The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 2481: I'm here to persuade you to kill him

Holy Emperor Luan Yu nodded slowly, and nothing else, the influence of King Jinghong in the monster clan is really not weak. In the previous battle between the monster clan and the guardian god, he did make a lot of effort in the process of uniting the monster beast clan. The holy emperor in the demon beast clan will not talk about it, but the demon beasts below the holy emperor really admire the sacred king.

"Such a powerful appeal in the monster clan, and the previous battle between the monster beast clan and the guardian god, basically it can be said that he personally ran and contacted the existence. If it died like this, it will cause What kind of influence?" Su Yang whispered: "Everyone knows what happened. If he was executed in this way, wouldn't it make other monsters feel that he died because of dealing with the guardian god. Then, In the future, who would dare to stand up and continue to resist the Guardian God?"

Holy Emperor Luan Yu's eyes widened, and his mood became excited. Speaking of this, Su Yang's intention is already very obvious, he wants Luan Yu Shenghuang not to kill Jinghong Shengwang.

For such a long time, the monsters who came here to persuade Saint Emperor Luan Yu were all asking Saint Emperor Luan Yu to kill Saint King Jinghong, and no one had come to persuade him not to kill.

Of course, the holy emperor who came to persuade him were all closer to the guardian god. Luan Yu holy emperor naturally knew what was going on.

For this matter, he went to the Great Sage Emperor several times and wanted to find the Great Sage Emperor to come forward. However, the Great Sage Emperor lost his last battle, so he never saw him, which made him a little desperate.

Now, there is a holy emperor who has come here to persuade him not to kill the jealous holy king. This is simply talking about his heart. Can he not be excited?

However, he was so excited, he also knew what was going on now. He didn't want to kill the Holy King Jinghong, but if he didn't kill the Holy King Jinghong, how could he pass the level in front of him?

"Brother Tianxiang, you are right, everyone knows what's going on. But the problem is, if I don't put to death, I am afraid it will be difficult to end this incident!" Luan Yu Shenghuang sighed: "Then A monster dynasty, I know that they are very close to the guardian god. However, we lost the last battle with the guardian god. Under such circumstances, if there is another internal fight of the monster clan , Then... wouldn't that make the current situation of the monster beasts worse?"

Su Yang smiled lightly: "Brother Luan Yu, I know your situation very well. Therefore, I am here this time not to persuade you not to kill King Jinghong. On the contrary, I am here to persuade you to kill him!"

"Ah?" Luan Yu Shenghuang suddenly widened his eyes. What does this mean? You said so much, but in the end you still want me to kill Saint King Jinghong, what is the difference between you and not saying?

At this time, Holy Emperor Luan Yu was really angry, he felt that Su Yang was playing him.

Su Yang saw the anger of the Holy Emperor Luan Yu, and smiled lightly: "You can tell the monster clan, and say that you want to execute the Holy King Jinghong. At the same time, you can also call the holy emperors of those dynasties over and watch them in person. You killed the Jinghong Saint King."

"What do you want to do?" Luan Yu Shenghuang asked in a deep voice, his face has turned cold, and he was thinking about whether to drive Su Yang away.

"You told the monster clan, and at the same time invited those holy emperors to watch the punishment. In this way, you have already done what you should do, so you don't have to worry about them putting pressure on you again!" Su Yang slowly Authentic: "But, on that day, if someone robbed the Dharma Field and rescued the King of Jinghong, what would happen?"

Holy Emperor Luan Yu was taken aback for a moment, he looked at Su Yang in amazement: "You...what do you mean?"

Su Yang took a deep breath and whispered: "I originally planned to save the King Jinghong from the jail, but after another thought, if you do this, Luan Yu Dynasty will bear all the responsibilities. When the time comes. , They will investigate your poor guards, Luan Yu brother will be very troublesome!"

Holy Emperor Luan Yu's eyes widened. He looked at Su Yang and said solemnly: " you know how much trouble it will cause you to save the Holy King Jinghong?"

"I know!" Su Yang smiled faintly: "So, I have arranged everything in order. After I rescue the King Jinghong, I will take him into hiding and wait for this period of time to come out again!"

"I'm not talking about this!" Luan Yu Shenghuang said solemnly: "If you do this, those monsters who take refuge in the guardian **** will make this matter a big deal. At that time, not only the guardian **** will chase and kill. You, even the monster clan, have to start targeting you, including the people around you!"

"I know all this!" Su Yang said slowly and slowly: "Since I have decided to save Saint King Jinghong, I have made all preparations. Don't worry, I don't need to worry about these things now!"

Holy Emperor Luan Yu stared at Su Yang for a long while, the expression on his face changed from shock to gratitude. He slowly bent over and arched his hands: "Thank you, Brother Tianxiang!"

Luan Yu Shenghuang is really grateful, you know, Su Yang is now the identity of the Celestial Elephant Holy Emperor. With such an identity, a dynasty can be established in the monster clan. Once Su Yang saved the King of Jinghong, he would lose everything. Such a decision is not something ordinary people can make!

How could Holy Emperor Luan Yu not be moved by making such a sacrifice in order to save the Jinghong Saint King?

"You don't need to be polite!" Su Yang said: "Holy King Jinghong is kind to me. It is my duty to save him. However, you have to remember what I just said. You have to tell the monster clan, prepare The execution of the King Jinghong. Also, let the holy kings of those dynasties come to watch the execution ground. In this way, you have done everything you should do, and I rescued the King Jinghong in front of them. , It’s not that your guards are weak, and they didn’t stop me either, and they won’t bother you anymore!"

Holy Emperor Luan Yu was moved in his heart, and I had to say that Su Yang was really considerate for him, and he had taken care of the rest of the matter for him.

In fact, Luan Yu Shenghuang did not know. Su Yang did this because he wanted to use the Jinghong Saint King as a breakthrough point to start the alliance between the human race and the monster beast race from the Luan Yu Dynasty side. Therefore, Su Yang did his best to keep the Luan Yu Dynasty. Otherwise, Su Yang can save the Holy King Jinghong directly. Why waste time like this!

"Brother Tianxiang, in fact, you don't have to be so troublesome!" Luan Yu Shenghuang said: "I am not afraid of those Holy Emperors, you can take away Jinghong Shengwang now. All other things are solved by me, you don't need to worry about it. The next thing. Even if those holy emperors come to me, what can they do, Jinghong holy king is not here, I am still afraid that they will not succeed?"

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