The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 255: Bronze rubbings

Su Yang watched the crowd rushing up from a distance, and couldn't help but laugh inwardly.

These people are really stupid. The bearded man is obviously lying to them, they really believe it.

The long-bearded man yelled for everyone to come together. In fact, the long-bearded man himself did not rush forward. On the contrary, taking advantage of the people around him not paying attention, he quietly stepped back.

Shao Wang kicked the skeleton, but the situation of the skeleton being kicked did not happen. Instead, the skeleton grabbed his leg, dragged him directly to his mouth, and bit his leg.

Shao Wang screamed, struggling with all his strength, but couldn't break away from the skeleton. Shao Wang had the strength of the fusion realm, but in front of this skeleton, he was like a little chicken, unable to resist at all.

As for Wang Shao's subordinates, none of them took advantage. Someone was directly knocked down by the skeletons, some retreated, but they didn't dare to go up again, and watched that Wang Shao's leg was almost cut off by the skeletons.

"Help me! Help me!" Shao Wang screamed sternly, but in such a situation, who else would help?

At this time, the long-bearded man had sneaked to the futon quietly while everyone was not paying attention. He picked up the futon, and a hidden box immediately popped out below. He took out a wooden box from the secret compartment, and his expression suddenly turned excited.

"Hey, help!" a young man next to him anxiously, he hadn't noticed the strange situation.

"Okay!" The long-bearded man smiled, walked to the young man, suddenly stretched out his hand, and pushed the young man towards the skeleton.

Skeleton just thrown away Wang Shao, and another person came over. He directly grabbed the young man, opened his mouth and bit on the young man's neck. The young man could not resist at all, and was directly killed by a skeleton on the spot.

"What are you doing?" The other people were stunned, and Shao Wang was also dumbfounded: " dare to harm my friend!?"

"Hahaha..." The long-bearded man raised his head and smiled: "You made a mistake. I not only harmed your friend, but also you!"

"What do you mean?" Wang Shao trembled.

"Don't understand?" The long bearded man shook the box in his hand: "Will I give you such a precious thing? If you didn't lead the skeleton away, how would I get this baby?"

" actually took advantage of us!" Wang Shao roared: "Do you know what it is to offend my Wang family!"

"What can the Wang family do!" At this time, the long-bearded man no longer concealed his aura at all. He suddenly climbed his aura, and he was no less than Wang Shao, and he was also a strong man in the integration realm.

"I get this baby, and I will soon become a venerable. When that happens, Wang Wanli will come to me personally, and I will not be afraid of him!" Long Beard sneered.

" are so mean..." Wang Shao trembled with anger.

"I just know now, don't you think it's too late?" The long-bearded man smiled triumphantly: "You really think I call you Young Master, so you can ride on my head and **** and pee? That's right, I just used you, so what? The young master of the Wang family in Pingnam Province, the best in the group of dudes in Pingnam Province, will eventually become my stepping stone?"

Wang Shao roared with great anger, but he was helpless. Behind, the skeleton had completely killed his friend and was slowly walking towards him. Skeletons are not fast, but their power is so powerful that they can't compete.

"Young Master Wang, play slowly, I won't accompany you!" The long-bearded man smiled and said, "Farewell, hahaha..."

The long-bearded man laughed and turned and left, but he stopped shortly after he walked out. Because Su Yang has blocked his way.

"You...Who are you?" The long-bearded man frowned.

Here Wang Shao and others also saw it, all in amazement: "Su...Su Yang?"

The bearded man's complexion changed sharply: "Are you Su Yang?"

Su Yang stood with his hand in his hand and said calmly: "Let go of things, and tell me about the Three Saints, I can spare you not to die!"

"You... how do you know?" The long-beard man couldn't help being shocked, he was working for the Three Saints. But how did Su Yang know about this?

"The aura on your body cannot be changed." Su Yang said: "Why, are you going to let me do it myself?"

The long-bearded man took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and said: "Su Yang, you have been doing bad things about the gods again and again, do you know that you are mortal?"

"So what!" Su Yang said coldly: "If you don't agree, you can let your gods come to me!"

"The **** will definitely come to you, just wait to die!" The long beard said angrily.

"That's the future..." Su Yang said: "Now, let's say what I should say, I may spare you my life!"

"Damn, you really think you are invincible in the world!" The long bearded man said angrily: "I just don't believe it!"

The long-bearded man stomped the ground, and a burst of black light suddenly appeared around his body. The long-bearded man inhaled all these black awns into his abdomen, accumulated for a moment, and suddenly spewed out. This black awn directly turned into dozens of sharp swords and smashed Su Yang directly.

"Small bugs!" Su Yang waved his hand at random, all these black awns were knocked off.

The Nagabe man didn't expect this to be the case, and was shocked. Seeing Su Yang walking step by step, he suddenly gritted his teeth and roared: "I can't say anything!"

After speaking, the long-bearded man slowly fell to the ground, black blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth.

Su Yang frowned, this man with long beard, as well as the man in black before, are like this. He would rather die than tell about the Three Saints. What is the sacredness of these three holy gods, who can make them so loyal?

Open the wooden box and put a small piece of bronze rubbing inside. There are some weird symbols carved on the copper sheet, and Su Yang can't see what it is. However, it is this small piece of copper that can affect the direction of the spiritual energy of this treasured geomantic land, which is very strange.

Su Yang didn't know what this was, but since the people of the Three Holy Gods exhausted their minds to **** this thing, there must be a reason. He put away the copper piece.

On the other hand, most of the people brought by Young Master Wang had been killed by the skeleton. Wang Shao's leg was bitten off and he couldn't even crawl. Seeing the skeleton walk towards him step by step, he screamed like a pig in fright.

"Su Yang, Su Yang, save me, save me..." Wang Shao shouted with trembling.

Su Yang looked at Wang Shao and chuckled lightly: "Save you? Why? Don't you want me to kneel in front of you to beg for mercy with a high-grade magic weapon? Why, let me save you now?"

Wang Shao's expression was extremely embarrassing, he really didn't want to ask Su Yang. However, at this time, he was dead again without asking Su Yang.

"Master Su, I...I know I was wrong, please save my life..." Wang Shao trembled: "You saved me. From now on, I...My Wang family will definitely look forward to you!"

"What you said is really interesting." Su Yang said: "Even if I don't save you, don't your royal family dare to defy me?"

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