The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 2503: The mighty Lin Ye

Su Yang's face was calm, and he said loudly: "Whether you are arrogant, you won't know after the war. Are you here to convince people with reason?"

"Good point!" Golden Dragon Saint emperor shouted: "If that's the case, then let's not talk nonsense. Brothers, who wants to take this arrogant person for me!"

"I come!"

"I come!"

"To deal with this kind of person, why don't you take any action, I can come!"

A group of demon beast holy emperors rushed out, although Su Yang's momentum is not weak, but these demon beast holy emperors, relying on their natural racial advantages, do not put the human race in their eyes at all. Therefore, one by one couldn't wait to take down Su Yang immediately to show their power.

"With these wastes, what qualifications do you have to fight with me?" Su Yang snorted coldly, turned back to his side, and said loudly, "Who wants to fight this first match!"

"I'm coming!" Lin Ye shouted, rushing out first.

This guy used to fool Su Yang in the backbone of the Chaos Land before, and has always wanted to find a chance to make a contribution in front of Su Yang. Now the opportunity is here, of course it is faster than anyone else.

On the side of the monster clan, a tall man came out. This is a strong man in the monster clan, and the strength is among the top of these holy emperors.

This is the first battle, so the Golden Dragon Sacred Emperor dare not be careless. Although those demon beast holy emperors all wanted to fight, he finally chose a strong one, ready to play the momentum of the demon beast clan in this first battle.

Lin Ye and the monster holy emperor came together, of course, there was no nonsense, and they directly fought together.

Lin Ye is extremely strong, and the strength of this monster holy emperor is also extremely terrifying. When the two fought together, it was natural that the momentum was extremely large, and the powerful fluctuations in power made the holy emperors on both sides have to seal this space. Otherwise, this power fluctuation alone would be able to shake to death many of the holy kings who were watching the battle.

Not long after the war began, the monster holy emperor was hit by Lin Ye and suffered a loss.

The monster holy emperor was furious, let out a roar, and directly revealed the monster body, which was a black leopard. This leopard's body is extremely huge, from a distance, it is about ten thousand meters high, forcing everyone around him to retreat.

Lin Ye didn't hesitate, following the huge incarnation, he turned into a giant of ten thousand feet, and confronted the leopard head-on.

After the monster changed its body, its strength greatly increased, and it roared to defeat Lin Ye.

However, Lin Ye's strength was much stronger than this leopard after all. Such a head-to-head confrontation lasted not long before Lin Ye seized the opportunity to grab the head and tail of the leopard with both hands. With a roar, he tore the leopard's body in half abruptly.

The Leopard Saint Emperor suffered a big loss, quickly fleeing away, and he recovered his body in panic. When he looked at Lin Ye again, his eyes were full of panic. This battle had already made him clear that he was not Lin Ye's opponent at all. If the fight continues, his life will be explained here!

Seeing this situation, everyone in Zhenwu Realm cheered. The first battle was a complete victory, giving everyone a sense of morale.

However, the morale of the monster clan was low, and the first battle was lost. Moreover, the most important thing is that this leopard holy emperor is a well-deserved powerhouse among these holy emperors. Even if he loses, then other Saint Emperor, who else is Lin Ye's opponent?

The golden dragon holy emperor's face was extremely ugly, he didn't expect it to be the result. He glanced at Lin Ye deeply, and said solemnly: "I really didn't expect that there are such good players among you. With your strength, it is no problem to be the leader of the Celestial Alliance. You will still condescend. Under a little bastard?"

Lin Ye sneered: "You don't need to tell me these provocative things. If you want to fight, let's continue!"

"Arrogant!" The Golden Dragon Saint emperor yelled angrily: "Do you really think that you have defeated a holy emperor, so you can not put us in your eyes? The strength of my monster clan, you can't even imagine. Since you are trying to die, Then I will fulfill you!"

The Golden Dragon Saint Emperor turned his head to look at a cold-faced woman behind him, and said coldly, "I'll leave it to you!"

The woman nodded, and flew over to fight with Lin Ye.

The woman's body is a venomous green snake, and her strength is much stronger than that of the leopard holy emperor before. Moreover, she has a killer, that is the venom she has stored forever, and it is infinitely powerful. Generally, if the holy emperor does not know her venom, it is easy for her to succeed in a sneak attack. Once contaminated with this venom, even if the strength is several times stronger than her, it will end in hatred.

However, she was against Lin Ye. Lin Ye's ability to survive in the land of chaos is not entirely capable of bluffing and deceiving. Who can walk to the vicinity of the main city is not the one who has experienced many battles and walked out in the battle of life and death.

It can be said that Lin Ye has fought more monster beast holy emperors than this woman has seen. Lin Ye had also fought against a similar snake holy emperor, so after this woman came out, Lin Ye was watching carefully.

In the end, the woman's long-planned sneak attack failed, but Lin Ye seized the opportunity and suffered a heavy blow. This woman also fell to the end of the previous Leopard Saint Emperor, seriously injured and returned.

The two battles in a row made everyone in the True Martial Realm very excited, and also made the monster clan a little flustered.

The Golden Dragon Saint Emperor also widened his eyes. He didn't expect that he sent two strong men one after another, but was defeated by one of Su Yang's side. He couldn't help but began to re-examine Lin Ye, this person's strength was completely unexpected.

Moreover, the biggest problem that Golden Dragon Sage Emperor is now worried about is whether Lin Ye is the strongest on Su Yang's side!

If Lin Ye is the strongest player on Su Yang's side, it's fortunate to say that the Golden Dragon Saint Emperor is confident that he can defeat Lin Ye. However, if there is a stronger Holy Emperor on Su Yang's side, the problem will be serious.

The Golden Dragon Saint Emperor couldn't help but look at Su Yang in the distance. That is the new leader of the Sky Warrior Alliance. Is his strength stronger than Lin Ye? If he is better than Lin Ye, if he fights alone, he will probably not be his opponent. If he fights like this, he might lose his face.

Thinking of this, the Golden Dragon Sage Emperor made the decision for the first time, and definitely can't stand up like this anymore!

Anyway, I brought more holy emperors. If I can bully the less, why not use it?

The Golden Dragon Sage persuaded himself in his heart, and immediately said: "Too much bullying! The Alliance of Sky Fighters, you dare to stop my monster clan, it is just looking for death. Today, I will let you all die with this. !"

After that, he waved his hand and shouted: "Kill!"

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