The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 2742: Skykiller shot

The Demon Venerable couldn't help smiling, he could naturally hear it, but in fact, the person in the vortex was already a bit unable to hold it.

Although it was only a half of the Heavenly Dao stele, it was the half where the Heavenly Dao body was located. The emperor alone, before the heavenly realm awakens, he can suppress it. However, once the Heavenly Dao body awakens, he can't suppress it!

"Forget it, let's make a quick fight, so as not to waste time!" The devil stepped into the whirlpool.

"You say that, I have no objection!" The emperor's voice also came out.

The Heavenly Fighter stood outside the vortex and watched, only to see that the vortex became more and more intense. The mighty power made these sky warriors be frightened.

The power of this vortex, even if it involves any one person, is enough to make them immediately disperse, and they will never be reborn again. This is the power of the deity of heaven!

Only the strongest can enter this vortex at will and be able to overcome this vortex.

I don't know how long it took before the whirlpool finally calmed down.

At this moment, above the sky-reaching giant tree, a woman in a flaming red dress came out.

The woman's face is against the sky, and at a glance, it is enough to make people forget all other women in this world.

Seeing this woman, the Heavenly Fighters were all excited and bowed down one after another: "Welcome the Lord Palace Lord!"

This woman is not someone else, but the master of Yuling Palace, that is, the original Qi'er.

After leaving the customs again, Qi'er became even more refined than before. She has restored her identity as the master of the Yuling Palace and her former strength. Now she is the lord of the palace who is high above and no one can desecrate!

It can be said that whether it is the Primordial Sky Warrior or the Ancient Sky Warrior, Qi'er is full of respect.

Needless to say the ancient sky warrior, after all, Qi'er is the leader of the ancient sky warrior, one of the strongest. At the same time, Qi'er's Yuling Palace sheltered too many sky warriors and saved too many sky warriors in the ancient times. Her prestige among the sky warriors in the ancient times was not under that of the sky killers. Even her affinity is much higher than that of Skykiller.

As for the Primordial Sky Fighters, let alone. Qi'er is the daughter of the human emperor, and a heaven warrior of the human emperor's line is naturally very respectful to her. As for other primordial warriors, respecting the emperor will naturally respect the princess!

When Qi'er came to the sky above the whirlpool, there were two small dots by his side, which was very cute flying around.

If Su Yang was here, he would recognize it at a glance. These two are small, one is the little gray bird who followed Qi'er before, and the other is the little chicken cub who has followed Su Yang for a long time.

Of course, the strength of these two little guys is also very difficult. I don't know how Qi'er did it, these two little guys now have a realm of heaven.

Qi'er stood outside the whirlpool, quietly watching the situation in the whirlpool.

After a long time, a sullen sigh suddenly came from the whirlpool, and a black stone stele flew directly out of it, straight into the sky.

Qi'erxiu frowned slightly, and wanted to stop it. At this time, the human emperor's voice came out: "Don't stop it, the heavenly path has not fully recovered. If you force it to stay, I am afraid that it will lead to the Tianzun. Now there is no need to make things so big!"

Qi'er nodded, and no longer blocked them, letting the half-length stone stele fly out.

She knew that it was not the time for a decisive battle. They had to wait until Su Yang was promoted to the strongest. At that time, it was time to fight the guardian god!

However, before the black stele flew out of the sky, a phantom suddenly appeared in the sky. This phantom expanded rapidly, and finally turned into a huge figure that filled the sky.

The black stele seemed to be very afraid of this figure, and turned around in a panic, trying to escape the area covered by this figure. However, the scope of this phantom was too large, and the black stone stele could not be completely rushed out in the end, being wrapped by the phantom.

The black stone tablet immediately rammed around in the phantom, trying to break through the phantom.

I have to say that this Heavenly Dao stele is indeed very powerful, and the phantom being washed away is also shaky.

However, at this time there was also a person in the phantom, a person holding the Heaven Slashing Blade.

"It's the Skykiller!" Qi'er yelled, and both Human Sovereign and Demon Sovereign looked directly at the sky.

The Sky Killer held the Heaven Slashing Blade and quickly rushed to the stone monument that day.

The Heavenly Path Stele also felt the crisis, and while turning to avoid it, a powerful ray of light flew out to stop the Heavenslayer.

These rays of light are very powerful, after all, it is the power of the heavens, and no sky warrior can resist this light.

The Sky Killer held the Heaven Slashing Blade, smashing these rays one by one, and his speed did not slow down a bit, he rushed to the Tiandao stele in the blink of an eye.

The Heavenly Path Stone Stele immediately backed away, but it was too late at this time, and the Heaven Slayer raised the Heaven Slayer Blade and slashed it heavily.

Seeing this knife, it was about to smash the heavenly stone stele. Suddenly, a roar came from the sky in the distance: "Heaven Killer, dare you!"

The voice has not yet fallen, and one person has appeared in the phantom, attacking the Skykiller from behind.

"Don't you feel embarrassed to do this kind of sneak attack?" Mo Zun shouted angrily, rushed up and stopped the man.

However, seven more people appeared in the phantom at this time, and they attacked the Skykillers.

Not to be outdone, Qi'er and the Emperor immediately rushed into the phantom to block these people.

However, there are still fewer Xeons here. Among the guardian gods, there were two strong men, and they quickly rushed to the heavenly stele and stopped the skykiller.

Of course, they were slower after all. The Heaven Slayer's Heaven Slayer's blade still left a long mark on the Heavenly Dao Stele, almost cutting the Heavenly Dao Stele into two sections.

In the end, the Xeons of the Guardian God saved the Heavenly Dao Stele, and the other Xeons had no intention of fighting, and after taking the Heavenly Dao Stele, they immediately left.

Here, the body of the Skykiller also swayed slightly, took a deep breath, and quickly retracted the phantom in the sky.

Just now, the Celestial Killer alone fought the Heavenly Path Stone Tablet alone, and the pressure he was under was terrifying. You know, that is, after all, the Heavenly Dao Stone Tablet, the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao will, condensing the power of the Heavenly Dao, and it is not something ordinary people can contend.

Although there are only half of the heavenly steles, the power is extremely terrifying. The Heaven Killer was able to chase the Heavenly Dao Stele like that because he used his shadow to suppress the Heavenly Dao Stele.

And this suppression is also extremely costly. It is already very difficult for the Skykiller to persist for such a long time!

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