The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 246: Hometown of Qi'er

Qi'er was adopted, and her adoptive father and mother took her out to seek medical treatment, exhausted everything, and the adoptive father died on the way.

It can be said that although the adoptive father and adoptive mother are not her biological parents, they are better than her biological parents.

"Why leave?" Su Yang smiled: "Where do you want to go, just go, you don't need to tell me."

Qi'er whispered: "Brother Su, you have helped us so much, how can I be so casual..."

"You don't treat me as your own person anymore!" Su Yang smiled and said, "Okay, don't say so much. When I go, I happen to be fine. I will go shopping with you."

Qi'er immediately rejoiced: "Okay, Brother Su, I'll take you to our hometown, our place is so beautiful!"


Early the next morning, Qi'er packed up his things, and a few people set off to Qi'er's hometown.

Qi'er's mother is now able to walk on her own, so the movement is fairly convenient.

Qi'er's hometown is relatively remote, in the mountains of Zhongchang City.

Su Yang asked Hou Shilin to find a seven-seater commercial vehicle. Master Fang drove, and Su Yang sat in the back, and even Xiao Hei followed.

The fat man came crazy, even more simply, he came over early in the morning with his luggage, shouting that he was going to travel. This fat man didn't have any consciousness. He was going to worship his father, so he went to visit the mountains and water.

In half a day, everyone arrived at Qi'er's hometown.

It is really remote and scary, and the car will not be able to move forward before reaching the entrance of the village.

No way, everyone had to get off the car and walk into the village.

It was noon, and many people were eating and chatting under the tree at the entrance of the village. Suddenly several people came in, making them all surprised.

Especially Qi'er, who is as beautiful as a god, stunned everyone. Have they ever seen such a beautiful woman, Qi'er's appearance is even more beautiful than the star on the calendar!

However, the crowd quickly discovered Qi'er's adoptive mother among the crowd, and the crowd immediately started to noisy.

"Hey, isn't this Aunt Wu, Aunt Wu!" A woman recognized Qi'er's adoptive mother.

"Oh, Hua'er, it's you!" Qi'er's adoptive mother Wu Aunt also recognized everyone and was excited.

The villagers immediately gathered around and started to question. Of course, more people's eyes are on Qi'er, after all, she is so attractive.

When everyone heard that this beautiful girl was Qi'er, the scene was even more troublesome.

When they left the village, Qi'er was still covered with abscesses. It was so terrible that even the people in the village were reluctant to look at her. Who could have imagined that the current Qi'er was so beautifully born, he looked like a god.

After some greetings, Aunt Wu Qier finally walked out of the crowd and went to the mountain behind to burn paper for Qi'er foster father.

At this time, among the crowd, a man with wicked eyebrows and squirrel eyes slipped out of the crowd and hurried away on a motorcycle.

Half an hour later, the man came to town and directly found a billiards hall in the town.

This billiards hall was opened by Sun Guofu, the local snake, and the man can be regarded as his subordinate. As soon as he walked in, he found that something was wrong in the hall. It was more lively than usual. There were more than a dozen people here.

These people have big arms and round waists, and they are not easy to mess with.

Sitting among them was a middle-aged man with a grim face, and Sun Guofu, a local snake, stood beside him, nodding and bowing, with a flattering expression.

The man hurriedly walked to Sun Guofu and whispered: "Brother Fu, come out, I have something to tell you!"

"Fuck you!" Sun Guofu immediately stared: "Brother Gang is here, you **** let me go out? If you neglect Brother Gang, can you afford it?"

"Brother Gang?" The man was taken aback.

"Yes, don't you know Brother Gang in the county?" Sun Guofu said angrily.

"God, it's Brother Gang..." The man immediately nodded and bowed, but Brother Gang didn't even glance at him.

"Get out, I didn't see that I was discussing things with Brother Gang!" Sun Guofu cursed.

The man hesitated for a while, and whispered: "Brother rich, this time...this time there is something great..."

"What good thing can be more important than Brother Gang here?" Sun Guofu stared, this guy flattered well.

"This..." The man scratched his head and whispered: "There are beauties!"

"Huh?" Sun Guofu was stunned for a moment, and Brother Gang glanced over.

"What's so great about beautiful women? You haven't seen a beautiful woman, and Brother Gang has never seen a beautiful woman?" Sun Guofu stared.

"No, Brother Fu, Brother Gang, I...I can guarantee that this beauty is definitely something you have never seen before!" The man anxiously said, "It's too beautiful, one hundred times more beautiful than any other star. By the way, What Yinger, right, I don't think this girl is as pretty!"

"Isn't it?" Brother Gang also said, "Is there such a beautiful girl? Where is it? You saw it in a dream?"

Everyone burst into laughter, the man flushed, and said anxiously: "It's in our village. It's a person from our village. Go back to the grave!"

"Let's pull it down!" Sun Guofu said immediately: "What kind of beauties can come out of your village? Damn, what kind of **** jokes, isn't your village just a village girl!"

"Brother Gang, Brother Rich, I dare to guarantee my life, this beauty is definitely something you have never seen before, so beautiful!" The man anxiously said, "If it is not beautiful enough, you can kill me!"

Sun Guofu and Gang Gang looked at each other, this man is too sure, right?

After a moment of silence, Sun Guofu said, "What happened to the beauty?"

"Uh..." the man whispered: "That's it, their family owed us money a few years ago. Not much, thirty yuan, but it has been more than ten years. Ligunli, how much should that be? . Later, I will ask them for money. If they don’t give it, they can...can use this girl as a mortgage..."

The man quietly approached Sun Guofu: "Brother Fu, this girl, tut, it's so beautiful and beautiful. If you miss this village, there will be no shop!"

Sun Guofu looked at Brother Gang, and Brother Gang pondered slightly, and said, "Alright, let's go and see. It's rare for Young Master Chen to come down and play. If we can find a beautiful woman to accompany us, we can be considered a meritorious service. Chen Shao went to Brother Biao and said a few words, Sun Guofu, you are not just messing around in this town!"

Sun Guofu was overjoyed: "Okay, Brother Gang, I will do this for you beautifully!"

The man is also overjoyed. If this matter is done, he will definitely be good.

Brother Gang did not go out. Sun Guofu took a dozen of his men and rushed to the village with the men.

When they rushed to the village, Qi'er and several people just came down from the grave and were chatting with people at the entrance of the village.

"Brother rich, it's her!" The man pointed at Qi'er.

Sun Guofu glanced, his eyes straightened: "In this world, there really are such beautiful women!?"

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