The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 2737: Retreat again

After bringing everyone back, Su Yang also began to retreat again.

This time, Su Yang was the one who benefited the most.

Having been trapped by the Great Array of Heaven for nearly a hundred years, and being polished by the power of Heaven during this period, Su Yang's strength is also improving by leaps and bounds.

Moreover, during this period of time, Su Yang had a better understanding of his own immortal golden body and immortal bone, and knew how to make the immortal bone and immortal golden body better integrate.

Coupled with the fact that the earth is now in his body, he has a better understanding of the power of the earth.

Together, Su Yang had already shown signs of breaking through the horizon realm. Now that there is time, Su Yang will naturally start to retreat and break through.

The Palace of Tianzong had been abolished, and Su Yang casually found a mountain and began to retreat. Some simple magic formations were arranged outside, and now the furnace is extremely safe, because the human race heaven warriors have returned, no one can come in and make trouble at will.

The strong humans in the Rongshi Furnace were shocked by the news that Su Yang had closed the door again.

This time, retreating again, Su Yang is definitely going to enter another realm. In other words, Su Yang is about to enter the realm of heaven.

How long has it been, in just a thousand years, how many times has Su Yang been promoted. Especially the step from earth level to heaven level is really too difficult to cross, countless genius figures are all stuck in this realm.

And Su Yang was promoted so quickly, this is really unimaginable!

Even if Su Yang is really a figure of the same era as the Buddha, the Taoist and the emperor, how can it be? Even the first strong men who were born in the first place have spent countless years of cultivation before being promoted to the strongest. No one can be born to be the strongest.

Moreover, it was not only Su Yang who was born at the same time as the Buddha, the Taoist and the emperor, but there were actually many others. The achievements of those people are not weak, but they have not been able to reach the strongest, and some of them have not even been able to reach the realm of heaven. It can be seen that this birth time is early, does not mean that you can truly become the strongest!

And Su Yang, it took such a short time to advance. This makes people have to start to speculate again that Su Yang's promotion to the strongest is already a certainty.

What really makes people unable to guess is how far Su Yang can go after becoming the strongest?

The strongest also have different strengths. Such as the Skykiller, is the absolute peak power among the strongest!

Can Su Yang reach the height of the Skykiller?

When people were speculating about this, a shocking thing happened.

After Su Yang retreats for three months, a vision suddenly occurred in the place of retreat, which alarmed all the strong in the furnace.

Those strong men who had already begun to retreat also all left the customs and rushed to the place where Su Yang retreats.

Because the appearance of this vision indicated that Su Yang was about to advance.

After three months of retreat, he is about to advance to the realm of heaven. This speed is something that no one has ever heard of, and everyone is shocked to the extreme, wanting to come over and watch this historic scene.

The eternal emperor stood in the void, his throne was shattered by him during the last war, and it has not yet recovered. The throne is just a faint phantom, following behind him, which will take a long time to slowly repair.

However, the good point is that the land is now in the furnace of fusion. Borrowing the power of the rule of land to repair this throne is not difficult.

The ascetic Buddha sat in the void, the Supreme Dragon Emperor coiled around on a mountain in the distance, and the Immortal Titan stood beside this mountain. In the air, there is a one-eyed one looking far away.

These four powerhouses have also returned, all looking shocked at the mountain where Su Yang retreats.

These four powerhouses, similar to the emperor of the ancients, are the top group of people under the strongest. They all have the qualifications to aspire to be the strongest, and they are well aware of the cultivation situation in this realm.

Su Yang was able to advance to the heavenly realm so quickly, this was something that no one had thought of, even these four people had never thought of it.

Of course, the emperor was also very shocked, but his heart was even more joyful.

Because Su Yang is Ye Wantong's husband, he is also his son-in-law. The faster Su Yang advances, the happier he naturally becomes.

"Thousands of years, from the elementary level of the earth level to the realm of the sky..." The Supreme Dragon Sovereign said softly, "Looking at the strongest of the human race and the guardian god, no one can do this, right?"

The immortal Titan was very thick and honest, and did not speak, but nodded dumbly.

The Supreme Dragon Sovereign glanced at him, then looked at the Eternal Emperor Human Sovereign in the distance, and said with a curl of his mouth: "The guy watching Human Sovereign is excited, it seems that he was promoted himself!"

"That's his son-in-law after all!" The Immortal Titan finally said a word.

"..." The Supreme Dragon Sovereign was silent for a moment: "I knew how many more daughters had been born!"

The Immortal Titan finally glanced at the Supreme Dragon Emperor and frowned: "Even if you give birth to a daughter, you are also a monster beast, what are you going to do?"

"What's the matter with the monster beast? When you reach the holy realm, you can transform into a human form!" The Supreme Dragon Sovereign said unconvincedly: "So many members of the human race don't still marry a powerful monster!"

"..." The Immortal Titan closed his mouth and stopped talking.

The Supreme Dragon Sovereign muttered a few words, and finally he could only look at the Eternal Emperor Sovereign enviously.

Others are also whispering, Su Yang's promotion is really shocking, looking at the past and present, no one can achieve such a promotion speed!

The vision in the sky finally dissipated, and everyone looked forward to the mountainous area, wanting to see how Su Yang appeared.

However, after everyone waited for a long time, Su Yang did not come out. On the contrary, the magic circle around the mountain area was once again laid out.

"What's the situation?" someone asked in surprise.

"I have all been promoted, why not come out?"

"The magic circle is put out again, what is this going to do? Retreat again?"

"No? Still retreat? Didn't you get promoted?"

"Nonsense, look at the vision just now, it is a sign of promotion, how could it not be promoted?"

"Then Leader Su is doing this?"

Everyone was surprised, and they were all bewildered by this situation.

Suddenly, the nine-headed demon yuan widened his eyes and said in surprise, "Leader Su, is he going to retreat again? He has to be promoted again?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes widened, and they looked at the mountains below with even more shock.

Retreat again, isn't this just going to be promoted again? Could it be said that this promotion is not Su Yang's limit, he needs to go further?

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