The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 2774: More than one voice

"There must be a problem in that darkness. Since this person can transmit to me like this, it means that if he wants to kill me, it will be easy!" Su Yang said solemnly, "He didn't kill me, the only explanation is that he I don’t want to kill me. In other words, I don’t want to kill me for the time being. Therefore, even if I enter chaos now, there will be no danger!"

Everyone looked at each other and was silent for a long time. Qi'er nodded: "I think Brother Su is right. This person may not be Tianzun. Moreover, he can avoid the transmission of our voice to Brother Su, indicating that this person's strength is really in ours. Go on. If he really wants to kill Brother Su, we can't stop it. In this case, whether Brother Su is in Chaos or outside, the situation is the same! In this case, it is better to take this opportunity to investigate first. Knowing what's going on in the dark. It's better than staying here and knowing nothing!"

"I think so too!" Mozun nodded likewise.

The other people glanced at each other and didn't say anything.

"If this is the case, then so be it!" The Skykiller nodded: "I will take the Buddha and the Yuling Palace Master to guard the chaos so that the strongest guardian **** cannot enter it. The others, stay in the Nine Realms, for Ye Wantong protects the law!"

The Heaven Killer arranged, and everyone began to act.

The Qier of the Heavenslayer and the Buddha accompanied Su Yang into the chaos. In fact, the Qier of the Heavenslayer and the Buddha did not enter the chaos. They just held the chaos to prevent the strongest guardian **** from entering the chaos.

As for the things in Chaos, Su Yang went in to investigate alone, and the three of the Skykillers would not go in and help.

Su Yang brought in Chaos Sparrow this time, although he knew the law of Chaos very well. However, in this chaos, it is the chaos sparrow who can really get in the water. After all, they are the natives in the chaos!

After the last battle in Chaos, Su Yang's understanding of Chaos has gone a step further. Now he can easily distinguish any position in this chaos.

After learning more about chaos, Su Yang learned that chaos can be said to be infinitely large or infinitely small. Chaos has no boundaries. To enter the big world from chaos, you only need to tear the chaos.

However, if you cannot tear the chaos, you will never be able to enter the big world, you can only wander in the chaos forever.

Although Su Yang knew better about Chaos, in fact, only the natives in Chaos knew about some of the hidden places in Chaos.

Come in with the Chaos Sparrow, it can also tell Su Yang where is special and where is special in the Chaos.

One person and one bird flew slowly in this chaos, and the destination was where Su Yang found the flower of chaos. However, Su Yang was not in a hurry to go there. Because he knew that place, there should be no clue. So, it's better to hurry slowly and investigate the special place in this chaos by the way.

At this speed, it took Su Yang almost a hundred years to get to the place where Chaos Flower was discovered before.

As Su Yang guessed, there was no clue left in this place.

After the flower of chaos was removed, the rhizome shrank into the darkness, and the darkness slowly disappeared. In this area, there was no clue left, as if nothing had happened.

Although nothing was discovered, Su Yang did not rush to leave. He came to the place where the darkness was before, sat down cross-legs, closed his eyes, emptied his thoughts, and quietly felt everything around him.

The whispering voices still echoed in Su Yang's ears, which was no different from before.

Su Yang was not in a hurry, sitting here quietly, as if he was in meditation.

After a while, Su Yang suddenly opened his eyes, and the expression on his face instantly became serious.

He didn't think much, and immediately tore through the chaos and rushed into the big world.

The Skykillers were all guarding outside the chaos. When Su Yang came out, they naturally felt it, and they could feel the direction Su Yang came out. Therefore, after Su Yang walked out of the chaos, they also rushed there to rendezvous with Su Yang.

"Leader Su, have you found anything?" The Buddha asked in surprise, and Su Yang suddenly came out, which made them very strange.

Su Yang's face was solemn, and he said solemnly: "There is discovery!"

"What did you find?" the three asked at the same time.

Su Yang took a deep breath and said solemnly: "I found that it was not one voice that was speaking in my ear, but several voices mixed together!"

"What?" The three of them widened their eyes at the same time. This is really a major discovery.

"Not one person, but several people?" The Skykiller frowned: "In other words, didn't the last Tianzun speak in your ear?"

Su Yang nodded: "It should not be him!"

"If it weren't that Tianzun, who would it be?" Qi'er was surprised: "Or, who else could have such a powerful strength?"

"The most important thing is that the person who speaks is with the guardian god!" Buddha said: "He has been thinking of ways to confuse people and want people to take refuge in heaven. From now on, he must be our enemy!"

Su Yang nodded, this is also what he worries most. I don't know where a few strong guardian gods emerged, which is indeed bad news for the human race.

"What the **** is the darkness at the rhizome of the Flower of Chaos? What is inside?" Su Yang couldn't help asking.

The three Skykillers shook their heads at the same time: "No one knows."

"Have you not studied it?" Su Yangqi said: "The Flower of Chaos will bloom once every 100,000 years. When it blooms, these darkness will appear. Haven't studied it for so many years?"

"No!" The Skykiller shook his head: "Every time the Flower of Chaos is in full bloom, it is when the human race and the strongest of the Guardian God fight desperately. No one wants the other party to grab the Flower of Chaos, and it will explode in the chaos. Great war. The strongest on both sides don't want each other to approach the flower of chaos, let alone study the darkness."

"And every battle ends with the flower of chaos being shattered. After the flower of chaos is shattered, the rhizome and darkness will disappear, and there is no time to study it. For so many years, people have not even been able to study the flower of chaos in detail. Besides, this area is dark!"

"That's it!" Su Yang sighed helplessly. No one had studied it, so it was impossible to explore the dark secrets.

"However, someone has touched the darkness of the flower of chaos!" the Buddha suddenly said.

"Oh?" Su Yang immediately widened his eyes: "Who touched it? What happened? Is there anything special about the darkness?"

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