The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 2721: Tianzong fiasco

Su Yang used new secret methods one after another, and Tianzong was beaten by these endless new and mysterious methods without the power to fight back.

It didn't take long before Tianzong's body was broken into pieces, and he was completely panicked.

He has already seen that he is not Su Yang's opponent at all. Moreover, Su Yang's magical secret methods are endless and endless. Under this situation, he must die in Su Yang's hands.

Tianzong wanted to retreat, but the problem was that he had already said something just now. Isn't it a shame to retreat at this time?

So many guardian gods are still watching. If you retreat this time, the morale of the guardian **** will definitely be low. In the future, his status and prestige among the guardian gods will also drop to the extreme. He can't even want these guardian gods to listen to him.

Therefore, now Tianzong can be said to be riding a tiger. He couldn't beat Su Yang and couldn't retreat, so he could only passively be beaten in this way.

At the same time, Tianzong finally understood why Su Yang had to say such things before. He thought that Su Yang was arrogant, and now he knows that Su Yang actually knew that he could beat Tianzong a long time ago, so he deliberately said that, just to make Tianzong unable to retreat, and unable to let other guards. God is here to help.

Tianzong glanced at Su Yang, his eyes extremely resentful. People in this era are really dirty in their hearts, they are trying to pit themselves to death!

Su Yang didn't know what Tianzong was thinking, but he could guess it. Su Yang laughed secretly, did not stop in his hand, and tried his best to take the opportunity to kill Tianzong.

After several attacks, Su Yang seized a flaw and quickly defeated Tianzong's body.

Tianzong Yuanshen ran away in panic, trying to reshape his body. But at this time, Su Yang had quickly reached it.

Tianzong was shocked, he was seriously injured now. If the primordial spirit suffers another severe damage, then I don’t know how long it will take to recover!

Therefore, at this time, Tianzong didn't care about anything, and turned around and fled to the guardian god.

Su Yang hurried to chase after him, but Tianzong wanted to run away and shouted, "Kill! Let's all go together and kill these humble ants!"

The guardian gods looked at each other, and everyone looked very ugly. In the presence of so many people, the Tianzong was defeated. The most important thing was that I said before that everyone was not allowed to help, but now I have to let them take action. This is a backlash. This is the most despised.

Tianzong is the leader of the Guardian God's side. By doing this, he will make all Guardian Gods ashamed.

These guardian gods were extremely angry, but there was no way. Although he was very dissatisfied with Tianzong, after all, there was still a first **** behind Tianzong, and that ancient strongest was the most apex of the guardian gods.

Although Tianzong is unbearable, if everyone really ignores it, once the first **** comes out, who can bear the wrath of the first god?

Therefore, in the end, these guardian gods still couldn't rush over with all their strength and stopped Su Yang.

Su Yang was not polite, and while fighting against these guardian gods, he laughed and said: "Master Tianzong, just said yes, people on both sides will not interfere. You do this now, ha ha, but you are really lost. The face of the guardian god!"

"Stop talking nonsense!" Tianzong hid behind the guardian god, while he was trying his best to recover his body, while gritting his teeth: "This battle was originally a battle between our two races. Isn't it normal for people on both sides to go to war? This battle? , I want your human race to be completely annihilated and kill me!"

The guardian **** rushed up frantically, and the strong human races on Su Yang's side also rushed up, and the battle broke out directly.

This time, Su Yang stood directly at the forefront of the Human Race, because he was now the strongest on the Human Race.

Before Tianzong was the strongest on both sides, but Tianzong was defeated by him, then Su Yang became the strongest.

Leading the way, Su Yang's strength is terrifying. No one of these guardian gods can be his opponent. Only a dozen or so earth-level peak powers can be separated, and Su Yang can be besieged, which is barely limiting Su Yang.

Both sides are very clear about the situation of this battle. The outcome of this thousand-year war depends on this time.

The human race persisted for the last hundred years, and it was considered a victory over there. If you can't persist, all previous efforts will be wasted.

Everyone didn't talk nonsense, they all started desperately, and the battlefield of the war spread quickly.

After a short while, the strong began to fall. The two sides are also red eyes, fighting hard, just want to kill each other.

At this time, both sides no longer consider the matter of resurrection afterwards. Because, it will be a thousand years, and the strongest will return.

They had to consider this before, because they had to leave some strong men behind in order to use the circle of reincarnation and the guardian **** to revive the dead.

But now that the strongest are coming back, there is no need to leave the strong.

Therefore, this time, both sides did not keep their hands at all, they were trying their best.

In the fifty years of the war, more than 70% of the casualties on both sides were involved. The fierce battle was far beyond Su Yang's previous expectations. The guardian **** is completely desperate, like a chicken blood, regardless of his own life, will kill the strong on the human side.

This situation also made Su Yang feel palpitation. According to this situation, the strength of the human race is really not as good as the guardian god. Whether it can survive the remaining fifty years is really hard to say.

Su Yang's situation is okay, although he is able to play against a dozen or so high-level pinnacles alone. After so many years, he has become more proficient in his own secret method, and on the contrary, he has begun to fight against these more than a dozen strong men.

However, his strength alone does not represent everyone. The situation on Human Race is still in crisis.

Yuankong, Ye Wantong, one man and one sword, was besieged by three guardian gods.

The white clothes were stained with blood, Ye Wantong's face was still cold.

In these fifty years of war, Ye Wantong was also seriously injured. The physical body of the Earth Bear next to him nearly collapsed and was put away by Ye Wantong. Now she can only challenge these people alone.

However, all the guardian gods knew that she was Su Yang's wife, and also knew that she was inherited from the female sword master. Therefore, in the guardian god, there are a lot of people against her.

After the human race was dispersed, no one could come to support her, and she had to fight against several powerful men with similar strengths at the same time. Naturally, it goes without saying.

Now these three guardian gods are no worse than her in strength. These three people also made a good calculation, ready to capture Ye Wantong, to blackmail Su Yang and human race, this is also Tianzong's plan.

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