The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 2754: Su Yang's request

Su Yang waved his hand and signaled Dao Zun not to worry.

Dao Zun opened his mouth, and finally swallowed the rest of the words back into his stomach.

To be honest, if Su Yang hadn't just pitted the Lord God and snatched the Eternal Sword of the Lord God, he would really refute Su Yang.

Doing so is simply pushing the human race into the fire pit!

"Master Eternal, I will definitely support my proposal. After all, Human Race ended up with only six people entering, but the Guardian God had 22 people entering. The gap between the two sides is clear at a glance!" Su Yang said.

"Leader Su was joking. Who doesn't know that the human race is strong, and there are several. What's wrong with six, maybe it is the human race?" The Lord God laughed, in fact, he was also sneer in his heart. How can Terran win?

"Master Eternal, don't be happy first." Su Yang said: "I haven't finished my words yet!"

"You... what else do you want to say?" The eternal lord shook his heart. What kind of horrible idea is Su Yang going to come up with?

"I also said just now. There are six humans and 22 guardian gods. This is very unfair to humans!" Su Yang said.

The Lord God frowned: "Leader Su wants to regret it?"

"No regrets, I just think that since we have to discuss, then try to be fair!" Su Yang said.

"The human race has only six strongest people, and our guardian **** has 22 strongest people. This is the ability of our guardian god. If you feel unfair, you can make people have more strongest people!" Eternal The main **** said directly.

"I'll talk about this later, let's talk about the immediate matter first." Su Yang said: "Since the human race is far fewer than your guardian god, then I have one more request."

"What else do you want to ask for?" The Lord God said solemnly.

"We must first know the location of the Chaos Flower!" Su Yang said: "When the Chaos Flower is in full bloom, the location will be fixed. You have to go in and find the specific location yourself. Our human race is small, so we must first know it. The location of the Flower of Chaos!"

"At that time, when the flower of chaos is in full bloom, you can let the strongest of both sides enter the chaos and find the position of the flower of chaos. Then, tell me the position of the human race, but the guardian **** cannot know this position!" Su Yang Said: "This is my request. If you can agree, then we can continue to talk about this matter. If you can't agree, then don't talk about this matter!"

The Lord God frowned, let the people know the position of the flower of chaos first, so the human race took a lot of advantage. In this way, doesn't the Human Race have already gained the upper hand? Su Yang is planning to cut the mess with a sharp knife and take away the Chaos Flower directly, not fighting with the Guardian God at all?

Doing so is totally inconsistent with the plan of the Guardian God.

Taking a deep breath, the Lord God is about to refuse. At this time, the voice of the First God suddenly sounded in his ear: "Agree!"

The Lord God couldn't help but froze, what does it mean to agree? The first God wants to agree to this request?

"Agree with his request!" The voice of the First God came again.

The Lord God frowned, although he was very upset at the tone of the command of the First God in his heart. However, in the end he nodded.

"Okay, I agree with your request!" The Lord God said directly.

Su Yang smiled lightly: "That would be great. Congratulations to Lord Eternal for making a wise decision. If this is the case, then the matter is settled!"

The Lord God slowly nodded, and Su Yang continued: "By the way, should we discuss the specific details?"

"What details?" The Lord God asked in surprise.

"For example, where to choose the battlefield, what are the rules, how to distinguish who wins and who loses? You can't run around and fight in three thousand big worlds, and you can't kill until the end is all dead, it's not over!" Su Yang said.

"The battlefield is in the chaos. As for the rules, it is the range of the chaos that cannot be left. Those who enter must fight for the flower of the chaos in the chaos. The strongest will block the chaos so that no one can enter or leave." The emperor said in a deep voice. Said: "As for the distinction between the winner and the loser, it is very simple. In the end, which party ate the Flower of Chaos, even if the party wins!"

"Very well, it wins my heart!" Su Yang smiled and nodded: "If this is the case, then this matter is set. By the way, the strongest will not interfere, right?"

"The Xeon will definitely not intervene!" The Lord God directly said: "Before this battle, the Xeons of both sides will swear in the name of heaven and earth. If the Xeons intervene before the victory or defeat, or affect the battlefield Balance, then, the Xeon will be erased by heaven and earth!"

Su Yang nodded in satisfaction, and the strongest swears to the heavenly and earthly. This is a very important oath, and an oath that will never be violated. So, from this point of view, the guardian **** is still quite concerned about this matter.

"I have one more request..." Su Yang said, "Only we know the location of the Chaos Flower. You must also swear to the Dao of Heaven that you will only tell us this news, and you will never tell the people over there! "

"This..." The Lord God was stunned for a moment, which is hard for him to swear. Because he didn't know what the plan of the first **** was, he suspected that the first **** was going to secretly tell the guardian **** the position of the flower of chaos.

If they swear this way, wouldn't they be able to tell them the position of the Chaos Flower, then wouldn't Su Yang want to take advantage of it?

While the Lord God was hesitating, the voice of the First God came again: "Promise him."

The Lord God looked blank, what on earth did the First God think? Can such a request be accepted? Do you want to make the guardian **** suffer?

However, when things have reached this point, the Lord God does not bother to make his own decisions. In any case, these are all orders from the First God. Even if the Guardian God fails, it is also the responsibility of the Lord God. It has nothing to do with him. He is still happy to see the First God embarrassed.

"Okay, I agree to your request!" The Lord God said directly, anyway, he didn't have to carry the scapegoat by himself, and he answered simply this time.

"Very good!" Su Yang smiled and nodded: "Master Eternal, you are still very decisive in doing things. This courage is really admirable. No wonder you have such a status among the guardian gods!"

"Huh!" The Lord God coldly snorted: "In this case, this matter is set. The Flower of Chaos will bloom in three years, and in two and a half years, we will meet again to discuss this matter. You have to choose you. The list of members that came out will be handed over, and we will also hand over the list of members here. At that time, I hope everything goes well for everyone!"

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