The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 2478: Reiki advancement

After walking out of the Demon Abyss, Su Yang added another seal to the outside of the Demon Abyss, making it impossible for people to enter at will.

If someone enters it rashly and accidentally touches the stele, I don't know what the consequences will be. This place is really not suitable for letting people in and out at will.

Back in the human world, Su Yang did not leave, but found Ye Wantong and asked about the divine lord before.

The **** master knew many secrets, and Su Yang had already ordered the people of the Nine Realms to search for him. However, until now, there has been no harvest. This divine master seems to have evaporated from the world, and there is no trace of it.

Of course, Su Yang knew very well that this divine lord must have some life-saving method to hide his breath so that people could not find him. And this also made Su Yang more curious about him. Su Yang wanted to find this person, figure out his secrets, and by the way, figure out the secrets of these three dead Jedi.

However, it is certainly not easy to find God Lord. Even before, Ye Wantong took several holy emperors and thoroughly searched the Nine Realms, but could not find this person, which shows how strong this person is in hiding.

This time the situation was still the same, Su Yang personally searched the human world, but could not find the **** master, this matter could only be done in the end.

After setting up the affairs of the Nine Realms, Su Yang left the Nine Realms with three crystal skeletons.

At the same time, several people were hiding in the dark under the Arctic ice in the human world.

The head of the person is the divine lord, he sits cross-legged, and the few people next to him are all his subordinates who have followed him for so many years.

Around these people, there was a faint light, enveloping them. This light comes from a small jade bottle.

Suddenly, the God Lord opened his eyes. He raised his head and looked up, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth: "Want to find me? Dream!"

Several people nearby also opened their eyes, and one of them whispered: "My Lord God, have they started searching again?"

"This time, Su Yang came here personally!" The **** master sneered: "But, what about that? With this light, even if I stand in front of them, they will never find me!"

Everyone looked at the jade bottle, and for so many years, they had also seen the peculiarity of this jade bottle. So many holy emperors came to look for them personally, but they couldn't be found. This was really unusual.

"This surnamed Su really doesn't live up to the Yellow River!" a person whispered: "I have been looking for us for so many years. I really have nothing to do!"

"He is not idle and doing nothing. He has to find me." The **** master sneered: "Otherwise, how can he know the secrets of these three death Jedi? Among the three thousand worlds, who knows these three? The secret of the Great Death Jedi is only me!"

Everyone looked at each other, and for so long, they all had doubts about the identity of God Lord. And the words of God Lord now shocked them even more.

Among the three thousand great worlds, he is the only one who knows this secret? How amazing is the identity of the God Lord?

"What are the secrets of these three death Jedi?" a person next to him asked curiously.

The God Lord glanced at him and said coldly: "Don't talk too much about things that you shouldn't know!"

The man closed his mouth immediately, but he didn't dare to anger the Lord.

The God Lord got up and walked to the side of the jade bottle, stretched out his hand and lightly flicked on the aperture, but his brow suddenly frowned.

"The auras of the three major death Jedi are all advanced? Why are they so fast?" The **** master exclaimed.

"Aura advanced?" Everyone was surprised: "Aura can still advance?"

The divine lord looked cold and said solemnly: "It seems that I still underestimated their recovery speed. No, I must find a way to control the situation as soon as possible. Otherwise, when they recover, I won't want to control everything!"

Everyone next to them was all at a loss, not knowing what the **** master was talking about. However, looking at the divine lord's anxious look, it is estimated that something extremely important has really happened.

The divine lord walked back and forth several times on the spot, and finally seemed to have made some determination. He gritted his teeth abruptly and took off a bracelet from his wrist.

The God Lord stared at this bracelet for a long time, then sighed in a daze: "Find the skin with the tiger, seek the skin with the tiger!"

After that, the **** master had to crush the bracelet in the end. He knew very well that his time was running out and he could only do this. Although the risk is high, it is better than just sitting here and waiting for death!


Su Yang didn't know what was happening under the Arctic Glacier. After he left the Nine Realms, he immediately rushed to the nearby Luan Yu Dynasty.

Although during this period of time, this big world has been a lot of turmoil, but it basically did not affect the Luan Yu Dynasty. Because these few turbulences can basically be said to be provoked by Su Yang. In order to protect the Nine Realms, Su Yang tried his best to keep these disturbances away from the Nine Realms. Therefore, the Luan Yu Dynasty could be regarded as being in touch with the Nine Realms and was not affected by these disturbances.

However, because Luan Yu Dynasty was the closest monster dynasty to the Nine Realms. Therefore, the penetration of the Nine Realms into the Luan Yu Dynasty was also the greatest. In today's Luan Yu Dynasty, almost half of the holy kings are the people of the Nine Realms. It can be said that the Luan Yu Dynasty has basically been controlled by the Nine Realms for nearly half.

Of course, such a thing, the monster beast on the side of Luan Yu Dynasty didn't even know about it. These monsters simply couldn't imagine that the people on the Nine Realms could change like this.

In addition, Su Yang allowed the strong from the Nine Realms to enter the furnace, and the rest of the Nine Realms were only the weak. Therefore, in the eyes of outsiders, the Nine Realms are still that unremarkable little world, and no one will notice the Nine Realms.

Su Yang rushed to the Luan Yu Dynasty and found several members of the Nine Realms guarding here and asked about the recent situation of the Great World.

Although there are many holy emperors in the Nine Realms, the Nine Realms have always been isolated from the world. Therefore, there is not much news about the Great World in the Nine Realms. It's the Monster Beast Dynasty side that can get news from other Monster Beast Dynasty, so the Monster Beast Dynasty side is also relatively well-informed.

These members of the Nine Realms knew Su Yang, and many of them were also Su Yang's old knowledge. Therefore, Su Yang came to inquire about the news. These people immediately integrated all the information together, so that Su Yang had a general understanding of the current situation of the big world.

Since the last melee between the Monster Beast Clan Sky Wars Alliance and the Guardian God, there has been no war in the big world. It can be said that in that battle, the Alliance of Sky Fighters was basically over, and the monster clan was also defeated and fell into silence.

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