Yang guessed in his heart was exactly the situation. He nodded slowly: "I think this is certainly possible!"

Everyone looked at each other, and everyone's face was full of consternation.

"Amitabha Buddha!" ​​The Buddha sighed softly: "If you really want to say this, it will be able to answer some questions about the birth of the ancient life!"

"What's the question?" Su Yangqi said.

The Buddha looked at the Emperor and said softly, "Master, do you remember? When we were born from the ancient times, in fact, everyone was very fragile. Although they are all innate lives, most of our strengths are It was cultivated later. Only the leader Su, who is different from our situation, had an immortal golden body and an immortal bone as soon as he was born. At that time, we were still sighing that he is the son of good fortune!"

The emperor nodded: "Yes, I used to be particularly envious. I was so powerful when I first came out, the immortal bones of the golden body, I have cultivated for such a long time, I have not been able to cultivate, and people have just been born. , I was quite depressed at the time. Listening to what you said, I understand a little bit, his immortal golden body and immortal bones were probably cultivated in the previous life, right? It was from the world tree where he was before. In the world, cultivate it!"

The others looked shocked, but they all nodded. In the case of Su Yang, only this explanation can make sense!

"Also, he seems to be born earlier than us!" Dao Zun said with a curled lips: "I remember when I saw him for the first time, he beat me and asked me to call him uncle!"

Everyone: "..."

Su Yang was ashamed, but there is still such a thing? It's no wonder that the first time I went to the planet where Dao Venerable was, Dao Venerable seemed to be a little dissatisfied with him, because I had beaten him before?

"That's not because your mouth is cheap, you have to compare your age with others!" The emperor curled his lips: "I can't beat you. If I can beat you, you have to call me uncle!"

"Then you can't beat me now, should you call me the second uncle?" Dao Zun immediately pinched his waist.

"Roll!" The emperor cursed badly, then looked at Su Yang, frowning: "If it is really the situation Su Yang just said, he came out of that woods, so he can Go in again. Then, we really can't get into this place, after all, we didn't come out of this wood!"

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