The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 2510: The hope of the monster family

"Brother Jinghong really saw it thoroughly!" Su Yang nodded and whispered softly: "The monster clan is now in a very critical moment. The guardian **** is planning something to do!"

The King of Jinghong widened his eyes, remained silent for a long time, and his expression was slumped: "I didn't expect that the Guardian God would do it so quickly. However, this matter will come sooner or later. It's a pity. , My monster clan, until now, has not been able to fully recognize the true face of the guardian god, and until now, has not completely united to fight against the guardian god!"

"Haha..." Su Yang smiled bitterly: "Even if the monsters are united together, can they fight the Guardian God?"

"This..." The King of Jinghong suddenly finished his words, was silent for a moment, and said in a low voice: "At least he can resist for a while, not like it is now. People are about to be killed, the monster clan is still dreaming of being able to Divide this big world with the guardian god, and then slowly wait for death."

"Brother Jinghong, it seems very negative!" Su Yang smiled.

"Huh?" Sage King Jinghong couldn't help but stared at Su Yang in surprise, wondering why Su Yang's attitude suddenly changed.

"I said, Brother Jinghong is very negative about the future of the Monster Beast Clan!" Su Yang said: "Does Brother Jin Hong feel that the Monster Beast Clan is really over?"

"How about it?" Jinghong Saint King asked in surprise.

"If I tell you that there is still hope for the monster clan, do you believe it or not?" Su Yang asked.

King Jinghong stared at Su Yang for a long time: "I will listen to you!"

"Brother Jinghong didn't think about Human Race?" Su Yang asked with a light smile.

Upon hearing this, King Jinghong's eyes immediately widened. He stared at Su Yang for a long time, and suddenly exclaimed: "You... Behind you, is there someone supporting you?"

"Hahaha..." Su Yang laughed: "Brother Jinghong is really smart!"

King Jinghong gasped, with shocked expressions on his face.

"What I said, what I said! We never knew each other, how could you save me? It turned out to be for this. The human race behind you wants to use me to unite the monsters and beasts. The beasts go against the guardian god?"

"Brother Jinghong, you think too much!" Su Yang said sternly: "The three major races in the big world, the human race is the weakest, what is the ability to use the monster clan to fight the guardian god? The purpose of the human race? It's very simple. They don't want to be the food of the monster clan, nor the cattle used by the guardian **** to farm. Therefore, the human race must resist, they must fight for themselves, against the guardian god, and control their own destiny!"

Jinghong Saint King looked at Su Yang, the expression on his face changed for a long time, and finally he nodded slowly: "So, the purpose of the human race is to unite with the monsters and beasts to deal with the guardian god?"

"Yes!" Su Yang nodded: "Brother Jinghong is a sensible person. You should know that the Human Race has no choice. Therefore, the Human Race must unite with the Monster Beast family to fight against the Guardian God!"

"Do you think this is possible?" Jinghong Saint King asked rhetorically.

"Things are man-made!" Su Yang said: "If I changed it to before, Brother Jinghong wouldn't believe it when I talked about it. But, what about now? The Alliance of Sky Fighters has developed to this stage, Human Race has half of the world unity. Together, they have become a force that cannot be underestimated. At this time, the human race will come back to talk with the monsters and beasts to unite, do you think it is possible?"

"So, the people behind you are those from the Sky Warrior Alliance?" Jinghong Saint King asked.

"Brother Jinghong guessed it again!" Su Yang smiled and nodded: "It's them!"

"When did you unite?" Jinghong Saint King asked in a deep voice.

"It's very early, you know that the previous battle between the guardian **** and the monster clan was also controlled by them from behind." Su Yang said.

"Huh?" Saint King Jinghong widened his eyes. He didn't expect that the Alliance of Sky Fighters had such an ability.

"Do you know how many members of my Monster Beast clan died in that battle!" Jinghong Saint King asked in a deep voice.

"Then do you know how many members of the monster clan were woken up after that battle?" Su Yang asked back.

Jinghong Saint King was silent, just as Su Yang said. After that battle, many great sage emperors have seen the gap between the monster beast clan and the guardian god, and it is precisely because of this that those great sage emperors were shocked in their hearts and began to speed up the cultivation speed of the monster beast clan.

"Furthermore, after that battle, we also have a general understanding of the strength of the Guardian God!" Su Yang whispered: "Knowing yourself and the enemy is the most important thing, isn't it?"

Jinghong Saint King looked at Su Yang: "What are you trying to say, just say it!"

"We want to unite the monster beast clan through Jinghong brother, and promote the union of the monster beast clan and the human race to fight against the guardian god!" Su Yang said.

"I don't have such great ability!" Jinghong Sage King said directly: "This is a decision that the Great Sage Emperor can make, and it is a decision that most of the Great Sage Emperor can make through consultation and approval together!"

"It's not there for the time being, but you will have it later." Su Yang smiled lightly: "First of all, I have to know, Brother Jinghong, what is your attitude towards the union between the human race and the monster beast race?"

Jinghong Saint King was silent for a long time, gritted his teeth and said: "If we can solve the crisis of the Guardian God first, other things are not important!"

Su Yang smiled, with the words of Jinghong Saint King, then this plan can continue.

"Brother Jinghong, you are now a holy emperor. Next, you can return to the monster clan!" Su Yang smiled lightly: "Go back to Luan Yu Dynasty first!"

"Go back?" Jinghong Saint King looked at Su Yang in surprise: "What the **** are you going to do? I am going back now. The other monster dynasties will definitely be held accountable immediately. Even if I want to show up, I shouldn't go to Luan Yu. Dynasty, that will only cause trouble for Luan Yu!"

"I know what you mean..." Su Yang whispered, "But, didn't I tell you before. If you want other monsters to accept the union with the human race, you must use some special means. Directly persuade them , The possibility is too small, we have to use some special methods."

Jinghong Saint King frowned, stared at Su Yang for a long time, and said solemnly: "Will this method hurt Luan Yu?"

"Don't worry, you may suffer a lot of pressure in a short time, or you may be injured, but there is absolutely no life worry!" Su Yang said.

Jinghong Saint King slowly nodded: "Okay, just do as you say. But before that, I want to ask you one more thing!"

"Brother Jinghong, just ask!" Su Yang nodded and smiled.

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