The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 2473: Who are you

"Senior Ni is polite!" Su Yang immediately replied: "The person you should thank is not me, but the two brothers Lin. They found you, and they rescued you personally!"

Su Yang handed this favor to Lin Kelinyuan, and Ni Tiandao immediately thanked the two people.

Lin Kelin was far flattered, after all, this was their idol most.

After some greetings, Lin Klin, far from Su Yang's instruction, also gave a rough overview of the current situation.

After listening to Su Yang's purpose, Ni Tiandao's expression also became excited.

"The big world of the human race! The big world of the human race!" Ni Tiandao said excitedly: "This is something I have always wanted to do, but I can't do it. Brother Su, you...are you really going to do this? If you If you really want to do this, then Ni will definitely support you with all his strength and will never stop going through fire and water!"

Su Yang smiled and said: "Senior Ni, this matter is not about who supports whom. We are all fighting for the human race. The most important thing is that we can unite and deal with the guardian **** wholeheartedly."

Listening to Su Yang's words, Ni Tiandao saw Su Yang more pleasingly.

"No matter what, what do you say, how can I do it!" Ni Tiandao smiled.

"Thank you Senior Ni!" Su Yang smiled and nodded, and then roughly said the next situation, and then selected a dozen people from those withered bones.

These people were selected by Lin Kelinyuan and Ni Tiandao, who were familiar with them.

After Su Yang recovered these people, they were all as shocked as Ni Tiandao. They were also very excited when they learned that Su Yang was going to deal with the Guardian God. I have to say that no matter which big world people come from, everyone has the same goal in dealing with the guardian god!

After selecting these dozens of people, Su Yang left another spar. Inside this spar, there is a mark left by Su Yang, which is the mark of this big world map.

He couldn't just put this map into other people's minds like Qingguang. He could only leave this mark and let Ni Tiandao and the others watch the mark on their own, and slowly remembered the map of this big world in their minds.

Although the big world is huge, these people are all holy emperors. It is not difficult to write down the map of the big world.

Su Yang gave them the map so that they could go to Su Yang to report to him immediately after encountering a situation. Even if you can't find Su Yang, you can report to the Nine Realms. People in the Nine Realms find it much easier to find Su Yang.

With everything arranged properly, Su Yang left the area with three crystal skeletons and headed straight for the Nine Realms.

Next, Su Yang was about to deal with the guardian god. Before that, he had to go back to the Nine Realms to see the situation in the Nine Realms.

After all, after so many years of absence, who knows if the Nine Realms have suffered any accidents?

Going back to the Nine Realms is much easier. The four Su Yang turned into the holy emperor of the monster beast clan, and they used the portal of the monster beast clan to return to the Nine Realms within a short time.

He rushed to the Nine Realms and took a long look. There was no change in the Nine Realms.

The four Su Yang returned to the original state and rushed directly to the moon.

In fact, Su Yang and the others also tried to go directly to the Nine Realms, but, like the planet guarded by the blue light before, they could not fly directly to the Nine Realms. Only by flying above the moon can you enter the Nine Realms, which is very strange.

However, thinking of the three death Jedi on the Nine Realms side, Su Yang also vaguely felt that this should be a restriction left by a certain ancient power. Otherwise, wouldn't the secret of the Nine Realms be noticed long ago?

As soon as they entered the moon, Su Yang and the others were surrounded by a group of people. These people are all of the strength of Yasheng, and Su Yang and the others have determined the strength level of guarding the moon.

The strength of these people is really too weak. They haven't entered the Profound Realm, so naturally they can't see the true situation of Su Yang. Therefore, they still surrounded the four Su Yang aggressively, seeing that the posture was ready to take the Su Yang four directly.

Su Yang swept his eyes, and there was no one he knew.

But this is also normal. It has been nearly a hundred years since Su Yang left the Nine Realms, and the Nine Realms had already undergone earth-shaking changes. Moreover, Su Yang left so many spiritual sources to the Nine Realms, and also changed the spiritual roots of the Nine Realms itself. The Nine Realms have profound auras, and the strength of the Nine Realms Cultivator has improved extremely quickly.

Once wanted to be promoted to a saint, it was a rare thing in a lifetime. And now, the promotion of saints is only the minimum standard. These sub-sages, just like classmates and apprentices, guarding the moon, they can only be regarded as practice trials here.

Those who have fought side by side with Su Yang, or those who have met Su Yang, certainly can't be in the realm of Sub Sage now. Therefore, this awkward situation has been created, with so many people around, none of whom Su Yang knows!

"Uh..." Su Yang said in a little embarrassment, "Well, we are members of the Nine Realms. Don't get me wrong!"

"Nonsense!" a young man with a sword on his back shouted angrily: "We have been in the Nine Realms for so many years. We have never seen you or heard of four people like you. Are you members of the Nine Realms? What are we really? Don't you know?"

"He didn't lie to you, we are really members of the Nine Realms!" Ercheng said: "Do you know Ye Wantong?"

"Bold, you dare to call the master's name directly!" The Young Long Sword was furious, and he drew his sword directly and pointed at the second city lord. The other youths also glared at each other. In these people's minds, Ye Wantong was the real fairy, and when others called her by her name, it was blasphemy.

"What boldness!" The second city lord was anxious: "Why can't I call her name? Ye Wantong is my eldest daughter-in-law, she doesn't have so many rules, where do you come from?"

"You dare to insult our master, you are looking for death!" The long-sword young man was extremely angry, brandishing his sword and roaring: "Kill!"

Those people around also shot at the same time, dozens of long swords went straight to Su Yang.

Su Yang was immediately helpless, who could have imagined it, and went home by himself, and encountered such a situation.

"I think you owe it to you!" The Second City Lord's eyes widened and he wanted to make a move, but Su Yang stopped him.

Su Yang waved his hand lightly, and the dozens of long swords flew directly back into the scabbards of these people. Su Yang didn't talk nonsense with them, and directly took a step forward and crossed these people into the Moon Tower.

There were also some saints guarding the Moon Tower, but Su Yang didn't know it either.

Su Yang ignored them, and directly entered the Nine Realms.

The three crystal skeletons followed suit and did not talk nonsense with these people, bypassing them and entering the Nine Realms.

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