The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 2757: Into chaos

Of course, the guardian **** must have never thought that the human race actually wanted Ye Wantong to eat the flower of chaos.

Because, in the eyes of the guardian god, the key to the human race is Su Yang. Therefore, they must find a way to make Su Yang eat the flower of chaos.

As for Ye Wantong, they hadn't considered this at all. In their opinion, even if it wasn't for Su Yang to eat, it had to be given to one of the four ascetic Buddhas. How could it be given to Ye Wantong? After all, the four ascetic Buddhas are definitely more hopeful than Ye Wantong to be promoted to the strongest!

The Guardian God didn't really care what the Human Race thought. Because, in their view, even if the eternal **** emperor personally entered the chaos to **** the flower of chaos, the human race had no hope of winning.

The Human Race did not understand the situation, but the Guardian God was more familiar with the situation of Chaos Flower.

After the Flower of Chaos is obtained, it is not so easy to eat it. The process of eating it takes a long time, and when eating the flower of chaos, the power of the person who eats the flower of chaos can't be used at all. If there is no one to protect the law, it can only be slaughtered.

This is why, the guardian **** formulates the winning rule, one of them eats the flower of chaos.

From the perspective of the Guardian God, even if Su Yang made such a request, it didn't make any sense to let people know the location of the Flower of Chaos first. Even if Su Yang can grab the Chaos Flower first, the question is, can they eat the Chaos Flower?

It is not important to really get the Flower of Chaos first, what is important is the process of eating the Flower of Chaos later. The plan of the guardian **** is also mainly aimed at snatching the flower of chaos from the human race.

Therefore, no matter who is allowed in the Human Race, as long as the number of people stays the same, there is no problem for the Guardian God.

After the two sides determined the candidates to enter the Chaos Land, the strongest of both sides swears to heaven and earth in front of everyone, thus confirming that the strongest will never interfere in this matter.

After everything is handled, the Flower of Chaos should almost open. The strongest on both sides entered the chaos, looking for the position of the flower of chaos.

After almost three days, these Xeons rushed back, and they have found the location of the Chaos Flower.

The Skykiller told Su Yang the location of the Chaos Flower. As for the guardian god, the strongest ones would definitely not be able to tell the location of the Chaos Flower. After all, I swore it before.

Knowing the position of the Flower of Chaos, the next step is for the Xeon to clear the field of Chaos.

In order to ensure absolute fairness, not only human races and guardian gods are not allowed in the chaos, even other creatures must be cleared out. For example, Chaos Worm, such as Chaos Sparrow, cannot stay in Chaos.

The strongest shot, all the lives in the chaos were driven out. Among them, they included the batch of Chaos Sparrows that Su Yang had seen before, as well as many Chaos Worms.

The number of Chaos Insects is more than ten times that of Chaos Sparrows, but the combat power is definitely far inferior to Chaos Sparrows.

Chaos worms were all taken away by the Guardian God, and these Chaos Sparrows came to the human race. After all, the last Chaos Sparrow King was on the human side.

After the strongest cleared the chaos, the chaos was sealed off, and only then did the members selected by both sides enter the chaos.

The human race and the guardian **** choose to enter the chaos position is different, according to the previous agreement, Su Yang and the others enter the chaos position, to be closer to the chaos flower. As for those guardian gods, they entered the chaos from the other end, and they must be farther away from the chaos.

Su Yang's six people entered the chaos, and rushed to the position of the flower of chaos directly according to the direction said by the skykiller.

After Su Yang deepened his understanding of the geography, he finally knew what it meant by the so-called chaos without direction and time.

It is not that chaos has no direction and time, but the direction and time of chaos is meaningless to people born in space. In chaos, people cannot feel the change of direction and the passage of time.

In fact, chaos has a distance, and the scope is extremely wide, much wider than the three thousand great worlds combined.

However, chaos has its own chaotic rules. People tear space in space and can be transmitted to another place far away. Similarly, there are many chaotic gaps in chaos, and those who stray into such a gap can also be transported to far places.

Su Yang had heard people say before that if you are in the chaos, you may be able to get from the chaos to the other in the next moment, or you may toss in it for millions of years, and you may not be able to move a little distance.

It is because of the existence of these chaotic gaps that this weird situation occurs. And this has also led many people to think that chaos has no distance. In fact, these are all people's imaginations.

However, the chaos gap is not stable and will be changed by the surrounding forces. A strong force will cause the gap to collapse and disappear. Therefore, the stronger the person, the less likely it is to fall into the chaos gap in this chaos.

When the strength of the strongest is reached, he can run wild in this chaos.

As for those below the Xeon, they will still be affected by the chaos gap. However, with Su Yang's strength, there are not many chaotic gaps that can affect them.

With the position of the Flower of Chaos, Su Yang understood many rules of chaos, and easily avoided those chaotic gaps. In less than ten years, Su Yang and the others noticed an unusual aura. It seemed that they were not far from the Flower of Chaos.

On the way, Su Yang also had a general understanding of Chaos Flower.

The so-called flower of chaos is a flower born in the depths of chaos. It is said to be condensed by the essence of chaos. Regardless of heaven or earth, there is a description of the flower of chaos, that is, the flower of chaos, which has the ability to advance to the strongest.

The content of heaven and earth is definitely not wrong. Therefore, the flower of chaos is also known as the most powerful elixir in the world!

However, the Flower of Chaos will only bloom once every 100,000 years. And every time it blooms, the strongest of the human race and the guardian **** will come in and **** it. The end result is that the Flower of Chaos is shattered, and no one can take advantage.

From ancient times to the present, not a single flower of chaos has been eaten by the human race or the guardian god, and all the flower of chaos was eventually broken.

The human race and the guardian **** have robbed them for so many years, and no one has taken the slightest advantage. Therefore, there was an agreement between the two parties this time, and the Xeon no longer intervened, and people below the Xeon compete for the Flower of Chaos.

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